March 5, 2004, 20:50
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Should I tell them that we had the choice between go to war with the Hive or pay off the Angels with a lot of cash, and that we unanimously chose the latter? It might prove that CPU has no aggressive intentions.
Btw GeoModder, didn't Roze ask you in your parallel AI dip tests to declare war on the Hive?
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March 5, 2004, 21:41
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You can tell them, but if they will believe you is a whole different matter.
And yes, that was the first question she thrown at me after contact. And only then did she ask ec's or tech after refusal of going to war.
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March 6, 2004, 09:15
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Voltaire is preaching, even now. All this 'We consider you aggressive', 'we do not recognise your sphere of influence', 'we say these are international waters' is all rather arrogant sounding. I think we should take this to the public forum, and ask how legitimate all this unilateral decision-making is - just because the Hive says it is so, why should it be so? Voltaire, although seemingly Hive's rep, is doing more to damage Hive-CPU relations than anyone else ATM, and we should probably PM some other senior Hive members about this attitude problem of his. So we expect this when they have a problem (as in this whole Council/ceasefire with PEACE bs, but now they got their way and he is still showing his bias. He cannot be allowed to be a diplomat and continue to show this stance! :doitnow:
March 6, 2004, 10:21
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i saw lets play the cease fire thingy out and look where it will bring us...this give us time to redeploy our troops and reinforce all critical bases...
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March 6, 2004, 10:24
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Indeed, as mentioned to laurentius in the chat who agreed with it, I agreed to the ceasefire because it will take two years before we are able to attack Crossbone Way. In the meanwhile we could attempt negotiations, and if they fail we just do what we intended to do before: attack Crossbone.
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March 6, 2004, 10:32
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well from a roleplay point of view and the highly explosive situation the HIVE has created i am not sure it will be ok to take out PEACE...
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March 6, 2004, 13:43
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So do I take it then that the people who voted to eliminate PEACE have changed their stance towards this issue?
I can agree with a PEACE survival if they keep out of our way and Crossbone Way becomes ours, but how many NAY voters can feel themself back in this proposal?
As or MWIA's remark about Voltaire: In my opinion it's just bigtalk because he's the chairman of his faction and he needs to show how stern he is in the face of a crisis. Also, there seems to be a schism within Hive for whether attacking us or not, and this ceasefire issue is nothing more then a facade to make both sides happy.
From a military point of view (I'm the MAF, thus...  ), I must post a warning: this is the only time we have the means to destroy PEACE easily.
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March 7, 2004, 09:52
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Originally posted by GeoModder
So do I take it then that the people who voted to eliminate PEACE have changed their stance towards this issue?
I can agree with a PEACE survival if they keep out of our way and Crossbone Way becomes ours, but how many NAY voters can feel themself back in this proposal?
I'd suggest a new poll once we have more clarity about the location of the PEACE ship.
Originally posted by HongHu in the Turn Tracking Thread
However I have seen others in your team conducting acts that may not be viewed as honorable by others.
Any idea what she's talking about?
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March 7, 2004, 12:11
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Simply ask her. If she didn't thought that way beforehand, that it must be for one of the newcomers. (Me, Obstructor, Skanky...)
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March 8, 2004, 14:20
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Originally posted by GeoModder
Simply ask her. If she didn't thought that way beforehand, that it must be for one of the newcomers. (Me, Obstructor, Skanky...)
She must think of our badgering of Hive members. I think she cant stand little teasing from our team while Hive can put up a thread full of **** to annoy us (planetary council motion blah blah). I can stop it, but I am puzzled that Hive doesn`t approve some teasing in Trash Talking Thread while they openly claim we are aggresive warlords seeking to conquer Hive?
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March 8, 2004, 15:44
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Last edited by Maniac; March 27, 2004 at 18:15.
March 8, 2004, 21:31
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ATM, the only thing they can do is taking back a few ex-PEACE bases. Plenty of time to produce an army then, since most of our production still happens on the main land.
But that is a thought: Hive taking out our defenses in former PEACE bases, and the remaining PEACE schooner conquering them then.
But it is a fact that the posting Hive members ATM seem relaxed. It would indeed be a nasty surprise for us.
