October 16, 2003, 22:42
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You are not capable of raising a child
A picture is worth 10's of thousands of abused kids on this continent alone. We speak of children's rights as do they so what's the big picture? Do they or males have rights? If so why the picture and why is it so big? Irenland 98% of fathers lose total rights as do thier kids. Is this right?
98% men must be simply parents bad right? Capable of anything the world has to offer, but not raise kids...Right?
Ask yourself if someone gave you a life sentence that you could not see your flesh and blood children simply because you are male... Would, is that right? Hell we all know stories of pedofiles and murderers get less...
The question is why is gender the simple fact in child rearing? I personally thought genders were equal, that being the case why the disparity in child rearing?
It would seem bare foot in the kitchen and pegnant, collecting funds from donars is the new way to say the old "kick the men for being pigs" slogan. You a pig?
You are not capable of raising a child in Ireland if you are male that's for sure. Did you know that? 89% here in Cunuck land... Aussie's the same.
Do you realise world wide men simply are not capable fo raising kids? Nope we can build bridges, save people, run entire countries, do all the most wonderful things humans can do ...and the worst...But men can not raise kids....
We are genetically inferior for sure. Women can do all men can BUT they can raise kids we can not. Therefore women will save the race... God was a woman man could not have been.
Those cave-man pictures all done by berry stoned men while the women hunted, gatherered and yes raised the kids too. Ok the men hunted then sat back and waited for the food to be servered while the women raised the kids and cooked and protected the flock... Right?
Yes we must sit back and allow the women to make the bacon, raise the kids and repair the damage man has done to the race over ten's of thousands of years...At what cost to the kids? Let alone your bank book...I mean they can do it we can not... The courts say it is so on all fronts...
I mean come on...
"We can do anything you can" or honey I would like to stay home and raise the kids, you grab that career I'm all behind you says the gay woman to the gay husband.
heh let the courts figure that one out... Ps both are female...
Talk about dancing madly backwards, the "Industry of keep 'em in line" top ten money makers just keep coming up with new ways to stomp the average human.
In the pocket books and in the mind. The rate it is going the " conditioning of the human race" will be permanant in a matter of a generation or two. You ready, you watching, oh hel* ya baseball... Seems you have missed bus...
Yes one picture says a lot... *uck the birds and the bees let your son (s) know he is inferior and if he ever ventures into a "family life" he could lose it all... High stakes, just tell him to smile and nod not mater what the abuse...
Cause you may my male friend, son, child daughter woman yup lose it all. The male are inferior and will lose it all if you say jack *hit in your defence. Let alone shout or defernd yourself. You can be beaten but save she has a scratch, YOURRRR OUTTA of there and your KIDS LOSE. Now who came up with this stacked deck and why? MO Money....and thier friends..
Talk about pitting x against y and who wins...Mo money...
Now your daughters heh kick em while thier are down honey you have the power...
Genders, equal? What rights have you lost today based on sex?
Your kids?
MO MONEY...Mo Lawyers, Mo guns, Mo divide and conquer...At who's expence yours? Mine? Thiers? Your children? Yes collectively pictures do speak volumes, but who is taking it in... Maybe a little picture, a tiny picture of life as some know it, but in the end it speaks volumes about civilization and it's true course.
You at the wheel, or just an innocent bystander?
“The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
Or do we?
Last edited by blackice; October 16, 2003 at 23:07.
October 16, 2003, 23:15
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Here's one for the vets:
"I Hate French People!"
Do ya' think? Maybe?
October 16, 2003, 23:55
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Not me they are the world's largest speakers for these rights. The rights of the child and the fathers..
*********************** Welfare reforms hurts men while helping women. Fathers are called "deadbeat dads," mothers never "welfare queens." We demand equal respect and aid for males. *** Domestic violence is not "man-made." Thirty years of research proves women start half the fights with men, and inflict most abuse/neglect on children and the elderly. We demand that the "myth of the monstrous male" end. We insist on equal punishment for guilty females, equal protection for innocent males. *** Men are the biggest victims of crime. Yet only the Violence Against Women Act was passed. We demand its renaming, and refocus, to protect men equally. *** Fathers don't "abandon" families; they're pushed out by sexist divorce laws. Women initiate most divorces; yet men are called anti-commitment. We demand the end to this unilateral blaming. *** The ERA was pushed as the Equal Rights Amendment. We demand equal responsibilities for both sexes. Both fathers and mothers, for example, must meet the emotional, physical, educational, financial and spiritual needs of children. *** It is sexist when only 10% of women are CEO's. It's equally sexist when men lose 90% of custody cases. We demand equality for men in marriage and divorce. *** Pregnant women have several reproductive choice. Unwed fathers have none. Her few hours of birth labor shouldn't force him into decades of workforce labor. Replication without representation is tyranny. We demand equal "choice" for men. *** Most universities increased female athletic programs. Very few have "Men's Studies" departments. We demand comparable academic attention be paid males. Many towns, cities, counties, states and countries have "commissions on the status of women." We demand equal ones to study the conditions of men. *** Though breast cancer affects one in eight women, one in five men get prostate cancer. Research, funding, and public awareness of the former disease far outstrips the latter. We demand equal attention for men's health issues. *** Only 2 all-male colleges survive. Hundreds of female-only ones thrive. Harvard and Williams went coed, not Wellesley and Smith. We demand equal numbers of single-sex schools for men. *** The Ms. Foundation's "Take Our Daughters To Work Day" is based on a lie. It is boys, not girls, who are most at-risk during teen years. It is child abuse, therefore, to keep boys in class while girls have fun on field trips. We demand "Take Our Sons To Work, Too, Day" be celebrated each April, too. ***********************
The list goes on and on. Each women's concern is matched by a corresponding men's issue. Since 1965 we've focused on the female needs. Now it's time to heed men's.
