November 16, 2003, 12:36
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The recently signed Treaty of Moscow became effective this month. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Georgia joined the Commonwealth of Independent States in Moscow.
@ USA: Russia asks the US to withdraw its AWACS Spy Plane west of Volgograd immediately out of Russian air space. If the US donīt call its spies back our fighters will do that. I am not spying in the US. Clear?
November 16, 2003, 22:42
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I think the AWACS is mine. I'll withdraw it.
November 17, 2003, 01:45
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
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The US got lost when its Navigational Radar went out. The US is researching a solution to solve the problem of planes getting lost.
Also, did you take those countries. Because if you did, that violates the plan we agreed to.
November 17, 2003, 01:57
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
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Jim Panse, on behalf of NATO, I must insist that you withdraw from the territories that you have occupied in the past turn or face unrestricted total war. Withdraw and we shall not invade, otherwise, you will be branded a liar, and conquered.
November 17, 2003, 20:03
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HEADLINE: European Union Protests Russian Invasion of Baltic States and Georgia
BYLINE: Asa Zernik
At a news conference today, EU president Ken Z. Siara denounced yesterday's Russian assaults on Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Georgia, all former Soviet republics, as "imperialistic". Mr. Siara stated that "European forces have been brought to a high level of readiness, and we are prepared to initiate hostilities with the so-called Confederation of Independent States to prevent further attacks, as well as to liberate those already subjugated by Russian aggression." Analysts in London agree that Europe has the forces in place to successfully intervene, and believe that Siara "is not bluffing."
November 18, 2003, 02:17
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
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All NATO Forces
All US Forces under European Command
The Russian Army has invaded members of the CIS. In fear of further attacks on US citizens and bases, the National Command Authorities have raised the THREAT CONDITION to YELLOW and DEFCON 3. In addition, I, with the authority vested in me by the NATO charter and the Russell-Feingold Act, I declare ALERT STATUS RAPID RESPONSE. The DEPLOYMENT and OPERATIONS PLAN is CONFEDERATION LIBERATION.
General Roy Halladay, USAF
Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, Con-currently Chief-of-Staff European Command
November 18, 2003, 03:00
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
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By Direction of the President
All US Strategic Forces
The US is being confronted by a great Russian Menace. We must fight accordingly. Therefore, we must be prepared.
All Nuclear Missile Submarines
Prepare for imminent launch. Your colleagues in the Air Force do not get to end the world. When I issue the order, launch first, hit hard, and don't forget to write a will  .
Admiral Roger Clemens, USN
Deputy Chief-of-Staff, Strategic Forces.
November 18, 2003, 11:15
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Japanese Forces are put to a ready stance, we shall help you, USA!
"This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim
Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal
November 18, 2003, 15:05
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Originally posted by POTUS
Jim Panse, on behalf of NATO, I must insist that you withdraw from the territories that you have occupied in the past turn or face unrestricted total war. Withdraw and we shall not invade, otherwise, you will be branded a liar, and conquered.
@ POTUS: Mr President, you can call me everything but a liar. Russia agreed to the division of the Neutral states. As the US of A and the European Community agreed too. Where am I violating international agreements?
@ asaz989: It might interest you that Russian intelligence has obtained a message directly from your 'ally' America containing more than just backstabbing you (Yes, Mr President, you know WHAT I mean). We agreed on this separation plan. Where are the problems?
@ NATO (US of A and EU): If you want war, declare it. I have no interest in waging war with you but if Mother Russia is forced to do so, we will win again.
@ China and India: Russia insists on a Security Council session with the topic of the violation of international treaties and aggression against an independent nation.
@ ALL: (1) I wish to state that it was mainly the US and the UK which proposed the Aggression parts to the Nuremberg Trials. If you want to do something against common law, please do so. History will judge you.
(2) I will release the document I have mentioned above to the public when I know everybody is listening. Note that the time is over the Westerners could do whatever they want with Russia. If Russia is forced to defend itself we know what to do.
