March 15, 2004, 17:00
Local Time: 10:45
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Actually, on re-reading that PM, its totally irrelavent "humourous materials"
March 15, 2004, 17:37
Local Time: 04:45
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You are such a lier.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
March 15, 2004, 18:26
Local Time: 10:45
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Location: lol ED&D is officially full PvP LOL
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Ok, it was a detailed plan of the location of all our units and those of the Drones, that's why I can't post it.
No really, I just made some jokes about planet busters again.
March 15, 2004, 20:03
Local Time: 05:45
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Um... why is more than one person sending diplomatic PMs on behalf of the team???
The team needs an official spokesperson empowered by the team to make statements to other teams as an ambassador. Other members of the team will probably chat wih members of other teams online and that's unavoidable (and on some level even desirable, though team members should not divulge any information or plans, of course), but ultimately ONE PERSON needs to be tasked as our liaison. Everyone else agrees to stay out of their way unless that person isn't doing their job.
March 15, 2004, 20:15
Local Time: 10:45
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Location: lol ED&D is officially full PvP LOL
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I'm sending conflicting signals still. I'm like a light - keep on shining till someone switches me off.
March 15, 2004, 21:07
Local Time: 00:45
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I agree with Comrade Arnelos. One person should be the official spokesperson, with the rest of us chiming in.
As for the CPU, I say to hell with them. It sounds more like they are bragging and trying to intimidate us with their credit reserves and potential industrial might. They might as well be saying that "Stay in line or we'll squash you like we did with PEACE" and "You and the Drones don't stand a chance against us".
I say we tell them that the future belongs to humanity...or to put it in terms they can understand:
Chiron + Human factions - Cyborgs = Future
Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
***** Citizen of the Hive****
"...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" - Dis
March 16, 2004, 03:32
Local Time: 05:45
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Location: of the Free World
Posts: 7,296
Impaler came into #Apolyton and proceeded to attempt to grill me about ACDG issues. OctavianX and Frankychan were both there for a bit as well.
Just so it's clear, we have now passed the critical period in which the genie had to stay in the bottle on operational security, but until I'm told otherwise, I'm not going to spill that we're about to attack them with everything we've got.
If you guys want to give me clearance to let them know that we regret to notify them that we are now at war, I can do that. But I'm not going to do until I get clearance from above and the first notification should come with the formal declaration and no sooner.
We should probably wait the agonizing ~48 hours through PEACE's turn to the Drones' turn before posting.
Anyhow, here's the chatlog:
* Impaler[WrG] has joined #apolyton
Impaler[WrG]> hello
Impaler[WrG]> Can Octavian or Arnelos discuss Hive/Cycon relations with me?
Octavian_X> I would, but I'm way to outta the loop to be of any use at all right now.
Arnelos> lemme check the Hive forum. I'm definately *rather* busy with the Civ3 ISDG at the moment, but I can at least check if I've been approved and, if so, answer any questions.
Impaler[WrG]> oh too bad
Impaler[WrG]> ok
Impaler[WrG]> Our turn has been played already
Impaler[WrG]> we havent attacked any Hive units
* Arnelos doesn't see your turn on the turn tracking thread 
Impaler[WrG]> but yall seem to consider PEACE to be some kind of protectorate/vassel state now
Arnelos> heh
Impaler[WrG]> as you seem to be willing to go to war to protect them
Impaler[WrG]> this is most illogical
Impaler[WrG]> I belive Maniac has posted the turn
Arnelos> w00t... Voltaire approved my appointment
Octavian_X> hehe
Impaler[WrG]> yes Maniac has sent the turn to PEACE
Arnelos> well, we just had a poll/discussion thread about whether it was WORTH saving PEACE
Impaler[WrG]> ok cool 
Impaler[WrG]> I dont realy see what yall gain?
Arnelos> the team was somewhat divided on that issue
Arnelos> that was the objecion brought up by Jamski
Impaler[WrG]> likwise I am oposed to us finishing them off at this point because we gain nothing
Impaler[WrG]> we already took all their good bases
Impaler[WrG]> and a bunch of crappy ones too
Impaler[WrG]> the main argument now for eliminating them is that the Hive will use the bases as a staging area to attack us
Impaler[WrG]> but if the relations with the Hive improve we would no longer have that motivation
Impaler[WrG]> what do you think?
* settler2 has joined #apolyton
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Impaler[WrG]> humm it seems the destruction of the Peace ship is starting a big thread on the forum
Impaler[WrG]> seems PEACE feels we broke the CeaseFire
Arnelos> I saw that
Arnelos> :shrug:
Arnelos> sorry, was posting in the Hive forum since Voltaire is back and posted a bunch of stuff
* WIA has joined #apolyton
Impaler[WrG]> ok well I wish to defuse this situation
* Arnelos goes to check out the "PEACE survival?" thread...
