Welcome C Zenith, I am not sure about all the replies but here is what I believe about each question:
Originally posted by C Zenith
1) Does the attack bonus given by ballista towers, battlements, and flak towers apply to the attack rating of units defending a city, or units attacking from a city, or both?
The bonus is given to the units defending a city.
2) Is it better for a government to have strict or relaxed pollution controls?
The more the control is strict the less you will produce pollution and the less discontent citizens you will have in each of your city because of the said pollution.
3) How is it decided where a unit ends up in a battle, particularly air units?
The units are placed according to their category and the number of units in the category. The principle is that frontline units (Hoplites, Machinegunners, etc...) should occcupy the frontline, flanking units (some mounted units, Tanks) should be placed on the flanks of the frontline, support units (archers, catapults, artillery) should be placed on the second line. Non fighting units like settlers, lawyers should also be placed on the back.
Air units should be placed like supporting units, in the second line.
4)Can a unit it the frontline range attack units behind the enemies frontline?
As far as I remember ranged units are always attacking units placed on the frontline.
5)What effect does a celebration have?
I don't remember though a thread has been created recently about this topic, you should find it in this forum or in the
CtP2 - Creation forum.
6) How should I use air units?
I can only tell you how I use them. I use them either as independent units or supporting units. Whatever the case I always group them independently of the terrestrial or naval units.
Scouting mission: I send one unit or several units in different directions (they are never grouped in this case) to explore the frontier territory and spot ennemy moves or new settlements.
Harassment of the ennemy: I send independent grouped air units to kill the ennemy units lingering close to my territory or into it. Bombers can also be used to bombard ennemy units before they are attacked by land or naval units.
Support mission: the trick, as far as I am concerned, is to move the terrestrial units and air units independently.
1 - Move your land units close to the ennemy stack you want to attack
2 - Move the air units into the land units attacking force square and group them together.
3 - Attack the ennemy units with your Air-Land combined force
4 - Ungroup the air units from the land units and bring them back to a landing zone.
Attack mission: I sometimes use 10 or 12 units strong stacks of Fighters/Bombers units (especially stealth ones) to attack and destroy enemy stacks, either in defense when my land units are mainly occupied elsewhere or when I am launching an offensive to reach as quickly as possible my objectives without mobilizing too many land units.
7) How does active defense work?
When you have an active defense unit, this unit automatically fires on an ennemy unit of the corresponding type if it comes close to your active unit.