October 15, 2003, 00:59
Local Time: 04:35
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: falling, once again
Posts: 8,823
IC - The return of HongHu
"Instead of alienating the Planet, we assimilate it," Deputy Chairman Jamski spoke with great enthusiasm, "Instead of alienating the two factions, we combine them. Together, we will create the greatest period of economic expansion in Chiron history!”
Marshal Rokossovky stood with Buster, Moongoose, Jamski and Vev on a temporary stage in front of thousands of cheering Free Drone workers. He listened to Jamski's speech half mindedly, while his keen eyes habitually searched the crowd below him. The Free Drones and the Human Hives have finally officially closed the pact after a long day's negotiation. The document had been sent to Chairman Voltaire for his signature. Meanwhile Rokossovky planned to stay in the Drone’s territory for a couple more days. He got more things to do here.
Rokossovky’s eyes set at a far corner in the crowd. Something caught his attention. Was that a black butterfly? He didn’t get a clear look before it was buried in the thousands of heads again. But it looked kind of familiar … Rather rare for a Drones girl to have any decoration on her hair … Rokossovky hurried down the stage. He did not want to waste time to let the guards know where he was going. He had to be quick. Stay there, don’t go. He prayed as he made his way though the crowds.
What is he doing? Jade suddenly realized that the marshal was walking toward this direction. She turned around hastily and tried to flee when she suddenly bumped into somebody. “Sorry John!” She mumbled while continued trying to get away. But an alarm flashed in her mind forcing her to turn back. John? He should be with Jamski. That man was not John. She realized why she had mistaken that man as John just now. He was dressed up in a black robe, just as a Hive probe team agent. And he had something in his hand … Jade did not have time to take in the situation but her instinct made her to turn and follow the man. He moved quickly in the crowd, like an eel in the water. Jade was only two steps from him, but it was so hard to push away all those big Drones boys.
Damn it! He had gotten the perfect position. And damn it that bustard had to decide to step down from the stage. Now he had to get closer to him to get a clear shot. But he’d have him after all. The man took out his laser gun and aimed it to Marshal Rokossovky.
“Noooo!” Jade lunged forward with all her strength. With a big thump, like a stone thrown into a lake, the crowd receded with surprised clutters for a short moment, and then flew back to form a circle. Only one second later, a tall figure jumped up from the ground, violently broke the circle and dashed away. Twenty steps away, two men in black robes followed, racing right after him.
Rokossovky pushed his way into the circle. In the middle of a swamp of blood, there lied a girl, face down and motionless. Rokossovky turned her over and held her into his arms. She was still conscious. Rokossovky pressed his hands onto the small wound in her chest, trying to staunch the gushing blood. He looked at her face. Her eyes swam with pain, but she saw him. She smiled.
The lighting in the sky was beautiful, soft and subdued. The expanse of Chiron slipped into twilight as Centauri A and B touched the horizon together.
It was Double down.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
October 15, 2003, 18:42
Local Time: 03:35
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Marshal of the Revolutionary Army of the Socialist People of the Human Hive
Posts: 348
Soon the buzz around them returned. Officers started pushing the crowd back, and in the distance the sirens of emergency vehicles could be heard. Blood was staining the pavement below her. Still Rokossovky pressed, his eye's tearing.
"What are you doing here? Why didn't you tell me where you went!?" In his mind he knew wasn't angry at her, he was angry at himself. He was angry he couldn't have stopped this, he couldn't have protected her.
It seemed like only a moment before the medics were pulling the Marshal away. In the blink of an eye she was gone, loaded into the loud, screaming machine which would save her life.
All of a sudden Rokossovky caught up with the world. There he was, standing in the middle of the commotion. Guards were all around him, trying to force him into a car that had pulled up to his left.
...vengeance... The only thought in his mind now.
Ducking below one of the policemen and spinning around a passer-by he lost himself in the crowd. He remembered the building where he saw the assailant run towards. Short, stout, metallic grey. Dreary, like this day, and like everything the Drones produce. It didn't take long for him to find a dark alleyway.
He stopped and caught his breath. The Drones had been explicit that there was to be no weapons. ...when have rules stopped me...