November 18, 2003, 15:32
Local Time: 12:41
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Russian President Nikolayev hold Press Conference
MOSCOW/Itar-TASS - Today President General Ivan Nikolayev hold a press conference in the Kremlin showing the world the real menace and threat to world peace: the United States of America.
Some days ago a memorandum from the White House reached the Kremlin, signed by the President of the US of A, Michael Spitzer-Rubinstein. The Russian President looked thouroughfull and seemed to havenīt slept too much over the last weeks.
'Russia will not back down before American Hypocrisis. This is too serious a matter and therefore i decided to take this indeed drastical step. You all know that America has not won the Cold War. America just survived. Like its former enemy, the now-gone Union of the Socialist Republics.
'But now is not the time for history lessons! some may cry. Those be advised: It is now time for history lessons. Though the territory of the former USSR is no longer ruled by the Communist Party Russia is still there (...)
'Russia will not accept any foreign intervention in territories to which the International Community agreed to be Russian Sphere of Influence. I am sick and tired of those ignorant and arrogant Western politicians who have no idea of the problems Russia is facing (...)
'You want changes in our Human Rights policy! You want us to stop fighting the terrorists in Chechnya! You want us to do this, you want us to do that! And you were warned for sure that someday Russia will not accept this any longer. This day has come!
'Russia trusted you and the International Community and its treaties and proposals and now ... all of this is lied. You lied into the face of every Russian, you lied into the face of your own people and you show the world HOW the US of A and its lackeys in Brussels think of the Rest of the World! Therefore I, General Ivan Nikolayev, President of Russia, invite the independent countries of China and India to join an alternate council to prevent those Western Imperialists from gaining control over the rest of the world too!
'And as a prove to my words about the US of A I wish to reveal to the public that infamous document the US President sent to Russia. May the eyes of the people of the oppressed world be opened from this day on! May the day come when the so-called 'Free World' understands that you cannot buy everything and everyone!
After this President Nikolayev revealed the following document to the public:
'Dear General Nikolayev,
We both can see how Asa, the demon controlling the EU, wishes to become greater than both of us. The US does not want a new Superpower, and despite signs of supporting the EU, and covets Europe for herself. However, the US is pragmatic and sees that Russia can help herself and the US by fighting jointly against the European menace. We, therefore propose a pact to, in the not too distant future, eliminate Europe as a nation. We would work together to prepare for the eventual attack. All I ask, is that, when the attack comes, you give me a two or three turn advance warning to prepare. Just to conceal this pact, we will not publicly change our policy.
Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein
President of the US'
After the presentation which caused immediate silence and angry reactions by the European journalists a weary and sad Russian President thundered into the room to prepare his country for the last stand against oppression:
'Russia asks everybody on this world to stop the US of A and its lackeys from threatening innocent and independent countries such as Russia.
'Russia is not warmongering. Look at those pesky Americans and Europeans! Russia offered peace, prosperity and protection to those countries.
'Russia is not feeling threatened by the European people nor by the American people but by their 'governments' who claim to protect peace but prepare war.
'In this very hour I am sad. I am sad and depressed. But it seems that Russia cannot live in peace because of the US of A and the EU.
'In this very hour I am praying to God to avoid war. I lost a son in Afghanistan. I neither want my people weeping for their husbands, parents and children nor your people.
'If the US of A decides to attack nothing will be like before. Nothing. History will judge you as the greatest slaughterers this planet has ever seen.
'If war is forced upon us I will wage it swift, hard as steel and death will rain upon our enemies. I do not want this.
'Russia wants no war but we know how to defend ourselves from Western oppression. The choice between peace and war lies now in the hands of you, not in mine.
'Remember my words. Remember.
November 18, 2003, 15:50
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Location: Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
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Damn! Things are hotting up here
Letīs try to catch up
First of all, India had expressed some days ago her poistion regarding the characteristics of a UN Security Council.
We consider that the russian intransigent obstructed the progress of negotiations. As result, India is no longer interested in the creation of a security council mechanism. It wonīt work.