RIGHT NOW we begin the process of returning balance, equity, and comity to society. Marriage must again become an honorable institution. Neither parent should ever lose loving contact with his/her child. We seek no patriarchal past, or matriarchal present, but a fair, just future for fathers, mothers, and children.
Men and women of goodwill from around the world, please join us. Support this new masculinism. Contact your local newspapers and radio stations. Tell them you support the men's movement. Copy this notice, sending it to friends and relatives. Let politicians know you support men's rights.
From one a news letters of the worlds largest rights groups in France.
But it goes beyond this is my point, yours?
“The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
Or do we?
October 17, 2003, 00:30
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Blackice, no one knows what you're talking about, so why don't you spell it out for the rest of us?
I know that you're getting the rough end of the pineapple, but why don't you enlighten us, rather than confuse us? I know that you must have got a bad deal, but if you can't describe it to us, it is meaningless. As it is, your comments are gibberish, so we can't make any meaningful comments about it.
BTW, it's good to speak to you agan  The Lungmatch tournament is still going strong, and we are always interested in old contestants
October 17, 2003, 00:38
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October 17, 2003, 00:55
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Lung you read too many of the waco's post's... first let me clearify, I did not and am not "getting the rough end of the pineapple" so to speak. All men are that should be clear especially from an Aussie. Your papers and courts are leading the way.
"I know that you must have got a bad deal," 98% of men or close worldwide get the raw deal sentence of not having thier kids at least 10% of the time after separation. Is this good for the kids? They do not think so... And why because we are male... Unconstitutional in my country yours?
I think I covered a lot in this post but look again 98% percent of men do not have access to thier kids... Who,What, Where, When and Why?
Why not just make it illegal for men to see thier kids right of the top and get it over with. Heck they do not have the right to see them born if the mother chooses to abort. So why not just make the law instead of all the games... Mo Money of course, it's a friggin industry padding the pockets of the rich, go figure...
Lung are you a good father I bet you are or would be. Are you a father? if so what if someone said you can not see you kids again just because you are male?
Think about it majority of fathers and thier children who have kids and separate live that way.
Good to hear from you too
Work, courts and other people's court have me going 18 plus these days  Lots to do being a working dad in an anti working dad pro working mom world.
Comrade Tassadar comments like that are half the problem, grab a grip.... Mind you women's groups say that about men everyday so have at it
“The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
Or do we?
October 17, 2003, 02:57
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Legislatures are populated, overwhelmingly, by men.
Courts -- including family courts -- are presided over, overwhelmingly, by men.
The legal profession is dominated by men.
The media is owned, almost exclusively, by men.
Sounds to me like it's men who don't trust themselves to raise kids.
"If crime fighters fight crime, and firefighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight?"— George Carlin
October 17, 2003, 03:29
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98% men worldwide can't see their kid after divorce for the rest of their lives ?
1. I can't believe it. In France, it is very rare that a father has no right to see the kid at all, even though mothers get veeery often to raise the child. I assume most civilized countries (this excludes Ireland, being probably the most backward rich country) allow fathers to see their kids on a systematic basis, the forbiddance to see the kid being the exception.
2. Divorce is a very different thing outside of the west. In Arabic countries, a man simply has to say "I divorce you" three times to his wife in front of witnesses, and voila. Some Arabic countries allow women to divorce after an unseasy judiciary discipline. Such women are generally regarded as the shame of the family: I doubt she get to raise the children, I assume one of the families does it. Besides, I can't think any Arabic judicial will outright refuse the right, for the father, to see the kid at all unless it's proven he's very dangerous.
"I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
"I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
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October 17, 2003, 11:12
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Poor men . . . . they've only got to dominate women all over the world for the past few thousand years.
STFU and then GTFO!
October 17, 2003, 11:20
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Originally posted by MrFun
Poor men . . . . they've only got to dominate women all over the world for the past few thousand years.
HA! You actually bought into that myth?
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
October 17, 2003, 11:26
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cg kicks blackice's dead horse.
Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...