Btw, did you notice that Buster plays his turns quite quickly the last month?
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March 12, 2004, 13:28
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From HongHu
Dear Function Maniac,
I was notified that the colony pod your captured is determined to be affected by an unknown planet virus that may be deadly and highly contagious. The Hive coastal guard had to take it out because it posed great potential threat to the Hive's security.
Comrade HongHu
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March 12, 2004, 14:16
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Are they saying they destroyed our Colony Pod, &^%@^(^*&%!%@&*@()(&**$##$ HIVE!!! This means war!
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March 12, 2004, 14:19
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Wait up! Lets hear them first...and kill them later
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March 12, 2004, 14:55
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Lets demand that they either Pact with us or state themselves enemies. Lets also mention that we are ready to forget it if they give us a tech and repact with us. If they won`t war it is.
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The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw
March 12, 2004, 17:45
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Here is a message I have Composed for HongHu
Greatings HongHu. As you know I have resently returned to active Duty in my Faction and perhaps just in the nick of time too.
The Cybernetic Conciousness has learned of the Destruction of our Colony Pod by Hive forces and we are deeply troubled by this action. We feel the Hives actions are highly illogical and driven by misguided Emotions and poor strategic planning.
Let me be quite Frank here. Your threatening to throw away all that we have worked for and make perminent enemies out of the Cycon, first you assisted the Pirates against us and now you have attacked and destroyed a valuable unit of ours. We can not remain friendly with the Hive under these surcumstances unless we see a considerable reversal from this course of action.
The Hive basicaly has a Choice at this point, make reperations to Cyon, resign our Pact and go for Cooperative Victory OR get Draged into a costly war inwhich both of us are likly to loss as the Drones continue their Geometric Expantion.
We realize your probly quite fearfull of the Drones and fell that you have a better chance of winning the game by working with them. The nature of your starting locations to a great extent forced you into coperation in the early game and you have said on many ocations that they have a superior military and you feel they would win any war between you. This may be true now but with combined power of the Hive and CPU the Drones would be in trouble. Especialy if they were to losse the Planetary Govenorship. You see Elections are coming up again soon and CPU will be able to deside that Election easily Due to our now much larger vote count. We have voted for you in the past and we would be willing to do so again if we saw a turn around in your behavior. Further more, we are planning to research Bio-Enginering in the near future. We would be most interested in an exchange of the Citizens Defence Force for the Longevity Vacine, each of us would recive the project best suited for their empire. This and much more can be gained by mutual Coperation.
On the other Hand war between us will be quite brutal, we Can produce quite a good number of Aircraft and Ships to counter any offensive you might launch. Would it not be better more fruitfull for us to together carve up the Angels and their rich territory then for us to grind each other up.
Lastly let me point out that the Conciousness would still rather coperate with the Hive then with any other faction such as the Drones. You see we are an active Role Playing Faction just like the Hive. You have gone to great lengths to put out Role Playing materials such as Pravda (which we all love reading). You have made this game fun and interesting. The Hive has played the game the way it was ment to be played, as a team of players with different and competing ideologies. We salute you for living up the the Ethos of your faction. The Drones on the Other hand are as far as we can tell are not a team at all, its simply Buster playing this game solo and he has set up his off-Poly Forum simply as a way to conceal this from our Moderators and the rest of the comunity. Shurely this is not the spirit of the game and they the Drones should not be rewarded for it by becoming the defacto victors in this game.
If the Hive sees the logic in my arguments then please agree to the following points.
Reperations of 60 Energy Credits for the loss of the Colony Pod
An Exchange of Int Int for Votes in the upcoming Election for Planetary Govenor and a Future exchange or Bio-Enginering (once we reserach it) for a tec of the Hives Choice. The Hive will also agree not to give Int Int to the Drones.
A withdraw of Hive Forces from the area of conflict, we will recipricated and return our forces to Cycon bases as you will be able to verify per say the next point.
Resigning Pact with Cycon and University
If the Hive wishes Cycon will agree not to make any hostile moves against PEACE.
Please respond quickly or we will be forced to assume the offer has been rejected.
Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche
March 12, 2004, 18:16
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I do not agree to cooperate with Hive any further.
IMO they must pay for this heavily. I would go so far as destroying ALL their units in the area around that isle. And for the mocking reason that those had 'contact' with the 'infected' cp on the isle.
They didn't trust us to live up an agreement of cease fire, and acted to that, so why should we restrain ourself then any more?
We were the ones grudgingly agreeing that PEACE would survive, and were working towards a solution. If our message to them at the time fell in deaf ears, so be it. Their messages are untrustworthy to me as well from now on.
If a majority of the members does decide to try smoothen this out, then the following remarks on that message:
- the cp costed us 171 ec, thus the 60 ec Impaler asks is not enough.
- no mentioning at all for our research directions. That is IMO now sensitive info, in the light that Buster might not giving freely infiltration info about us any more to the Hive.
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March 12, 2004, 20:18
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Nonono!!!! No ultimatums please! Make these suggestions, and send a friendlier greeting than 'frankly, war or pact'. No-one likes ultimata, and IMO it's not necessary. We are letting our distance from the Hive's members get to us. We can cooperate with them. HongHu's PM was a little facetious, but there is every chance to overcome this.
Please? I don't want war unless all options ahve been exhausted.
March 13, 2004, 04:03
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I don't want this message to sent as it is now as well. This could be our turn to be RPing like they did with the ceasefire issue.
I think my ideas are about everywhere now on the forum, so guess what sort of message I like to sent.
 Thank you Tass, I wish you a very pleasant leave, but please be back in time for the next keg of worms that opens...
He who knows others is wise.
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Last edited by GeoModder; March 13, 2004 at 06:39.
March 13, 2004, 04:59
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Sent. Not sended.
March 13, 2004, 13:28
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Why not start a planetary council about this atrocity? They would experience their own medicine
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The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw
March 13, 2004, 19:35
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Folowing Message sent to Hong Hu. Sorry if this tells more then we think we should but the feeling of Maniac and several others was that I should send a message like this ASAP. If they turn us down we havent lost much in my opinion.
Greatings HongHu. As you know I have resently returned to active Duty in my Faction and perhaps just in the nick of time too. I aproatch you as the most Pro-Hive member of Cycon, the views expressed here are my own but I have been authorized by the Conciousness to make this final peace offering to you in the hope that a fresh messanger will yeild a fresh perspective.
The Cybernetic Conciousness has learned of the Destruction of our Colony Pod by Hive forces and we are deeply troubled by this action. We feel the Hives actions are highly illogical and driven by misguided Emotions and poor strategic planning.
Let me be quite Frank here. Your threatening to throw away all that we have worked for and make perminent enemies out of the Cycon, first you assisted the Pirates against us and now you have attacked and destroyed a valuable unit of ours. We can not remain friendly with the Hive under these surcumstances unless we see a considerable reversal from this course of action. This action is having a dramatic affect on Cyon opinion of the Hive. Alredy our military affairs Function calls for the destruction of Hive vessels in the area of conflict. My self and other though see a final chance for Detente or perhaps even coperation between us.
The Hive basicaly has a Choice at this point, reverse course from what seems to been a hasty last minute desision on your part OR get Draged into a costly war inwhich both of us are likly to loss as the Drones continue their Geometric Expantion. Ask your selves what do you GAIN by making enemies of us? You wont be capturing rich and undefended territory as we did when we when to war with PEACE. Your not vanchishing a potential enemy as Cycon has never had any hostile intentions towards the Hive, you know we are not in a position to even atempt such a thing now that you have the CBA, not to mention your far higher industrial output, why do you claim to be threatened by us?