Impaler[WrG]> we have something equivilent to the Cuban Missle Crisis here
WIA> Hi Impaler!
Impaler[WrG]> hey
Impaler[WrG]> good news Arnelos has been oked to act as Diplomat to us
WIA> Chatting with Arn about the SMACDG, eh? 
Impaler[WrG]> you bet
WIA> Aha!
WIA> In your face Tass! 
Impaler[WrG]> I see though that the situation is deteriorating
Impaler[WrG]> theirs a nasty thread over the destruction of the PEACE ship
WIA> Really? Hive feels threatened?
WIA> This is all so silly - they take a CP, we take a unit that isn't theirs... everyone gets bloodlust and the Drones win,
Arnelos> WIA - no PEACE
Arnelos> Maki started the thread
Arnelos> (Makahlua)
WIA> Oh, so PEACE is worried we killed a ship of theirs?
Impaler[WrG]> well I think we need a clarification here
Impaler[WrG]> Dose the Hive consider PEACE to be a protectorate, a vassal, an alie?
Impaler[WrG]> it just seems that you want them to remain in the game and for us not to attack them
Arnelos> To be honest, the Hive has not developed (as yet) such a formal distinction of our relationship with PEACE
Impaler[WrG]> ok well a formal policy would realy help
Arnelos> I think much of the team just laments their destruction and wants see them survive, even if only with a base
Impaler[WrG]> PEACE claims that they know nothing about your destruction of the Pod
Arnelos> That's almost certainly true. We did not tell them about it.
Impaler[WrG]> so you keep them in the dark about your action?
WIA> There is certainly a lot of possibility for negotiations to that end with us.
Impaler[WrG]> I wouldn't tell them if I were you either
WIA> Well if Hive-PEACE have no formal close relations then I wouldn't be surprised about that.
Impaler[WrG]> if you wish them to live for purely emotional reasons then thats agreeable to us
Arnelos> OctX - I like the suggested title 
Impaler[WrG]> atleast to me
Impaler[WrG]> Many Cycons are just bloodlusted over eliminating a faction
Impaler[WrG]> its a trophy kind of thing I think
Arnelos> That's my impression of what the team thinks. HongHu posted as much, actually.
Octavian_X> You only get that title if I get a spot somewhere on your committee that doesn't require me to do any work. 
WIA> It's just a bit of confusion really. REcently Hive officials have been quite openly hostile recently, and that has led to alarm
Impaler[WrG]> I think we have goten all the benifits our war can achive though and anything more is getting personal
Arnelos> ah, I see the turn posted by Maniac
WIA> If we can get some real discussion and trust going with the Hive things will get better
Impaler[WrG]> Our earlier sugjestion of a Nutral Zone and Peace resetaling in Fossil Field Ridege didnt seem to generate much interst with the Hive
Impaler[WrG]> that would seemingly have adressed all of your conserns
Impaler[WrG]> PEACE would be a distant and non threatening minor faction towards us
Arnelos> I honestly don't know the geography of the map that well. I'll just have to take that one back to the team for discussion.
Impaler[WrG]> Even a Hive Vassel if you wish
Impaler[WrG]> can you open up the Saves?
Arnelos> yeah, but I'm currently running Civ3 
Impaler[WrG]> well the general area would be in the Northern Hemisphere to the East of the Hives lands
Impaler[WrG]> its an arcapeligo of Islands
* Arnelos goes to look at Makahlua's "what the hell is this" thread.....
Impaler[WrG]> PEACE could live their quite nicly but would be limited in power
Arnelos> I've seen the map, just don't know the names of the regions... somewhere in the far north would be fine, I think
Arnelos> but, as I said, I'd want my team to discuss it, obviously
Impaler[WrG]> We would then control the Large Island that CrossBone way is on
Impaler[WrG]> and north of that would be PEACE territory
* Frankychan has joined #Apolyton
Impaler[WrG]> hey Franky
Frankychan> is this thing working?
Frankychan> What's up!
Impaler[WrG]> ummmmmm
Impaler[WrG]> YES
WIA> Hi Franky 
Impaler[WrG]> I mean no
Frankychan> This chat is finally working....I've been trying to get in this for weeks now
Impaler[WrG]> this is all a malfucntion!!
Impaler[WrG]> and your just in time too
WIA> Welcome... help us thumb our noses at Tass 
Frankychan> I always get a freakin error message
Frankychan> lol
* Octavian_X has quit IRC (Quit: Moo.)
