February 26, 2001, 10:44
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Invasion Planet Earth
Scenario :
The people looked at the sky and saw the black death. Faceless inhuman vessels were swarming and blackening the very sun. Full of terror and full of rage the people began to run for useless shelters and started to realize that all the promises of the AI governements were sheer lies. Coming from Alpha Centauri, the Aliens were about to submit the blue planet.
February 26, 2001, 10:47
Local Time: 23:00
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Rules :
This is a succession game. Each player plays a number of turns and then sends the game to the next with a copy to me. Each player also writes a little story, telling what he has achieved. At the beginning, each player plays about 20 turns. It should go down to 10 after something like 1500ad and then go down to 5 when we fight against the AI.
No time limit is forced to play one’s turn. Of course, the faster, the better. What I asked is that one posts a message when he receives the game and indicates an estimated time for completion. Being to busy to play for a few days or even a week is ok, not telling those who are waiting is more questionnable. If you can’t post, just send a mail to me. If you can’t mail, well … nevermind.
February 26, 2001, 10:48
Local Time: 23:00
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Location: Currently cleaning the 9000 rooms of Sticky Mouse's Palace
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Settings :
Test of Times / Extended Original / Deity / 7 civs / no Barbarians / maxiworld map of 143x229 and random Centauri map. Transcendance not allowed and talks between the Aliens and the human tribes always impossible (I hope I didn’t mess with the events.txt).
Edit : as the barbarians only appear on earth it would be favorable to us.
Remark : of course that the saved file will have to be put in the extended original directory.
February 26, 2001, 10:49
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Lineup :
1) Julius : julius.brenzaida@infomaniak.ch
2) Sandmonkey : Phanatic62@aol.com
3) Roman : lajciak@hotmail.com
4) Zulu Elephant : JMiles21@excite.com
5) Lord LMP : LordLMP@hotmail.com
February 26, 2001, 11:58
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I shall watch with interest - I've only played about three games of ToT so won't spoil it for others by asking for a seat. Godd luck all!
Scouse Git[1]
February 26, 2001, 12:39
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As the Aliens came out of the Centaurian seas to settle the planet, they first began to explore the promised land and to open the huts, discovering Archers, slaves who will help enforce martial law. Unfortunately the Island was small, very small with the place for only 2 or 3 large cities and there was only one hut !. Mapmaking will be a high priority. Hades’ Shrine was build in 3700 BC and Belzebuth Nest in 3600 BC. In 3400 Alphabet was discovered and in 3150 Code of Laws. Mapmaking is next. In 3000 BC no one would bet on the Aliens to invade earth in less than 5000 years !
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
February 26, 2001, 12:40
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Game played and sent to Sandmonkey. This one is going to be tough. There is some place in the north for a 3rd city.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
February 26, 2001, 12:44
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This looks interesting. I will watch closely, looking for a reason to buy ToT.
"Bonjour, you cheese-eatin' surrender-monkeys."
February 26, 2001, 17:36
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Sorry Julius, I put it in the wrong folder  This is if you don';t get my second e-mail...
I got the game. Once I finish I'll send it to Roman, and to Julius just for safe keeping.
February 26, 2001, 18:09
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The second millenia of life saw great strides in Alien life. Settlers ventured out from both Hades' Shrine and Belzebuth, both in search to make suitable land out of the nearby fields. By a great stroke of luck, it was discovered that a substance we call "wood" happens to float in our great seas. After a few tries, something we like to call a "boat" or "trireme" was built. Our settlers decided to take a chance and venture for new lands apon this vessel. Also, to honor those who have deceased, something we like to call Ceremonial Burial was developed. We are also strongly looking into a new form of government, a brash new idea many of the radicals are calling "Monarchy". It should be only a matter of time before this evelops the entire country... and a new king shall be proclaimed!
February 26, 2001, 21:26
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I watch in interest and salute your efforts!
Sulla-The last dictator of Rome before Caesar. He changed Rome and Rome sure as hell changed him.
February 27, 2001, 01:08
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Is there any chance of you guys posting the save files on a web site somewhere so that we kibitzers could take a closer look?
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
February 27, 2001, 07:20
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Great story and nice job Sandmonkey. I wonder if Hades has a shot at becoming an SCC. There’s still a location in the far north for a 3rd city, I think, but it can wait. Monarchy will be welcome. I hope we find some new land soon. May Poseidon help us.
Roman, it’s all up to you now.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
February 27, 2001, 07:22
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits on 02-26-2001 10:58 AM
I shall watch with interest - I've only played about three games of ToT so won't spoil it for others by asking for a seat. Godd luck all!
Scouse Gits, your wisdom is almost legendary. As long as you don’ try to ICS it, you are most welcomed to join this game. I wish no ICS because even with rushbuilding, 200 shields units are hard to come by with size 2 cities.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
February 27, 2001, 07:23
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Location: Currently cleaning the 9000 rooms of Sticky Mouse's Palace
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits on 02-26-2001 12:08 PM
Is there any chance of you guys posting the save files on a web site somewhere so that we kibitzers could take a closer look?