And now, letīs make public the indian position in reference to the following topics:
With the fall of the elected governments of the nations of Sierra Leone and Afganistan, America requests a joint intervention in the aforementioned nations. We can not allow any nation to be threatened by the rouge plague. The US calls on India to prepare to intervene on behalf of Democracy when Sri Lanka is finally overrun by the Tamili Tigers. India is the natural heir to the subcontinent and adjacent territories and calls on them to fufill its destiny.
India seconds the US proposal. At least in Afghanistan and Sri Lanka. We consider those territories part of the indian sphere of influence and weīll also appreciate the military coooperation of european or americans forces in the area.
Russia objects this unilateral proposal with all its heart. It is NOT fair that the US and its lackeys can intervene whenever and whereever it suits them and the Russian People all over the Commonwealth of Independent States are suffering under their governments.
We give a **** about what you think. Itīs obvious that, if there was a Security Council, youīd have vetoed this proposal and let the development of way more chaotic situation in Sierra Leone and Afghanistan.
We wonīt tolerate that.
The US welcomes Russian participation in peacekeeping, and, on behalf of NATO, invites Russia to send forces into the former Yugoslavia.
Also, under the peace plan for the division of Europe, Russia secures all of the former Soviet Union.
I assume that russia has nothing to say about this particular proposal
NATO agrees to this so long as you can ensure that the Yugoslavs don't attack us. The moment the first bullet flies from a Yugoslav gun, NATO will attack Yugoslavia. Also, don't attack Yugoslavia yourself.
You know you canīt control yugoslavian troops! They are AI controlled. Russian human player canīt ensure you that!!
This proposal is nonsense.
The recently signed Treaty of Moscow became effective this month. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Georgia joined the Commonwealth of Independent States in Moscow.
No complaints.
Jim Panse, on behalf of NATO, I must insist that you withdraw from the territories that you have occupied in the past turn or face unrestricted total war. Withdraw and we shall not invade, otherwise, you will be branded a liar, and conquered.
We donīt understand this position.
USA said a couple of day before that under the peace plan for the division of Europe, Russia secures all of the former Soviet Union.
And Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Georgia were part of the Soviet Union!!!
The US is being confronted by a great Russian Menace. We must fight accordingly. Therefore, we must be prepared.
Mr. Siara stated that "European forces have been brought to a high level of readiness, and we are prepared to initiate hostilities with the so-called Confederation of Independent States to prevent further attacks, as well as to liberate those already subjugated by Russian aggression."
Again, this is simply stupid.
What the hell are you doing????
Russia didnīt invade european/american soil!!!
@ POTUS: Mr President, you can call me everything but a liar. Russia agreed to the division of the Neutral states. As the US of A and the European Community agreed too. Where am I violating international agreements?
India seconds the russian position.
@ China and India: Russia insists on a Security Council session with the topic of the violation of international treaties and aggression against an independent nation.
I think there isnīt a security council. Your position made it fail.
1) India blames Russia for the failure in the creation of a Security Council.
You should have been more flexible.
2) India is going to take the territories under her area of influence
3) The US/NATO vs. Russia conflict is 100% stupid.
We wonīt intervene. Weīll keep our neutrality.
However, we want to clarify that India considers that Russia didnīt violate any international laws/treaties.
This is an outstanding political f u c k up. The document revealed by the russian president itīs an undeniable evidence.
November 18, 2003, 19:53
Local Time: 02:41
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
Posts: 564
Originally posted by POTUS
All land from Poland to the Ukraine, Russia will be allowed to control the security of, provided the nations there consent. From Moldova to Germany, the US and EU will control the security of, provided the people consent. After 5 years, elections will be held in all countries to choose whether to remain independent or to join Russia or the EU. Both Russia, and the EU will abide by the results of the elections. Also, during the five years before elections, no country may interfere in the autonomy of any of the nations, and may not station forces in urban areas (cities). The US will abide by the terms of the agreement and, with any other interested parties, will moniter that both sides are not violating provisions of the treaty.
You violated this agreement by occupying those states. We will not tolerate agression. By a unanimous vote, all memebers of the EU AND NATO, have agreed to this. Friends of Democracy around the world from Japan to South Africa and everywhere in between agreed to this.
