October 16, 2003, 19:36
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
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Crisis of the New World Order
Would anyone like to play Crisis of the New World Order?
I would like to be the Americans.
The seven civs are:
America: POTUS
European Union: asaz989
Russia: jim panse
China: FiGu
India: academia
Allied: AI
Neutral: AI
The scenario files are at: http://www.civfanatics.com/civ2scenmod.shtml
Last edited by POTUS; December 30, 2003 at 19:47.
October 16, 2003, 23:07
Local Time: 04:41
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I'll take China.
October 17, 2003, 06:27
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gimme mother russia .....
October 17, 2003, 20:44
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Give me India
October 18, 2003, 05:16
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Well, thatīs it. Letīs get this babe rollinī....!
October 18, 2003, 12:42
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hmm.. cant you let the Allies be playable.. please..
"This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim
Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal
October 18, 2003, 20:42
Local Time: 02:41
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
Posts: 564
Originally posted by FiGu
hmm.. cant you let the Allies be playable.. please..
Ok, FiGu, you could be the Allies, at least in theory. They are a large civ, but can not fight the rebels as they are supposed to represent the UN, completely neutral/ pacifist. If you want to play a muti-national civilization, I would suggest the Neutrals as they have large amounts of land, can fight the Rebels, but are rather backwards, so they might prove a challenge.
Last edited by POTUS; October 21, 2003 at 20:15.
October 18, 2003, 23:19
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hmm.. cant you let the Allies be playable.. please..
I donīt like that idea...
October 19, 2003, 04:34
Local Time: 12:41
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Okey, ill be the Neutrals.
"This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim
Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal
October 19, 2003, 04:44
Local Time: 02:41
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
Posts: 564
Bush Dies!! Michael is President!!
Today, a national tragedy occurred. President George H.W. Bush was assassinated. The little-known vice-president, Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, was inaugurated. The assassins were killed.
Michael is a veteran of ten governments, near all that time with the State Department and National Security Council, from Roosevelt to Bush, and has declared himself part of the new American Union Party.
Michael declared in his speech that America would depose genocidal despots such as Saddam Hussein, and Fidel Castro. He promised to uphold the Monroe Doctrine and threatened to punish all nations who violated it with maximum force. However, he called on all nations to join the US in agreeing to a no first use of nuclear weapons. The only instances in which nuclear weapon use would be permissible would be if a nation were defeated conventionally, or in retaliation for prior nuclear weapons use. The US will control Panama until December 31, 1999 and any attempt to deny control of the canal before then will be considered an act of war. Also, in Europe, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan, among other nations will be defended according to treaties. The US extends its hand in friendship and democracy to all nations and will teach any nation the ideas of a liberal democracy. The US calls on all nations to renounce warfare except in defense. If you avoid war and attacking, the US will not attack you. The US supports peace, but if there is no other way, war will be resorted to.
Many in Washington wonder why Deng Xiaoping was not mentioned as genocidal for the Tiamenn Square massacre, but some analysts say it is only because Michael did not wish to start debates over how best to attack China.
In a show of the new presidents popularity, a draft version of an amendment to allow more than two terms for presidents was very narrowly defeated.
---Larry OFlynt
October 19, 2003, 05:52
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The Republics of Ukraine, Poland, Belorussia, Lituhania, Latvia and Estland asks for European Union and US for help to protect in case of war with the Russian Federation. As Serious of threats has been placed before the Goverments.
We ask you, to defend democracy!
"This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim
Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal
October 19, 2003, 14:33
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Today, a national tragedy occurred. President George H.W. Bush was assassinated.
Tragedy? these are the greatests news iīve ever heard!!!!
National holiday in India
October 19, 2003, 16:30
Local Time: 02:41
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The Republics of Ukraine, Poland, Belorussia, Lituhania, Latvia and Estland asks for European Union and US for help to protect in case of war with the Russian Federation. As Serious of threats has been placed before the Goverments.
The E.U., as always, will defend Europe. Perhaps an EU membership for these nations could be discussed?
October 19, 2003, 17:17
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Hi asaz!
Iīve never seen you here before. are you a newbie?
October 19, 2003, 19:06
Local Time: 02:41
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
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The US pledges to protect democracy everywhere. Any nation that feels a need for US support shall recieve it. However, while the US defends your independence, you may not launch any offensive attacks against the agressor nation.