October 17, 2003, 11:31
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Originally posted by Spiffor
In France, it is very rare that a father has no right to see the kid at all, even though mothers get veeery often to raise the child.
Well, duh. Frenchies need the maximum masculine influence possible for the children so they are less likely to grow up to be.........
.......well, Frenchies.
October 17, 2003, 11:39
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Originally posted by SlowwHand
HA! You actually bought into that myth?
Well of course. MrFun wouldn't be in a position to know who really rules in a man-woman realtionship, would he?
If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.
October 17, 2003, 12:16
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Originally posted by FrustratedPoet
Well of course. MrFun wouldn't be in a position to know who really rules in a man-woman realtionship, would he?
Right -- sexism is a myth. Women were never discriminated against, nor were they never repressed.
STFU and then GTFO!
October 17, 2003, 12:19
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MrFun, MrFun. Women are devious hellions.
They make a man THINK males rule.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
October 17, 2003, 13:26
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Originally posted by SlowwHand
MrFun, MrFun. Women are devious hellions.
They make a man THINK males rule.
You would have LOVED Queen Elizabeth of the 16th century then -- men were crazy for her, but she had no interest in marrying any of those bastards.
STFU and then GTFO!
October 17, 2003, 13:30
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Elizabeth, the movie did a good job in displaying that. Virgin Queen my arse.
I think they put it right in My Big Fat Greek Wedding... The man may be the head, but the woman is the neck and they turn the head as the wish...
October 17, 2003, 13:31
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Historically, Elizabeth was definitely not a virgin -- but it is true that she never married.
She had a very good reason for that -- her retention of power of the throne.
STFU and then GTFO!
October 17, 2003, 13:34
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Originally posted by SlowwHand
MrFun, MrFun. Women are devious hellions.
They make a man THINK males rule.
Let's face it. If a woman has half a brain she can get just about any thing she wants out of her boyfriend/husband.
Christianity is the belief in a cosmic Jewish zombie who can give us eternal life if we symbolically eat his flesh and blood and telepathically tell him that we accept him as our lord and master so he can remove an evil force present in all humanity because a woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from an apple tree.
October 17, 2003, 13:44
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"But it goes beyond this is my point, yours?"
My point is that we once had a single-minded poster who continually blathered on about how he hated French people and how they killed his grandfather in WW1 or some such... and that was pretty much all he talked about.
His name was Blacktide. He turned out to be a DL. Me? I'm just noting some similarities.
October 20, 2003, 12:09
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yes I noted the similarities a few weeks ago in his "last" thread on the same subject.
My cousin will love blackice though. She has become very feminist lately. I think it is those darn liberal colleges brainwashing her saying all men are evil and such. She says everything in the media is mysogynistic (sp is probably ****ed on that- oh well).
men are evil. deal with it.
Focus, discipline
Barack Obama- the antichrist
October 20, 2003, 17:53
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Your cousin really has to meet BlackIce. With little luck, they'll both be "neutered" by their argument
"I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
"I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
"I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis
October 20, 2003, 18:27
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Re: You are not capable of raising a child
Originally posted by blackice
A picture is worth 10's of thousands of abused kids on this continent alone. We speak of children's rights as do they so what's the big picture? Do they or males have rights? If so why the picture and why is it so big?
I can shrink it for you if it bothers you that much.
Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse
Do It Ourselves
October 20, 2003, 18:32
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Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
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October 20, 2003, 18:38
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The brains of men and women are actually wired differently because of the influence of Testosterone on brain development.
Men focus on a single thing, women see the big picture.
Women are more empathic then men.
Men have a better sense of direction then women.
Women are better at multi-tasking.
Nothing to see here, move along: http://selzlab.blogspot.com
The attempt to produce Heaven on Earth often produces Hell. -Karl Popper
Last edited by Odin; October 20, 2003 at 18:44.
October 20, 2003, 18:39
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Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
What is that smiley on the left doing to the horses head? Sicko.
Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse
Do It Ourselves
October 20, 2003, 19:23
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The solution is that courts shouldn't be in the business of awarding custody of children as if they were property in the first place. The children should simply decide who they want to live with. No court can be expected to know what is better for the child than the child herself.
Blackice, are you familiar with Clayton Giles? He is a Canadian teen whose parents divorced. He greatly prefered to live with his father and had nothing but strife with his mother. The courts of course awarded him to his mother and he began a campaign to fight it and to fight the idea of custody in the first place. Check out his story here: www.legalkids.com
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
October 20, 2003, 19:25
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Not that I necessarily care who gets custody. If 98% of kids choose to live with their mothers rather than their fathers that'd be perfectly fine by me. But they should be given the right to decide.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
October 20, 2003, 19:28
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Uhhhh.... don't go to that above link.
Clayton's page is down and there is some weird page in its place. Blackice may still like it, but its not at all what I wanted to send y'all and I'm rather irked that Clayton's page is no longer around.
Anyways, Clayton biked from Edmonton (i think) to Ottawa and then down to Washington, DC to publicize his campaign.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
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