Rokossovky grabbed his lighter, stuck his pen in the top, securing it with a twist, then slid the right half of his flask off and hooked it to the bottom; giving him a grip. Now came the hard part. The drones would have picked up any energy cell had he carried it on him. But the body itself is an energy signature. It produces enough electricity to power a light bulb. He pulled his knife out, and sliced open the side of his leg. Out came a small, all plastic cell which was put into the back of the makeshift weapon. He was ready.
The Marshal knew that the entire drone garrison would be out, scouring the city for the person who did this. He knew they would be searching all the dark places someone could hide. He knew they would be calculating exactly how far he could have gotten, possible escape routes; all the things an effective police force would. He also knew that any trained assassin would know this as well.
Rokossovky walked down the alley to where it met another building and split into two. He could hear water dripping into a puddle behind him and the stench of civilization filled his nostrils. Light echoed through the crack where the sky could be seen, giving the alley more of a shadow appearance, rather than pure darkness. Just enough to make out the old posters plastered to the high walls, and the movement of parasites in the trash.
Taking a small run he jumped and grabbed at a latter just above reach. With a groan he pulled himself onto the platform it came from. Reaching for the door he found it locked, but curiously the boarded window beside him flapped in the wind. Quietly pushing the barrier aside he entered the building.
It was a warehouse, or at least appeared so. Beams of light streamed from the windows through the dust onto an empty floor. Pillars filled the room.
In the corner of his eye a dark flash streaked out of view. Thunder filled the air.
It still wriggled. The weapon he had was underpowered, and left a smouldering hole in its chest. However small, a hole in the lung is disabling. The Marshal knew this. He also knew his next shot to the side of the head would be deadly. He only had one question, "Who?"
The only words Rokossovky let come out were "For the glory of the Hi..." It was all he needed to hear.
The air outside was fresh and rejuvenating, the night seemed so very alive. He went to find out where HongHu was.
- Comrade Marshal Rokossovky
Marshal of the Revolutionary Army of the Socialist People of the Human Hive
October 24, 2003, 15:34
Local Time: 03:35
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Marshal of the Revolutionary Army of the Socialist People of the Human Hive
Posts: 348
"People brushed past, indifferent. The world hadn't changed for them. It was the same as it was before. Rokossovky, however, stood out.
The world had taken on a slightly different hue for him. It had changed. His dreams and his life were finally brought back together. The memories that kept her image alive had begun to fade; but now, they were brilliant, shining like the stars in the pure blackness of a moonless sky. That one, peaceful, serene moment where he saw her face, calm and relaxed, brought it all back. It didn't matter what the circumstance was, it was her. He quickened his step, the hospital was a fair distance away.
He entered a room at the top of the building. Around him, the hum of technology buzzed through the air. He could see her lying there on the bed, sleeping. It was wonderful what medicine could do nowadays. A quick operation and the wound that would have quickly lead to her death was fixed. HongHu’s body was alright, it was just waiting for her mind to rest. The hospital could do nothing more for her other than try and provide a relaxing and calming environment. Rokossovky knew of a much better place to do this.
The transport arrived as expected with the appearance of the two suns off in the distance. A Hive medical team, specially ordered by the Marshal, came and escorted HongHu back to the safety of the motherland. It was only a few days on the sea, and another night before Rokossovky, HongHu, and the doctors reached an oasis in the fungus.
HongHu remembers seeing it for the first time. From afar, all she could make out was the sun reflecting off of what looked like a dome. As she got closer, her suspicions were confirmed as a massive biosphere filled the window of the rover. Passing through the airlock and into the breathable air, she was astonished. All around here were trees, flowers, grass and bushes. It was earth. Had she died?
The rover pulled into the driveway of a large estate. It had the old, Victorian architecture of an English manor house. The name, “Thrusscross Grange” emblazoned in the stone above the dark, oak front door added to this sophisticated, yet peaceful atmosphere.
The next thing HongHu remembered is waking up. In front of her light gleamed through large windows; the type that go right from the floor to the ceiling with French doors and drapes hanging from brass polls along the top. The bed she was in was most definitely not a hospital bed. She imaged she had an entire continent to herself, with the edges of the land stretching beyond reach. Under her head, the soft caress of a down pillow cuddled her, and silk sheets gently touched her face.