You actually revealed the letter. Good Job!! I was wondering whether you would see through the letter trying to trick you into revealing when your attempt to re-install tyranny throughout Europe would take place. You have balls and are not entirely gullible. Unfourtunatly for you, the letter was written by Asa. I just sent it.
We hope that this matter can be resolved peacefully, and therefore, although the American public are repulsed by the idea, I have a duty to make peace. We wish for a new peace deal.
Russia can do whatever they want in up to the boundary lines of the old plan and the EU up to the old boundary, also. However, Belgrade will become European. In the Caucasus and Central Asia, Russia will make no further advances, but may keep whatever it has. Russia and Europe will this be acceptable, or will more negotiating be needed.
November 18, 2003, 19:55
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
Posts: 564
India, in a nuclear war, there will be no neutrality. The only sides are the genocidial launchers of the weapons and the world.
November 18, 2003, 20:07
Local Time: 12:41
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Russian Reply to the US of A
'You are playing a bad game with me, my people and the rest of the world. You might look like a winner in your eyes now but I have to tell the world I will not accept any further intervention in Russian sphere of influence. If you have anything against that do it whereever you may like to do it - save the Russian Lands.
'I will neither step one step back nor back down as the world has now seen the real face of the 'Free World'. You are not more than a gang of aggressors who try to hide their moves with talking about peace and free trade.
'This is like a re-run of a bad movie I am sick and tired to watch again and again and again. I am not declaring war upon you. That you shall do, you filthy Westerners in your hypocrisis. But let me tell you this: Shame  upon you! 
'You believe you could do everything on this planet  If necessary I will show you HOW far you could go.
'Russiaīs last word to this issue is now spoken, behold! Russia will not step back, not a single step. All former territories of the former USSR will become Russian again within the next 3 years. You could like it or you could not like it, I donīt care about that any longer.
November 18, 2003, 20:16
Local Time: 06:41
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Location: Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
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All land from Poland to the Ukraine, Russia will be allowed to control the security of, provided the nations there consent. From Moldova to Germany, the US and EU will control the security of, provided the people consent. After 5 years, elections will be held in all countries to choose whether to remain independent or to join Russia or the EU. Both Russia, and the EU will abide by the results of the elections. Also, during the five years before elections, no country may interfere in the autonomy of any of the nations, and may not station forces in urban areas (cities). The US will abide by the terms of the agreement and, with any other interested parties, will moniter that both sides are not violating provisions of the treaty.
India considers that Russia NEVER accept this treaty.
Anyway, we wonīt intervene in this conflict.
And please, donīt threaten us. ok?
You want us as neutrals and no russian allies...
November 18, 2003, 21:38
Local Time: 02:41
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Posts: 41
Jim Panse:
Since the US has decided to betray my trust, I propose that we form a new alliance to stop the American aggression shown in the communique recieved by your embassy. Concerning the crisis in Eastern Europe, i propose that we follow the lines of territory proposed by the treacherous Americans, but simply take those areas under total protection immediately
Ken Z. Siara
November 18, 2003, 21:51
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The EU has no problem with India's remaining neutral.
November 19, 2003, 02:36
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
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First off, I am sorry that you think I threatened you Academia. I did not wish to imply that you would fall under an ICBM. I simply tried to point out that Global Warming, from a Nuclear War, hurts us all, not just the victim.
Also, Russia did say that they accepted the treaty.
Finally, Asa,
If you are nice, I will let you see my inbox. That "Intelligence Coup" that you talked about in convincing me to send the email came through. That little bribe was not for just Eastern Europe. I am currently debating whether your nukes should become one of my state secrets. It would be so fun to announce the positions of your 4 nukes right now. Of course, then I couldn't bribe them, so give me a little time to decide.
November 19, 2003, 02:44
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
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Asa, I have some more money. Second, I am more advanced. Finally, don't you think I should be nice enough to post an email I got from a certain someone detailing the offensives in Europe and my objectives in the plan. I just hate having my friend lose with me being able to help him survive.