Impaler[WrG]> ok me and WIA are definatly in the Peace faction of Cycon
Frankychan> huh?
Frankychan> PEACE?
Frankychan> I don't quite follow.....
Impaler[WrG]> yes were trying to avert this war
Frankychan> ah, i see. I'm getting mixed up between peace and PEACE
Frankychan> hmmmm
Impaler[WrG]> most of Cycon fell that the Hive is preparing an all out war against us
Frankychan> lol
Impaler[WrG]> They have plenty of reason to belive it too
* Octavian_X has joined #apolyton
* Arnelos slaps Octavian_X around with a trade embargo!
Impaler[WrG]> first ya canceled the Pact
* settler2 has joined #apolyton
* settler2 has quit IRC (Quit: settler2)
* Octavian_X throws a keyboard at Arnelos
WIA> I'm not pro_Peace nevessarily, just anti war with the Hive.
Impaler[WrG]> then ya start making rediculus demands in council like returning all our captured bases to PEACE, ya knew that was impossible
Frankychan> well....I'm just a citizen of the Hive. I just try to contribute what I can, where I can, when I can
* Arnelos throws a copy of Windows ME at Octavian_X!
Arnelos> smack!
* Octavian_X drives over Arnelos
Frankychan> whoa whoa whoa....that's the policies of the 'higher-ups'
Impaler[WrG]> most feel that the counsil proposals were mearly to establish Causi Bellum for a war
Arnelos> Impaler - noted. That was the part of my chat with MrWIA that Tassadar took such exception to.
Arnelos> I mentioned that I thought the council motion was "stupid"
Frankychan> hmmm, well I don't want Tassadar to close us down so I'll try not to talk about it too much
Impaler[WrG]> Can I ask why you felt canceling Pact was a good idea?
WIA> Dammit - stupid flatmate needs phone free for indeterminate amount of time. Back as soon as I can.
Impaler[WrG]> k
Frankychan> k
Arnelos> Impaler - I think the pact cancellation predates my arrival. I honestly do not know.
Impaler[WrG]> that move realy soured relations
Impaler[WrG]> oh yes I belive it did pre-date
Frankychan> Well, we're voting on our resolutions, but the Hive is pretty split right now
Arnelos> that would be a fair assessment
Arnelos> to put it lightly
Impaler[WrG]> split between all out war and peace?
Frankychan> In all honesty, from my point of view...the events of CPU vs. PEACE was looking pretty close to our shores
Frankychan> rofl, on EVERYTHING
Impaler[WrG]> IC
Impaler[WrG]> well it seemed to us that you were going to give them ConSelf 57
Impaler[WrG]> we didnt want that to happen
Impaler[WrG]> as our goal was total elimination
Frankychan> i have to check the forums tho. I have periodic internet connection and can only access at the University
Impaler[WrG]> For one thing that would help speed up the game, PEACE takes forever to play its turns
Frankychan> lol
Impaler[WrG]> If we cant agree to coperate as I sugjested in my message then we can atleast have a stand down of military forces
Impaler[WrG]> I fear that if any more units are lost on either side then war will become inevitable
Arnelos> that is also likely a fair assessment. This will almost certainly spin out of control if more units die.
Impaler[WrG]> shurely you must have realized this when you destroyed the Colony Pod?
Arnelos> to the extent that parts of our teams are not already clamoring for war, of course
Arnelos> oh yes
Frankychan> wait, sorry...gotta help patron at work
Impaler[WrG]> I sense the Hives leadership dose not realize the significane of the CP destruction
Impaler[WrG]> I hear things like "it was only a Mind Controled Unit"
Impaler[WrG]> or "it was just civilians"
Impaler[WrG]> as if its destruction were of no real consicuence
Impaler[WrG]> admitedly in game terms it wasn't significant
Frankychan> where the does it say that? Can you direct me?
* settler2 has joined #apolyton
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Impaler[WrG]> but coming at a time of stressed relations and mistrust it has realy beed bad
Impaler[WrG]> "it was just Civilians" came from a PM Jamski sent me
Frankychan> wtf?
Impaler[WrG]> ?
Arnelos> Jamski posted that he'd PMed you... for which he has been admonished... not that that has much impact.
Impaler[WrG]> In response to that Olive Branch message I sent
Frankychan> i'm not sure of that in all honesty
Impaler[WrG]> well I quickly realized from his PM's that we was not a good contact
Impaler[WrG]> I have desided to ignore him for the most part
Arnelos> lol
Impaler[WrG]> ok well my point is that it seems the Colony Pod was destroyed lightly and without much though of long term consiquences by the Hive
Arnelos> to be blunt, Jamski likes to troll
Impaler[WrG]> yes I think your right
Frankychan> lol, heck yes
Impaler[WrG]> So as for the Colony Pod
Impaler[WrG]> we still havent recived satisfactory reason for its destruction
Impaler[WrG]> beyond some asertions that it "threatened" you which most of us find rediculus
* WIA has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
Impaler[WrG]> can you point out the reasoning behind that desision?