The room was large. There was dark marble on the floors, lighter marble on the walls, and a magnificent fresco on the roof above her head. HongHu could just see the free body of a man reaching out to touch the finger of an innocent child with wings.
The doors at the end of the room opened, and in walked the Marshal. Except; he was acting very strangely. There was a smile on his face.
“What do you think?” He remarked.
Only a stunned look on HongHu’s face replied.
“What do you think I was off doing all that time?” The Marshal’s voice was smooth and content; almost happy with himself. “But don’t tell the chairman, for I fear he would become horribly jealous.”
- Comrade Marshal Rokossovky
Marshal of the Revolutionary Army of the Socialist People of the Human Hive
October 28, 2003, 17:42
Local Time: 04:35
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: falling, once again
Posts: 8,823
Comrade HongHu strolled among the giant trees in Marshal’s little garden. The world around her was quiet and peaceful. It was still early morning. Sunshine scattered through the dense leaves. For a long time, Comrade HongHu had not been used to such quietness. It was such a strange feeling. HongHu felt like she was abandoned in this heavenly place. What had happened to her seemed so far away, like in an entirely different life. A light breeze turned a brown leaf on the ground. HongHu realized that winter was almost here. But it was still warm comparing to the freezing weather at the Drones. Comrade HongHu’s mind drifted back to the days when she was at the Drones. She remembered Yoda and Achmed, and John and Trip. … What are they doing now? She wondered. She rested her cheek at the trunk of a giant fir, let the cold sensation run through her exhausted body. The wound in her chest had healed. But why did her heart still hurt so badly? She tried to divert her thought to other things, but she couldn’t help remembering him. Her worries when he was away, her joys when he was back … She did not know when this had happened. She had been denying it to herself until now. … Have I trusted the wrong person? Have I fallen into the wrong love? … Did he feel any regret when he learnt that it was I who was shot? Slowly sliding down along the tree, HongHu sat at the root. Her thoughts were tangled. Her heart was heavy. … Maybe I should have just died. At least that would have made him happy … She closed her eyes. Two big drops of tear slowly rolled down along her cheeks.
“Why are you crying, grasshoppar?” Comrade HongHu was startled at the voice that suddenly appeared from nowhere. A tall, handsome young man stood in front of her. His face was pale, and his eyes were cold. “Oh, it’s you!”
He knelt before her, studying her face.
“You are unhappy.” It was a statement, as dry and flat as any other statements he had made in the past. Strangely, HongHu felt that this time his voice was not as flat as usual. It sounded almost like … it had some kind of … emotions.
“Drogue.” HongHu felt such warmness by his presence. She reached out her hands toward him unconsciously, trying to hug him. But her hands found nothing but empty air.
“As emotional as you always are.” Drogue commented. “I could do millions of iterations in one second, but I can never figure out why your humans cannot give up emotions. Have I not told you many times that emotions are not rational?”
HongHu sighed softly. “I tried. I know it is unwise to love him. I didn’t want to love him. But I just couldn’t help myself. I just have to love him.” Tears in her eyes, she gave him a fade crooked smile.
Drogue shook his head. “You are beautiful, brilliant, and brave. Don’t waste your precious mind power for somebody who is not worthy. Love yourself.”
Was that a sparkle in his eyes? HongHu closed her eyes as Drogue extended his hands toward her face.
A finger, firm and warm, gently touched HongHu’s cheeks, wiping away the wet tears. The entire body of HongHu was shocked like being hit by a thunder. She opened her eyes in surprise.
There was Chairman Voltaire, who was lowering his body toward her.
“Why are you crying, grasshoppar?” Comrade HongHu stared at the Chairman, her eyes wide opened, stunned at the exactness of the wording. Beside her ears, somebody whispered, “I came to tell you that we will meet soon, in the real world …”
“You are unhappy.” Chairman Voltaire’s voice was filled with concern and lenience. “These last few months have been too hush on you. You should have come to my private quarters. I would have sheltered you and set things straight.”
“I’m alright, Chairman.” HongHu stood up, a little embarrassed to have let the Chairman see her moment of weakness.
Chairman Voltaire walked toward a stone bench. As they both sat down, Voltaire asked, “Remember you told me about the man you met several times when you were half awake?”