November 19, 2003, 03:05
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
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Michael wants peace. He does not want to use nuclear weapons. The US wishes for peace and for all nations to step back from the edge.
Last edited by POTUS; November 19, 2003 at 03:28.
November 19, 2003, 12:32
Local Time: 12:41
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Originally posted by POTUS
Also, Russia did say that they accepted the treaty.
Russia states that you can accept the fait accompli and accept that no-one has anything to do in Russia (meaning the former Soviet Union). Thatīs where we could start from.
Originally posted by POTUS
Finally, Asa,
If you are nice, I will let you see my inbox. That "Intelligence Coup" that you talked about in convincing me to send the email came through. That little bribe was not for just Eastern Europe. I am currently debating whether your nukes should become one of my state secrets. It would be so fun to announce the positions of your 4 nukes right now. Of course, then I couldn't bribe them, so give me a little time to decide.
I will not comment this one. Read it carefully and think & do as you wish with the US of A. I will not discuss any serious matters with these arrogant Yanks.
Originally posted by asaz989
Since the US has decided to betray my trust, I propose that we form a new alliance to stop the American aggression shown in the communique recieved by your embassy. Concerning the crisis in Eastern Europe, i propose that we follow the lines of territory proposed by the treacherous Americans, but simply take those areas under total protection immediately.
Do as you wish, Russia will not intervene as long as you do not violate Russian sphere of influence.
About the alliance proposal: I will think about that but be advised: I will neither accept nor tolerate any US intervention in these affairs.
November 19, 2003, 20:11
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Posts: 41
It would be so fun to announce the positions of your 4 nukes right now.
POTUS, two things:
First, by next turn it will be somewhere around 7.
Second, I can move them to just about anywhere in one turn.
November 20, 2003, 20:56
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
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I do not want war. Can we all agree not to fight over this issue?
Russia and Europe, let's agree that Russia can have the former Soviet Union, and the EU gets everything else.
Everybody, I propose we create a UN. All players will have one vote. As part of that, I wish to make a motion to forbid attacks against Neutrals and Rebels in Central Asia without a 4/5 vote of the UN. Please, can we agree to peace.
November 20, 2003, 21:04
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
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We have reached the brink of war. War is not something the world wants. Therefore, as it appears that other world leaders are rational, I order all units to stand down. You shall not fight unless you are attacked. That is all I can say at the moment. Please await further orders at a later time.
Last edited by POTUS; November 20, 2003 at 21:15.
November 21, 2003, 05:50
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Originally posted by POTUS
Russia and Europe, let's agree that Russia can have the former Soviet Union, and the EU gets everything else.
Europe & Russia have already agreed to this. We reached a consensus without US intervention. This is an affair the US has no right to intervene as itīs only concerning the EU and Russia.
[SIZE=1] Originally posted by POTUS [SIZE/]
It would be so fun to announce the positions of your 4 nukes right now.
I am so happy I am no real friend of the US and I am wondering no longer what the US will do to its enemies.
November 21, 2003, 10:19
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Hey, I propose that I(As Strictly Neutral and the "UN" player) would be the General Secretary of UN. Is that OK?
"This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim
Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal
November 21, 2003, 20:53
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
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I second FiGu's nomination.
Jim Panse, Ok, glad I found out that you agreed. Wasn't sure if saying, "Stay out of my Evil Empire!!" meant that you agreed. Peace is the responsibilty of the world, and therefore, everyone has the duty to promote peace.
November 21, 2003, 20:56
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
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Los Angeles
Today, at the Democratic Convention, Asa Zernik was named as Vice-President.
November 21, 2003, 20:59
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What do you request???
Orders?? about what??
Hey, I propose that I(As Strictly Neutral and the "UN" player) would be the General Secretary of UN. Is that OK?
Ok. I also second figuīs proposal
I think we should try "something". no matter the results.
Letīs try it
November 21, 2003, 22:12
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Location: How could I possibly not have a Mozambican flag, I mean, what other country has an AK-47 on their flag?
Posts: 564
Orders to your soldiers. Play the turn.
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