Arnelos> Impaler - to be honest, the team really was rather jittery that the colony pod could be used to found a CyCon base of operations a bit uncomfortably close to Hive territory.
Arnelos> Having not looked at those saves, I can't really ascertain whether that fear was justified.
Impaler[WrG]> well such a base would not be much of a threat now would it
Impaler[WrG]> I mean you could easily trash such a base
Octavian_X> G'night folks.
Arnelos> cya OctX
Impaler[WrG]> and we never DID found such a base now did we
* Octavian_X has quit IRC (Quit: Error: User has life. Closing connection...)
Impaler[WrG]> so your in a position of saying that your attack on us is justified because we MIGHT have done something that COULD have threatened you
Impaler[WrG]> you must see how weak that argument is?
Arnelos> Impaler - I'll take that to the team. As I said, I haven't seen those saves since I only recently reinstalled SMAX. I recall that the issue was that a number of team members were afraid that the CP would be used to found a base near us and that might SIGNIFICANTLY raise the stakes of the bulk of your military getting rather close while trying to finish off PEACE.
Frankychan> night
Impaler[WrG]> later
Frankychan> argh, sorry another patron
Arnelos> cya
* settler2 has joined #apolyton
* settler2 has quit IRC (Quit: settler2)
Impaler[WrG]> ok I will tell them that but I doubt it will be accepted
Arnelos> I wouldn't expect it to, really
Impaler[WrG]> HAD we actualy done that then it would be a differnt story
Arnelos> I think the team understands that if we want peace, there will have to be compensation for the CP
Impaler[WrG]> we had planned to remove the Pod and merge it with a base or found some new base in richer territory
Arnelos> ah
Frankychan> i see.
Impaler[WrG]> we would not have made such a provacative move as to found a base within air range of the Hive
Impaler[WrG]> The Pod was simply ware it was because that ware we Mind Controled it
Impaler[WrG]> and we had no transports in range withwitch to get it
Impaler[WrG]> I think a modest 60 Credits or offering a Treaty will be a good measure at this point
Frankychan> we should talk about how we can repay you guys then.
Arnelos> Personally, I think the problem was a lack of communication between the teams. Much of this was admittedly caused by the lack of an active Hive representative.
Impaler[WrG]> mind you that we spend 171 Credits to mind control it
Impaler[WrG]> yes I agree, more comunication is needed
Frankychan> Gotta talk with the higher ups, but I think 60 is ok.
Impaler[WrG]> thats 20 Credits per row so its basicly the build cost of the Pod
Arnelos> ok, I gotta take off
Impaler[WrG]> seems a fair standard to use
Frankychan> see ya Arnelos
Impaler[WrG]> when can we talk again?
Arnelos> before I take off... lemme see if I remember all of the issues to forward to my team
Arnelos> (though I'll post a log)
* Arnelos is saving a log
Impaler[WrG]> 1 - PEACE can survive if they leave our sphere of influence and travel North to atleast to Fossil Field Ridge
Frankychan> tthat doesn't sound too bad to me
Impaler[WrG]> 2 - If Hive dose not attack our units and either sends 60 Credits or signs a Treaty we will return our forces to Atlantis
Frankychan> ?
Impaler[WrG]> So 60 Credits and Truce
Impaler[WrG]> Or signing a Treaty
Frankychan> You mean you've launched a punitive expedition already?
Frankychan> wth is that?
Impaler[WrG]> no
Frankychan> ah, ok
Impaler[WrG]> we havent attacke any Hive units
Impaler[WrG]> though we easily could have
Impaler[WrG]> If the Hive simply moves its units North
* settler2 has joined #apolyton
* settler2 has quit IRC (Quit: settler2)
Impaler[WrG]> we will move ours South
Impaler[WrG]> but if the units that are within range of Hive attacks are attacked then we will likly make retaliatory strikes
Frankychan> ok, i see. thanks for clarifying that.
Impaler[WrG]> ok
Frankychan> that sounds fairly reasonable to me
* Arnelos has saved the log
Arnelos> ok, taking off... will post in the Hive forum
March 16, 2004, 04:08
Local Time: 05:45
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: of the Free World
Posts: 7,296
If you really want the summary of the above chat... this private chat essentially breaks it down for you.