“We have received a communication transcript, apparently from another faction of people we haven’t met previously. They call themselves the Cybernetics Consciousness.”
“Drogue is a CyCon!”
“That is what I suspected. I intend to send you as my special representative to the CyCons. Your task would be to assess their attitude toward us and the possibility of forming a strategic alliance. We need friends.”
So that was what he was talking about. He knew that the Chairman would send me. In fact, all the previous encounters, he was setting for this day. HongHu was amazed how far ahead his calculations had gone.
“I will try my best, dear Chairman.” HongHu replied.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
Last edited by Snowflake; October 28, 2003 at 17:48.
October 28, 2003, 17:46
Local Time: 04:35
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: falling, once again
Posts: 8,823
(by Achmed)
'Damn this Swamp!' Achmed thought. Not for the first Time in the last Months he asked himself why he signed up for the Expeditionary Forces.
Bread, Beer and Brotherhood was the Slogan on the Papers he signed on that faithful Day. More like Mud, Muscle-aches and Mindworms he thought bitterly.
Their Mission of Complete Exploration of the Marshed seemed important for Drone HQ back then and after Completion of the most ambitious Drone Project, the Weather Manipulator, he was lacking a Perspective. The Building of Rec. Tanks did not really appeal to him so he went back to the Farms for a while till he decided to join up.
It took little Time to get acquaint to the Army Routine, as their simple Lifestyle was not exactly unique in the Drone Society.
If the Common Drone Farmer was sturdy, the Languange lacked a Word to describe his Fellow Soldiers, Musclepacked, Huge yet always friendly. After the first Weeks at Duty he felt quite like at Home. Sleeping under Stars, eating together, simple yet fulfilling Work.
Yes the Drones Society was Truly an Utopian State of Workers and Farmers. Delighted Achmed realized that all the casualities at the Morgan Revolts were not in Vain.
'Achmed! Report to CO!' Achmed frightened as he was out out of his Thoughts. He saw up to see the Bulky Shadow of his Comrade Joey. 'Dreaming of a Pub and a certain Butterfly, eh?' Joey said amused. Achmed laughed.
Ever since they both survived an mindworm attack at night they deeply trusted each other and so he knew of this misterious Encounter he had on the Fields.
Every Once in a while they spotted a Butterfly while Patrolling and as those Patrols were quite monotonous he had told him quite a Bit about it.
'Prolly a Gaian Spy' Joey teased further, 'sent to spy out the Secrets of our sturdy Mannhood, so if you see her tell her she's propably searching for me'
'If you begin telling your Sailor Story with you and the Three PEACE Girls yet once again I swear im gonna shot you', Achmed replied lamely and got going to HQ Tent.
'Stand at ease Ahmed', the Commander said while not even looking up from his Old-fashioned Printed Map. 'Well The other Rover Teams finished securing Sector D an hour ago and hit a Dead-end too.' The Commander , a Mann in his Fifties flexed his Muscles. A Visitor from another Faction might have noticed that his Uniform was as Plain and at least as Dirty as Ahmed's as there were no Officer Privileges within the Free Drone's Army, but to Ahmed it seemed all natural.
Well, I hereby declare the Marshes for explored Territory, the Commander seeemingly muttered to himself. Only an expert would have noticed the Commlink Connector laying on the Table.
The Commander looked Achmed straight in the eye, stood up and said in an Official Voice: 'With Completion of the Mission your Duty is nearly over. as we reach the Next Drone Base you are a Common Drone once again.' With a Grin he reached at a Drawer and presented a Bottle o' Vodka. 'For Service beyond Duty, now take the B-Squad to the Beach and have Fun, thats an Order'.
Achmed saluted and left the Tent.
'He will be available at Monday, Sir' the Commander spoke into the Commlink.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
Last edited by Snowflake; October 30, 2003 at 00:06.
December 9, 2003, 18:40
Local Time: 04:35
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: falling, once again
Posts: 8,823
(space holder)
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
December 9, 2003, 18:41
Local Time: 04:35
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: falling, once again
Posts: 8,823
The tunnel was gray and cold. Pale lights cast out from the hidden lanterns inside the walls. Listening to the light echo of her own footsteps, Comrade HongHu again had the unreal feeling, like she was walking at a place she’d never been before. The entire base was sleeping. Comrade HongHu was exhausted herself. She had worked for this case day and night, without resting. She had buried herself into work, deliberately not giving herself time to stop and think. She knew that if ever once she stopped, she would never have the strength to pick it up again.