Anyone interested ? just say so and I will e-mail you the saved files. (Already done for SG). I have no site and no time for now to think about making one.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
February 27, 2001, 11:01
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Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom
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Thanks for the kind offer of a game - but I shall decline - at least this time - if you send the save games to my work address I could find some web space for them ... Thanks for the almost!
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
February 27, 2001, 20:04
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February 27, 2001, 20:09
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Game received.
Given my alien heritage, I made an interesting discovery. Aliens need to sleep.
I just spent the entire night  working on an international relations paper, concerning the legality of NATO's intervention in Kosovo. The result may be a much lower strategic ability to grow our empire.
I hope you, people, are good enough to make up what will be lost in the semi-comatose  state of the third alien.
February 27, 2001, 21:03
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Game played  and sent.
During Roman's reign, the empire was just as sleepy as he was.  A city of Frinchi was founded on the northen coast of our island, even though our projections show that its zone if influence will interfere with our other two cities' in the future. The trireme circled and circled the island searching for new land, but that was nowhere to be seen. The building of our great lighthouse was interupted twice due to popular uprisings in the host city. Innovative solutions (moving in more units and hiring entertainers) were applied to keep the production of the lighthouse going. Meanwhile our ssssettlerssss were put to make the habitat suitable. Great moisturisers were built into the soil to increase the growth of fungi and moulds and provide our bulgeoning population with food and roads were also built for communication and trade.
Monarchy was proclaimed with Roman as the first King. Under his tutelage, our inhabitants then discovered how the colourful spore of "fungus scriptalis" can be used for permament recording of information. This we called writing. Literacy, was than chosen as the next target in order to build up a Great Library full of the works created by this process and hence immeasurably advance our knowledge.
Our seers had two visions:
1) There exists a place called Earth, full of tasty fungi. This heavenly place is, however, inhabited by devils of the worst kind, who consider moulds a nuisance!! Luckily given the evil nature of these beings they squabble among each other and are subdivided into 6 tribes. One of these tribes has started building the Hanging Gardens, where they plan to have something called "plants"  not fungi!!!
2) The second vision stated that we are less powerful than any of these devilish kingdoms.
The King Alien then descended into a very long hibernation...
February 27, 2001, 23:01
Wasn't it suppose to be Zulu's turn? i got the game from Roman.
February 28, 2001, 05:51
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits on 02-27-2001 10:01 AM
Thanks for the kind offer of a game - but I shall decline - at least this time - if you send the save games to my work address I could find some web space for them ... Thanks for the almost! 
By « almost », I meant « soon to be » ! Thanks for the offer, I send all the games files to your work adress.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
February 28, 2001, 05:52
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Roman : while later, Alien historians might reappreciate the true value of your work, readers of today fully appreciate your nice narrative. Your handling of the fungus scriptalis is quite commandable.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
February 28, 2001, 05:53
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Originally posted by [LordLMP] on 02-27-2001 10:01 PM
Wasn't it suppose to be Zulu's turn? i got the game from Roman.
Don’t worry, LordLMP. It is indeed Zulu-E’s turn. Roman sent the game to both of you. Zulu Elephant will soon play his turns and then send it to you. Not the greatest start ever so far, but the starting location was not good. I expect some bigger continent near us.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
February 28, 2001, 06:22
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Originally posted by Julius Brenzaida on 02-27-2001 06:23 AM
Anyone interested ? just say so and I will e-mail you the saved files. (Already done for SG). I have no site and no time for now to think about making one.
I am also interested in spying. Please e-mail me the savegames.
[This message has been edited by Thoddy (edited March 01, 2001).]
February 28, 2001, 07:04
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I have created a web-site for this thrilling saga here.
I regret I can make no promises about the frequency of updates etc., but I will do my best .....
Let's hear it for the aliens!
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
February 28, 2001, 08:04
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Location: Currently cleaning the 9000 rooms of Sticky Mouse's Palace
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Scouse Gits, this is really great.
Thanks very much.
I've send you all the files so far.
Thanks again !
February 28, 2001, 08:56
Okay then...i say Zulu should explore directly north of Fainichi
March 1, 2001, 10:23
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Location: Hannover, Germany
Posts: 227
Hi guys,
Let me join as no. 6.
I'm a civer since 1992.
e-mail: thorsten.wahl@nordlb.de.
March 1, 2001, 20:41
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Posts: 763
Sorry guys havent been online for a while
I'll play my turns and send it on/post either today or tommorrow
Wait...theres something up with the saved game file i got
"Failed to load game: file is in obsolete format"
[This message has been edited by Zulu Elephant (edited March 01, 2001).]
March 2, 2001, 01:39
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Originally posted by Thoddy on 03-01-2001 09:23 AM
Hi guys,
Let me join as no. 6.
I'm a civer since 1992.
e-mail: thorsten.wahl@nordlb.de.
Sure if it's OK with Julius the Organiser and others.  (I am sure they will all be happy for you to join. As a general rule - the more, the merrier)
In that case:
1) Julius : julius.brenzaida@infomaniak.ch
2) Sandmonkey : Phanatic62@aol.com
3) Roman : lajciak@hotmail.com
4) Zulu Elephant : JMiles21@excite.com
5) Lord LMP : LordLMP@hotmail.com
6) Thoddy : thorsten.wahl@nordlb.de
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