Here is my little private chat with OctavianX during the early/mid stages of the chat discussed above:
OctavianX> hey
OctavianX>I'm going to stay out of this... I'm not very lying if that becomes necessary.
Arnelos> hey
Arnelos> I haven't lied to them... that's what I'm trying to avoid... which means skirting the issues
Octavian_X> Admittedly, another thing I'm not good at - Generally, myself, I prefer going straight for the issue at hand.
Octavian_X> I probably would have declared war right out on them by now...
Arnelos> the only reason we have not is the Drones
Arnelos> it has been necessary to maintain operational security/secrecy until the operation actually begins...
Octavian_X> true, true.
Arnelos> there's no question that keeping this genie in the bottle has not been easy
Octavian_X> I do sometimes get the feeling they already know as well...
Arnelos> many of them do
Arnelos> people like these guys may be part of hte disbelievers
Arnelos> much of the team will attack these guys for being naive when we strike
Arnelos> I feel sorta bad for that
Arnelos> they'll tell these guys that they should have listened to those who knew what was really going on... that we were poised to strike
Octavian_X> This is why I love my spot as admin at the MZO game - the way the teams interact like this is fascinating.
Octavian_X> Well, best of luck. I'm off to sleep.
Arnelos> cya
March 16, 2004, 04:18
Local Time: 00:45
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Back in Hawaii... (CPA Member)
Posts: 2,612
Continued from Comrade Arnelos' departure from the chatroom. I stayed, hoping that Function Impaler would see me as a "joe-shmoe". I hope I didn't overstep my bounds as a loyal Hive citizen. I'm not exactly sure on how well Function Impaler believes where I'm coming from. Anyway, here's the rest of the chat:
Impaler-If Hive doesn't attack our units and either sends 60credits or signs a treaty we will return our
forces to Atlantis
Impaler-so 60creds and truce
Or signing a treaty
Me-you mean you've launched a punitive expedition already?
wth is that?
Me-ah, ok
Imp-we haven't attacked any Hive units, though we easily could have. If the hive simply moves its units North,
we will move ours S. But if the units that are within range of Hive attacks
are attacked, then we will liekly make retaliatory strikes.
Me-ok, I see. Thanks for clarifying that.
Me-that sounds fairly resonable to me
Arnelos-ok, taking off...will post in the Hive forum
Imp-Would it also be aggreeable to make those 2 islands and angel territory a neutral zone
Me-So angel territory and te other island becomes a neutral zone.
Impaler-hopefully at some future point we can cooperate to jointly conquer the Angels and divide their territory between us.
This would boost the power of both factions quite a bit
me-I know. The angels have been pestering us for too long.
Hmmm, that sounds pretty freaking good if you ask me.
Impaler-Our forces are specialized for amphibious attack and would be quite effective vs. the angels with Hive Air power support
Me-This is sounding better and better. CYcon and Hive vs. the Angels.
Imp-a roughly 50/50 split of the territory along a N/S running line would give us each some monsoon jungle too. of course, the resulting border could be a flashpoint if relations remain weak
Me-This invasion, for a public apology on and compensation for the CP Disaster?
Imp-If we are going for a Coop Victory then this becomes a more likely scenario. I don't think
CyCon would be able to commit to the Joint Angel war unless we were in a pact with the Hive.
that would give us sufficient reassurances to commit all our military to the effort
and allow us to focus on Econ. Improvement in our core territory. Likewise the Hive could end the angel nuisance with a much smaller military committment. and cement good relations with CYCon
Me- what I'm worried about is that some of your faction, if they had to choose, would pick to invade us rather than the Angels.
Imp-we have never at any time entertained that notion. its utterly illogical consdering you vastly superior production capacity, our extended supply lines and your SP's.
not to mention we have too many bureacracy drones as is.
Imp-do many in the Hive believe we actually intend to attack you. Have you forgotten you have perimeter defenses on all your base?
me-well, we've been watching the Peace/Cycon war closely and some of us didn't like that it was getting closer and closer to our shores
Imp-and an airforce that could sinke anything that gets close to your mainland. as we said that's cause peace has bases there. what do you expect
if you didn't want to war moving towards you then why are you helping the pirates to take conself57?
Me-sorry, I honestly don't care. so long as we can do our own thing, then cycon can do whatever you guys want
imp-we are fine with the Hive doing its thing, we just wish we knew what that was.
me-not about the conshelf57 stuff...the war coming to our lands.
imp-seriously look at the make up of our forces. 1/2 of its is cruisers that cant touch hive bases. It's completely specialized at taking out the pirates.
surely you must realize that a CyCon attack on Hive lands would be suicidal for us.
me-hmmm....never thought about it like that. I don't know if the rest of the Hvie knows about this.
imp-you have plasma armor and Perim. Def. that's Def. of 6.
