Hi. There are basically two ways to do a PBEM: with a CMN (Creator/Moderator/Narrator) or without.
Everybody sends passwords and faction choice to the CMN (occasionally people ask the CMN to pick one or both of those). Also send rules, settings, etc. to the CMN. The CMN creates the game and sends it to the first player. After they're done with their turn, they email it to the next person and the game is on.
If you go without a CMN, basically the first player acts as the creator. You just pick multiplayer, then hotseat/play-by-email. It will walk you through setting up the human players, then you can set the AI factions and all the rest of the settings.
For four-player games, it's a good idea to get a CMN. It's not uncommon for one of the original four to disappear (life is unpredictable). If you have a CMN, they have the password and can give it to a replacement player.
To find a CMN, just post a new thread with your agreed rules, settings, players, factions, and emails. Someone will come along, usually within a couple days.