In back of her mind HongHu could see what happened early this afternoon when she announced the court’s judgment. She could hear the chaotic commotions from the crowd. She did not want to differentiate the triumphant cheering from the sad mourning, or the angry outcries. Twelve metric hours had past since then. Comrade HongHu was glad that she had finally finished putting away the tons of documents and evidences.
Comrade HongHu pushed open the door of her private quarters.
“Comrade HongHu.” Jamski stood up from the couch, smiling calmly. Two Crimson Guards stood behind him.
“Deputy Chairman.” HongHu bit her lip. She was so used to addressing him with his title, or ex-title.
“I got the permission to come to say good-bye to you, as you requested.” His words were calm and dispassionate. Like he would only be going away for a couple days. He was always like this. Hiding himself behind a pokerface so that others could never see his true feelings. Comrade HongHu cursed silently when tears suddenly welled up to her eyes. I must be too tired. Comrade HongHu turned around hurriedly to her wine chest, and poured two glasses of wines for Jamski and herself.
“You finally have had your revenge on me, haven’t you?” Jamski took the glass, sat down and teased, trying to ease the tense atmosphere. An urge rose up inside HongHu to counter Jamski’s accusation. She’d never really hold any grudge for Jamski’s execution order on her. She’d never regard this trial as an opportunity to get even with him. In fact if Chairman Voltaire hadn’t wanted her to head the court, she’d have defended him herself. But what was the use of arguing about that now?
Comrade HongHu sighed softly. “Why are we always fighting? I have never wanted to fight you.” She sat down across from Jamski. “I know all what you have been doing are for the best interest of the Hive. If only you hadn’t insisted that what you did was the only right way. I’d be able to persuade other judges to give you the minimum.”
Jamski’s face became solemn. “A man can not sell his soul for anything, even freedom. I did what I believe was right. Otherwise I wouldn’t have done it.” He paused for a second, and added, obviously for her sake, “Don’t worry for me. I’ll be all right. You have survived outside of the Hive for sometime yourself haven’t you? I’m a man who can take care of himself.”
“But the Drones were helping me. Now where can you go?” Comrade HongHu’s eyes lightened up. “Are you going to join the Drones?” She is currently filling in for the Drones Ambassador. That means she could still see him.
“No. I will perhaps go set up my own camp. I had lived in the wild for four years before, remember?” HongHu remembered the days when she worried to death for him when he disappeared from everybody for his mind control experiments. She had faith that he would return at that time. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like if it was forever…
“The Chairman told me that he would grant you a special pardon if you are exiled by the court.” Comrade HongHu became a little unease, realizing that she had not seen any CCC orders in the past twelve hours. Jamksi laughed. “Voltaire would not let me off the hook this easily. I attempted to displace him after all. He wants me to be punished. You are perhaps a little too naïve to have believed him.” Jamski stood up. “It’s late. I have to leave the base in four hours. I better go back now.”
“Wait!” Comrade HongHu jumped up from her chair. She picked up her black butterfly that was lying beside her pillow. “Take this, please. There is a tracking devise inside it. At lease I’ll know where you are. Also you can talk to me in case you need any help.” She knew that the chance he would be using it was slim but still.
Jamski looked at the women standing in front of him again. A piecing pain slicing through his heart. Slowly, he took the black butterfly from her without a word. HongHu felt that the world twirled around her when the tip of his finger touched her hand.
A knock on the door broke the silence. A Crimson Guard came in, handing Comrade HongHu a piece of paper. Jamski watched as HongHu read the letter and her face slowly opened up like a flower. “Congratulations dear Comrade Jamski, you are free to go.” HongHu smiles amiably when she handed Jamski his pardon from the CCC.
“Yay!” Jamski cheered, throwing the piece of paper in the air. He grabbed HongHu by her arms and whirled her round in a circle. Then he turned to the two Crimson Guards. “Let’s go back to my office boys!”
Comrade HongHu stood still, smile frozen on her face, as the freed deputy chairman stomped out her place like an energized tornado.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
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