Me. Ok here's what I'll do. I like your plan about compensation for the CP disaster so I'll try and convince Comrade Arnelos to support it
Imp-better than the attack rating of any cycon unit. Ok. I will move to have all cycon units retreated s.ward.
Imp-I think i have a good chance of having that done if we aren't attacked any further and we see a reparation or treaty sent to us
me-hopefully we can avoid this whole mess, pay you guys back for messing up, and hopefully kill off the angels
Imp-treaty commerce would be an acceptable substitute for the 60creds, I believe. both wouldbe even better.
If I had both, I'm sure I can get the rest of cycon to back down.
Me-I agree. Both of our economies would benefit from that one.
Imp=and pact would be ideal. Planetary governorship elections are in 10yrs.
me-Ah! I get it.
Imp-if we cooperate we can get the Hive as new gov.
Me-In return, the CyCon would get...?
Imp-if the hive were friendly with us we could help you out there as we did in the last election.
Perhaps a technology, or intelligence agreement.
Me-I like the sound of this....but I have to talk with the rest of the hive first.
Imp-Intellectual integrity for us to buidl the CDF? You sound as if you haven't heard it. I mentioned all this in my proposal.
Me-I didn't get wind of this, but like I said, I can only access Apolyton on Mon, Wed, and Fri
Imp-is the full message I sent posted on the Hive forum? oh you haven't accessed the Hive forum?
Me-It might be buried in all the spam, I'll go check.
Imp- k, hope we can get some movement on this issue. One last thing...
Imp-we cyborgs have long suspected the drones are just being run by buster as a one man show. do you have any indication as to them being an active team?
Me-not too sure. Hong Hu communicates with the Drones
Imp-I have only seen 1 drone ever post on the main forum and their quite silent diplomatically. ok and another thing.
Imp-was our unification with the University a major reason for the Hives change in opinion towards us? many suspect that your simply jealous of that unification and our successful war.
As those 2 things significantly increased our power.perhaps you felt the game was already in te bag for you with your excellent early game building and these things threw your plans off?
Me-well....we WERE concerned. Lots of us in our forum were kind of scared that you wanted to take over planet for yourselves and saw us as the obvious faciton next to get rid of
Imp-why the hive next?
surely the stupid ai's would be the next logical targets as their closer to us and much stupider
even then the drones would be a better target due to not having perimeter def.
Me-partly because AI is stupid, you guys could easily defend against their inept attacks. lots of us just want to build and were paranoid when you guys started attacking PEACE
Imp-we attacked peace because they were a soft and rich target right next door. they had nothing but single scout patrols in all their bases when we attacked. so the Gains far outweighed the risks
Me-lol, that's wha ta lot of hivers think of ourselves.
Me-we don't see ourselves as a 'powerhouse' or anything like that.
Imp=well you obviously are, haven't you looked at the power graph? your only rival is the drones.
Me-lol, well...your actions really shocked the heck out of us.
Imp-the war on peace you mean. we told you about that before we even started. which is one of the reasons we were particularly offended by you support for them.we thought we had an agreement, votes for infor and you stay neutral
me-personally, i was rather surprised in how fast you took 'em over
Imp=yes we did do a nice job didn't we. they really set themselves up though. no defenses at was nearly a decade between when we broke pact and we attacked.
Me-lol, crap, gotta go to a different work station, k.
Imp-in all that time they did nothing.
Me-ok, sorry man. I have to go switch workstations. I'll post a message with your proposal and start getting everyone on board. Hopefully i can convince the other Hivers. Nice talking man, I hope we can resolve this.
Sorry that I mentioned you first, Comrade Arnelos, but you were the only one whom I could think of that talked with Function Impaler. I figured since you two spoke, that would make it more believable.
And to Comrade HongHu, I'm sorry if I shifted the burden towards you, but you do speak with the drones rather frequently. His sapping of info didn't work though.
As said before, i apologize if I overstepped my bounds.
Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
***** Citizen of the Hive****
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March 16, 2004, 05:39
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Looks ok to me... but who cares really now? The CyCon have no chance to act on the information they get untill its too late.
Personally, I'd prefer not to go to war, but from a strategy sense, we really have to, and I'm sure they are expecting it anyway...
March 16, 2004, 21:50
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What is this (Posted in Ambassador Announcements) Voy forum?
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Support Apolyton
This message to let Hive now that a diplomatic message is posted in the Voy forum.