P.S. The new president does not believe it was a national tragedy, and wishes the late president's son was killed too. 
The publisher of the article believes however, that the death of any president is a tragedy.
October 19, 2003, 21:03
Local Time: 02:41
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
Posts: 564
America wishes to remove all rouge leaders and asks all nations to pm me with their military plans so as to coordinate all strikes.
P.S. Do not move any air or naval units your first turn. Their movement allowence is supposed to be set to 0 but some I accidentally reset.
October 20, 2003, 01:59
Local Time: 02:41
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Iīve never seen you here before. are you a newbie?
I'm a friend of POTUS, and made sure he didn't set the penalty for killing civilians insanely high. (Playing as EU, in case no one's figured that out yet) I am new to poly.
October 20, 2003, 02:16
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
Posts: 564
You aren't European in real you American, so what's up with the flag?
October 20, 2003, 02:18
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
Posts: 564
Originally posted by asaz989
I'm a friend of POTUS, and made sure he didn't set the penalty for killing civilians insanely high.
Have you checked the file recently?
Don't worry, I didn't change it.
October 20, 2003, 13:11
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You aren't European in real you American, so what's up with the flag?
Just getting into the role.
October 20, 2003, 15:02
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so... can we start the game?
October 20, 2003, 15:16
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
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Yes. Asa will post today.
October 20, 2003, 17:35
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Today, Jacques Delors, Prime Minister of France and concurrently President of the EU, resigned today in protest over the militarization of the EU advocated by Mr. Chirac. Gerhard Schroeder seized the initiative and called for a new European Constitution. Under the new Constitution, a President of the EU will be elected by the European Parliament, which will now be elected by a democratic vote of the people of member nations. Ken Z. Siara, a friend of Chirac and a former Secretary-General of NATO, is the favored candidate, more than 30 points ahead of his nearest rival.
Siara has voiced his desire to make the EU a superpower on par with the US and Russia.
Today, interviewed by a Reuters reporter he stated his goals of "maintaining a strong defensive force and defending all nations of the world from aggression and tyranny."
*breaking news*
Siara has just won the election, and has begun his administration of the EU.
October 20, 2003, 17:45
Local Time: 02:41
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Posts: 41
The save game.
Last edited by asaz989; October 21, 2003 at 01:02.
October 20, 2003, 17:54
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
Posts: 564
The US congratulates Mr. Siara for his victory in the polls. However, the US wishes to know whether he, and all other national leaders will adhere to the no-first-strike agreement proposed by the US.
Michael reportedly questioned why the EU must challenge other nations when the US will gladly allow Europe to expand militarily and in territory.
October 20, 2003, 20:46
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However, he called on all nations to join the US in agreeing to a no first use of nuclear weapons. The only instances in which nuclear weapon use would be permissible would be if a nation were defeated conventionally, or in retaliation for prior nuclear weapons use.
Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Vajpayee, adheres to the no-first-strike US proposal
October 20, 2003, 21:01
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India would like to propose the creation of a permanent United Nations Security Council to discuss all the topics related to foreign policy.
India strongly believes that the powerful countries must cooperate to keep the world a safe a place.
In the context of the current proposal, India also calls UN support in order to discuss a possible permanent peace treaty between India and our good neighbours, Pakistan.
Itīs time to forget all the stupid long-running feuds between the two countries.
Unification is the ultimate goal. Let Gandhiīs dream comes true!
Weīd also like to propose the reunification of Bangladesh.
What do the rest of the countries have to say?
Our benevolent and enlightened leader, Mr. Vajpayee
October 20, 2003, 21:12
Local Time: 02:41
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
Posts: 564
The US votes yes for a UN Security Council. New York anyone?
The US offers to mediate any reunification talks between India and any other country.
Will India promise not to wage a war of agression?
October 20, 2003, 21:35
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The US votes yes for a UN Security Council. New York anyone?
New York seems ok
The US offers to mediate any reunification talks between India and any other country.
Great. We really appreaciate your offer
Will India promise not to wage a war of agression?
Of course. Thatīs why we are proposing this UN Security Council.
We want to accomplish the reunification by taking the right path of respect to the international laws and the global community.
Anyway, India wishes to listen to the rest of the world, before we present a draft of the treaty.
October 20, 2003, 23:20
Local Time: 02:41
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Posts: 41
I agree to the no-first-strike proposal. I am also in support of the Security council, but we should work out what powers the Council has.
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