We realize your probly being pushed to attack us by the Drones and your probably quite fearfull of them and fell that you have a better chance of winning the game by working with them. The nature of your starting locations to a great extent forced you into coperation in the early game and you have said on many ocations that they have a superior military and you feel they would win any war between you. This may be true now but with combined power of the Hive and CPU the Drones would be in trouble. Especialy if they were to losse the Planetary Govenorship. You see Elections are coming up again soon and CPU will be able to deside that Election easily Due to our now much larger vote count. We have voted for you in the past and we would be willing to do so again if we saw a turn around in your behavior. Further more, we are planning to research Bio-Enginering in the near future. We would be most interested in an exchange of the Citizens Defence Force for the Longevity Vacine, each of us would recive the project best suited for their empire. This and much more can be gained by mutual Coperation
On the other Hand war between us will be quite brutal, we Can produce quite a good number of Aircraft and Ships to counter any offensive you might launch as we have an anual Credit production of nearly 300. Would it not be more fruitfull for us to together carve up the Angels and their rich territory then for us to grind each other up. I am shure some kind of territorial division can be worked out between us that benifits both parties equaly.
Lastly let me point out the MAIN reason that the Conciousness would still rather coperate with the Hive then with any other faction. You see we are an active Role Playing Faction just like the Hive. You have gone to great lengths to put out Role Playing materials such as Pravda (which we all love reading). You have made this game fun and interesting. The Hive has played the game the way it was ment to be played, as a team of players with different and competing view points. We salute you for living up the the Ethos of your faction and the goals of this game. The Drones on the Other hand are as far as we can tell are not a team at all, its simply Buster playing this game solo and he has set up his off-Poly Forum simply as a way to conceal this from our Moderators and the rest of the comunity. Shurely this is not the spirit of the game and they the Drones should not be rewarded for it by becoming the defacto victors in this game.
If the Hive sees the logic in my arguments then please agree to the following points.
An Exchange of Int Int for Bio-Enginer once CPU has access to it. The Hive will also agree not to trade Int Int to the Drones untill CPU has the Secret Project in the Bag.
A withdraw of Hive Forces from the area of conflict, we will recipricated and return our forces to Cycon bases as you will be able to verify per say the next point.
Resigning Pact with Cycon and University
In Return CPU will agree to Vote for the Hive in the next Planetary Govenor Elections and the Hive shall supply CPU with inteligence in exchange.
If the Hive wishes Cycon will agree not to make any hostile moves against PEACE, if relations with the Hive improve then the presense of PEACE bases would no longer be of any significance to us.
Please respond quickly or we will be forced to assume the offer has been rejected.
Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche
March 13, 2004, 19:59
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How about that another member sends a more warmonging message to them?
They might think that a split is happening in our ranks, and in their response we could learn something of their real motives (the one they're responding to).
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March 13, 2004, 23:29
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A more warmongering PM than that?! No thanks! One a little more conciliatory, perhaps (think official overpolite understatedness), but anything more warlike than that and I will be ducking and covering, at least. Poor communication causes so many troubles - with a kind word (with the big stick in reserve for the moment) we can probably get further than just waving the big stick around. There's nothing more provocative than being threatened. Even if they gave in relations would be further damaged.
March 14, 2004, 03:51
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 We're at war, one could say that relations are damaged as much as possible already.
Besides, the intent was not to provoke them more (hardly possible, IMHO), but to confuse them
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March 14, 2004, 09:07
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Originally posted by obstructor
Why not start a planetary council about this atrocity? They would experience their own medicine
I have already posted in the thread highlighting the Hive hypocracy.
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
March 14, 2004, 09:09
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Originally posted by Skanky Burns
I have already posted in the thread highlighting the Hive hypocracy.
Yes, I've seen it. I'm glad you raked that up.
I have to stay a bit on the 'neutral' side since I need to do diplo talks with PEACE.
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March 14, 2004, 11:04
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I do not consider the message I sent to HongHu to be a deseption. I earnestly hope they will reconsider and agree to the points I layed out. If they do I would hope the rest of the Conciousnes gives them a chance to prove themselves trustworth with some token exchanges folowed by progressivly more elaborate ventures.
I guess this makes me the leader of the Peace faction
Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche
March 14, 2004, 11:50
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Originally posted by Impaler[WrG]
I guess this makes me the leader of the Peace faction
Good one
But on the other hand (  ), it's been what? 36 hours? since you sended your message. Any reply yet?
Within 36 hours WE have to decide if a silence means continual agression, and take measures accordingly.
And don't think you gonna talk me out of attacking Hive ships then...
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