new Readme
Title: Total War
WW2 european and atlantic theater
working Beta
Scen. has been nearly completed
Scen differentiates between human and AI players.
recommended level: General
Level nightmare only for experts.
city reconnaissance is fundamental.
There ar lots of strongpoints disappearing by taking key cities
but its also possible to kill strongpoints with your units at some costs.
These strongpoints can be build only by AI at the end of the techpath
bunkers are defined as domain 3 units so they couldnt moved by Freighters(Transports) or Convoys(Carrier)
Western Allies and Russia should not start military operations against anybody, until they are attacked by germany. They got their
military techs via special events (german attack) or achieving the end of the Techpath.
Neutrals are not able to build a substantial military force at the beginning until they discover Tech enable Weapons at the end of the Techpath .
Italians, French, minor Axis dont get advanced units until they discover Tech enable Weapons at the end of the Techpath.
At this time you can decide the allied and the german weaponry-techpath
Choosing your favourite will form a permanent war with the other side.
Russia Germany and Allies has separate techpaths to get their weaponry.
I couldnt prevent AI from trading with the "false" techs without forbid diplomatic activities completly. So I define all allied
Weaponry as -1,9 techs
and german weaponry as -1,-9 techs .
french and allies are defined as civilised leaders and all axis as militaristic leaders
Russia civilize is defined as 0
Civ splitting is enabled. so its possible that killed civ restarts via split.
All possible in game features allowed to win the scenario.
Dont change any of the textfiles.
victory condition: capturing all cities of the opposing coalition.
Hint: every unit has a function, Infanteryunits are able to see invisible enemies,
with irregulars you can run recon missions.
look for huts you can find some specials
reproduction of units is expensive. Germany Is able to upgrade units
Money and research are the main problems.All civs starts with -x income.
keep your research as high as you can. your AI enemies will research 1-3 turns per Techs at the beginning
Germans has most problems with anti war demonstrations (pollution); the other civs are less effected by this feature
It's not possible to trade Technologies between human players and others.
buts its possible to gift Technologies. It's your choice to choose the right thing.
Changing Terrains may be essential to increase production, on the other side you can transform several terrains
to swamp to create defense lines.
All civs playable but the main civs
Allies, Axis and Russia because of their full working techpath.
All other civs have to wait until Tech "enable Weapons" to get better weapons.
AI players generally have a fast research especially the main Civs and the Neutrals.
As human you have to concentrate on key technologies, you decide the way
pure military power or city development and research.
But beware of getting to far behind to the AI players in Technology, military power
or ecomic strenght. You will be thrown away at the dumpyard of history.
Use diplomatic negotiations to prevent some unusual problems,
as there were anti war demonstrations.
Via diplomacy you can aquire the useful technology human.
The civs
2 coalitions
Germans, Italians, minor Axis
Allies, French Russians
additional Neutrals and further Neutrals (Barbar)
Axis players are the aggressors, They start WW2 whereever and whenever they want.
you should follow the origial history path, to prevent some casualities,
but it's not recommended.
Germany:main power, strongest military power at the start, they have also an strong economy to wage a war.
But they need to expand to compete with Allies und Russians.
As Axis you have to decide - supply your Axis partners with new weapons,
since Germany is not able to wage a war at all fronts but there is also danger of changing sides.
-attack direction
Italy: only strong in the beginning of WW2. As time comes
their weaponry will become some historical worth.
Albania after germany attacks poland
Balcan, mediterean Sea
minor Axis
Its the weakest of the 3 axis civs. Try to survive and give the other axis powers some assistanc By all means.
Russia: main power they need to improve their economy first until the german aggression starts.
to compete with the germans with newest weaponry.
free further Neutral cities estwards of the Curzon line after germany attacks Poland
Look at the diplomacy screen, defeat the civs you are at war with.
Their gouvernment dont allow stronger military engagements.
They have also a problem to keep their people content, they need some key research.
-France : Its your task to delay the german agression, if you fail to soon
your allies were not able to defeat the axis and to heal the world from fascist regimes.
-Allies :main power, prevent german brigdeheads on your coast at all costs. to win the war you need also the ressources of the United States,
wich starts as further Neutrals.Assist your french partners.
-Neutrals:keep your civ neutral at all cost, you are not able to build a strong military at the beginning.
Its your chance to achieve the enable Weapons technology.
At this time you decide, whose looking like an enemy. I hope your decision will be rigth.
Many thanks to everyone who creates the artwork, some text taken from other Scens because of bad english abilitys.
European parts of the gigamap mostly taken from Harlan Thompson - Ansteig
Special Thanks to Stef.
I use his unitset and tons of soundevents he used in his scenario Blitzkkrieg (another upcoming new Scenario)
update 28.10.03
more agressive Axis
update 31.10.03
completely reworked main-techpath
(contains now some loops

Feedback desired to
Thoddy - Thorsten Wahl- Germany - Hanover
@title=F O R B I D D E N
It's strictly forbidden to Cheat!