Originally posted by Kody
I think just looking at rules all day long wouldn't be as fun for you.
LOL, if only you knew how much fun it is .......
Seriously, though, my routine is to open every turn as it's posted, and then load up the previous year's turn (ie I load the terranx.exe twice, to have 2 versions of the game running at the same time) and tab:alt between them to ensure that there are no events happening, troop movements, game communications, orders changes etc that are unnatural (and if the faction has posted turn orders as well I'll load that up and alt:tab there as well for confirmation that orders are being complied with. And you'll appreciate how long it takes me to monitor a Hive turn)
If there are gameplay things I see that any PBEM vet could see, then I'll post to the appropriate forum - these would be thing like using the
stockpile energy feature, giving a crawler its orders at the end of its movement run instead of leaving it till the start of the next turn, etc etc. I do this as I recognize that the smac/x level of expertise differs, and I don't think a faction should be penalized for not knowing those commonly used procedures.
Then I read every word posted in the forums (all right, I skim through the Hive spam) and where someone has posed a question, I post an answer. Or if someone has made a wrong assumption - which might influence a certain course of action - and there is
common knowledge to the contrary, I'll post a correction (eg "Let's go for SoTHB, that extra tech would be wonderful" - I'd post "The PUT announced its discovery in 2110" That sort of stuff.)
I have helped factions interpret their covert intelligence data - in some instances revealing procedures that players in that faction didn't know were possible from the seemingly limited resources at their disposal. Or comments and corrections on tech-tree sequences. Again, should they be penalized because their level of smac/x knowledge isn't as great as some others?. I don't think so (but others do, and this has given rise to the accusations of aiding and abetting beyond the traditional CMN role - allegations to which I have admitted, and agreed will monitor closely. But in most PBEM situations the CMN's role is usually limited to making the map, placing the factions and setting the passwords. I see this game's CMN role as a lot broader)
Then I open any e-mails and PM's that might be waiting that are game related, and deal with them (actually I open the e-mails first before even downloadign the turns and then go to 'Poly. PM's get left to the last as my ZoneAlert seems to have problems with them and frequently I have to reboot with ZA disabled just to open them)
So, yes, I have lots of time on my hands