March 16, 2004, 21:58
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From Impaler of CC:
Greating Arnelos
I wished to send you a follow up message to our earlier conversation we had. I was hoping for a bit more insight into the Hives opinion and likly course of actions. I have noticed in the past that the Hive dosen't seem to like letting others know what its thinking. For example say your debating between doing A or B. Cycon sees nothing wrong with telling other factions "We are debating between doing A or B, but if you Do C we will definatly do B, but if you do D we will reciprocate we A". I would like to get a similar kind of take on what your debating now and have debated in the resent past. This kind of information can realy help us avoid messes like the one we are in now. Resent messages from the Hive seem to indicate that our elimination of the Peace ship was seen as a hostile action that would force a war between us. What ever the Hives reasoning for that might be it was not a position anyone made clear to us before said action was taken and thus the Hive missed any oportunity to affect the desision.
When Cycon debated the topic we had 4 choices A - attack just the Pirates, B - attack the Hives units and the Pirates, C - attack only the Hive, D - attack no one. Support was 4 for A and 1 for each of the others. As you can see their is no major desire for war with the Hive, yet I am shure that will change if our military forces are attacked. If you could provide a similar view of the Hives opinion towards us it would help significantly as we will be able to avoid actions that the Hive finds intolerable as it seems our atempts to calculate what the Hive would find acceptable have not meet with much success so far.
Our position is quite clear, if the Hive attacks our units we will counter attack and begin a miltary build up. By the way if the Drones are supplying you with acurate inteligence you could see that we focused on Economic build up rather then war so I presume they deny you this information to agitate your fears for their own purposes.
If the Hive simply retreats its forces we like wise retreat ours and the Vendetta will turn cold.
If the Hive sends reperations of 60 Credits and a Truce or an offer of Treaty the Conciousness will forgive the destruction of the Pod and accept the offer provided no attacks were made upon us.
I *really* don't have time to respond at the moment since I'm in the middle of some rather major foreign policy discussions and playing the turn for the Civ3 ISDG Team. I'll get to this later this evening, I hope.
That said, commentary from the team here between now and then on whether it's even WORTH responding to this (or what the response should be) is welcome.
March 17, 2004, 04:39
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By the way if the Drones are supplying you with acurate inteligence you could see that we focused on Economic build up rather then war so I presume they deny you this information to agitate your fears for their own purposes.
See! The evil Drones are manipulating us, and still you will not see this. They will wait untill we have our airforce in CyUni territory, and then strike!
We have no chance!
March 17, 2004, 12:17
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Ambassador Arnelos can respond in due time, we’re in no hurry to improve relations with the CyCon. I will issue a formal reply to the whole demand for reparations, which we will not give.
March 17, 2004, 12:20
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Reply to the CyCon:
If the Hive sends reperations of 60 Credits and a Truce or an offer of Treaty the Conciousness will forgive the destruction of the Pod and accept the offer provided no attacks were made upon us.
The Human Hive officially states that we shall not pay any reparations to the CyCon. We are willing to work toward peace but we do not feel obligated to compensate the CyCon for the loss of a colony pod which we do not even recognize as their. If the CyCon wishes to offer a more reasonable compromise, but let this be the end of the reparations discussion.
Chairman of the Central Continuing Committee of the People of the Human Hive
March 17, 2004, 12:21
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Someone check that over and see if it is fine to send before I go ahead with it.
March 17, 2004, 12:42
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Say that we accept it, and they can expect the ecs next turn, but we don't have enough now.
Then they move thier cruiser home as promised, and we smack them when they do not expect it.
If you really HAVE to go to war with the CyCon, then its best to be extra nice to them first.
Please don't waste all my hard work in the general forum.
March 17, 2004, 14:36
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I think Jamski has a point there. I support his version of the reply, for it lets us strike when they expect it least.
March 17, 2004, 15:10
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They may even send 60 ecs to PEACE this way for no expenditure on our part
March 17, 2004, 16:41
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I agree with Chairman's reply. We are going to attack Uni THIS turn. There is no point to pretend extra nicely. In their turn they will see all that they need to see and they will not send any ecs to PEACE. I would rather we don't add insult to enjury for them. If we do what Jamski said a lot of CCs will feel cheated, not to say they will feel cheated anyway.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
March 17, 2004, 17:00
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PM between Me and Maniac. Not intended to represent the team or anything. Rather it is kind of a personal communication between two players, but I thought I should post it here for all to see in case there might be any leak of information or things like that.
I'm really sorry to hear that. I can understand your frustration about the internal affairs. I'm not Kody or you but I do have the same feeling. When we had the shaddow ministry, Kody and I enjoyed a very short period of relatively being free from having to spend countless hours to explain stuff but as you know that only lasted for two turns I think.
As for the Diplomacy stuff, I suppose it in a large degree is my fault. Perhaps I've "roleplayed" it too much. Please understand though, that non of those are anything personal. Even the "inventing fictitious reasons" part. Not sure if it makes you feel better if I say that we actually do not "believe the bullshit and lies" we put out in RL, we are simply play it since we are the Hive. This being a team game would mean there will be teams who win or lose. But I really don't want to see anybody's feeling being hurt by the game. You know me, I certainly don't feel any amusement by "slaughtering" people. You know that I actually tried so hard that we can win this together. And I also tried to make the game fairer to everybody by kind of leaking Hive info to you before your peace war and suggesting you and uni and peace pact together. I was actually happy to see the merge of CPU even thought that might have been the mark when CC and Hive were formally driven apart.
Last thing I would like to say is that I am really impressed with the sharp insight and good skills you presented in this game. I really hope that you can stay. There are only these few people who are crucial to the game and make the game a worthy experience to all and you are one of them. I would really really miss you if you really leave us.
Please stay.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
Last edited by Snowflake; June 13, 2004 at 18:18.
March 17, 2004, 17:01
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Originally posted by Frankychan
And to Comrade HongHu, I'm sorry if I shifted the burden towards you, but you do speak with the drones rather frequently. His sapping of info didn't work though.
No problem there Comrade Frankychan. He was obviously trying to get some info about Drones from you and you fend him off well.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
March 17, 2004, 21:05
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Thank you Comrade HongHu!
1> I've grown tired of discussing Internal Affairs orders. I guess you could consider me more or less the Kody of CPU, checking what former orders or credit investments are most cost-efficient and give the biggest return etc. Since around MY 2150 I have been increasingly succesful in making my ideas state policy. However unlike Kody who I assume more or less had carte blanche to do whatever he wanted without much discussion, CPU has a democracy, meaning about everything is discussed. This means I had to spend hours each year explaining to other cyborgs why their IAF proposals are not cost-efficient. Without any use of course, because the year after they would again make IAF suggestions that for any moderately experienced SMACer would look inefficient at first sight. This gets really boring after a while.
This is why running Police State is always better.
Furthermore, while Comrade Jamski's idea is interesting, I would have to agree with Comrade Chairman and Comrade HongHu in that we shouldn't even fake into giving them reparations. If they are expecting us to give them 60creds in return for them moving their ships away, they aren't going to move their ships until they get the that proposal is moot.
Since Function Maniac (assumes) knows that we are going to smash them, why don't we just oblige and eliminate CPU...but watch out for the Drones.
Even though they have proven themselves honorable, there's a first time for everything.
Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
***** Citizen of the Hive****
"...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" - Dis
March 17, 2004, 21:30
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Originally posted by Frankychan
I would have to agree with Comrade Chairman and Comrade HongHu in that we shouldn't even fake into giving them reparations. If they are expecting us to give them 60creds in return for them moving their ships away, they aren't going to move their ships until they get the that proposal is moot.
We would pay CyCon to move their away from us now?
Please say it isn't so.
There is little that renders more fun than destroying ships with airpower.
We need them close to our needlejets and choppers, not further away.
March 17, 2004, 21:46
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Jamski's proposal is to fake them into moving their ships away in exchange for reimbursement of the CP. Since they pretty much know that the Hive hammer is going to fall...we shouldn't even bother with deception now.
Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
***** Citizen of the Hive****
"...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" - Dis
March 17, 2004, 22:32
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Originally posted by Frankychan
Jamski's proposal is to fake them into moving their ships away in exchange for reimbursement of the CP. Since they pretty much know that the Hive hammer is going to fall...we shouldn't even bother with deception now.
I just looked at the new turn.
The cruiser that killed the Peace schooner is within range of our needlejet in New Moscow. I think that should be our opening shot.
March 17, 2004, 22:34
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Hmmm, tempting.
Although we should talk about this with the CMC.
Would that be the opening shot of the Hive/CPU war? Additionally, how does this effect our plans with the Drones....since they obviously have a hunch that war with the Hive means war with the Drones.
Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
***** Citizen of the Hive****
"...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" - Dis
March 17, 2004, 22:36
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Originally posted by Frankychan
Hmmm, tempting.
Although we should talk about this with the CMC.
Would that be the opening shot of the Hive/CPU war? Additionally, how does this effect our plans with the Drones....since they obviously have a hunch that war with the Hive means war with the Drones.
The invasion of the University has already begun, we're at war with the CPU, there is no going back.
March 17, 2004, 23:06
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Where are the updates?
Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
***** Citizen of the Hive****
"...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" - Dis
March 17, 2004, 23:42
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Originally posted by Frankychan
Where are the updates?
Look in Turn 2160 Thread
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