October 19, 2003, 16:13
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Introducing... The Northen Front
Introducing the North Front. The North Front can be divided into a Siryan front...
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October 19, 2003, 16:16
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And other cities bordering with Lebanon
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October 19, 2003, 16:18
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It's gonna be difficult to defend the cities northen to Tiberiades, even if TIberiades is conquered. So I wonder what are you suggestions... Defend them with AA fighter, machineguns, etc... Or try to build fortresses in the mountains?
And what amount of units are you, the politicians going to aport to the front?
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October 19, 2003, 16:33
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All of them should have city defenses.
Metullah is on a mountain, an excellent defensive position, especially afer it builds city defenses. I suggest perhaps machine guns, Hagganah, or AA units.
Mishmar Yarden is on a river, which can be somewhat helpful, and perhaps you should try to put some defensive units on the hill's outside, though I think maybe once city defenses are built there as well, the city itself would be more defendible.
Kafer Szold is the weak point. It is on grassland, and the hills nearby can come under the guns of Syrian forces in their mountain forces.
As for what units we can supply, your fellow party member EmuGod is building those.
I also think that in addition to taking Tiberias, we should use the Zion workers to help extend the railroads out there, at least as far as Tiberias.
All of these are just thoughts, not orders. I hire generals so I need not concern myself with such things.
October 19, 2003, 16:39
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I agree about Metullah. However I disagree about city defenses... they are useless against tanks, and the Siryans are going to come with planes and tanks. I prefer to have an aditional machinegun than City Defenses... I think that Metullah could resist, but the other cities are doomed unlesss significant reinforcements are sent...
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October 19, 2003, 17:09
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For planes, we'll either have to send our own planes, or at this point, send AA. As for tanks, they may have be preemtively attacked, perhaps the AI won't give them a defender as well...
How soon until the Arabs start using tanks?
Also, aren't the British border guards there, so you'll have a few turns to make defenses?
October 19, 2003, 19:45
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In my single player game I found that Metullah survived for a while with just Machinegunners and AA guns built there. Unless we get rid of Arab spies, you can o**** on Mishmar Yarden to be bribed and Kafer Szold to fall due to that.
October 20, 2003, 07:34
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Originally posted by yaroslav
It's gonna be difficult to defend the cities northen to Tiberiades, even if TIberiades is conquered. So I wonder what are you suggestions... Defend them with AA fighter, machineguns, etc... Or try to build fortresses in the mountains?
And what amount of units are you, the politicians going to aport to the front?
hi ,
some cities shall be poorly defended , like tiberias , ....
build road to get more money and move the troops faster , machine guns to defend , AA in the core cities fortesses are a waste of time , just send a unit there and fortify it there , it shall get a 25 % bonus , ......
just dont forget about the arab gunboats that make our waters unsafe and try to sink our ships , ...... (!)
have a nice day
November 15, 2003, 20:32
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The situation of the North Front is displayed in the image attached to this post.
Akko has been conquered, giving us a free way from Haifa to Yehi'am. Inside of this city (Yehi'am) there is an arty unit who will destroy the guards near Safed that stop us to going after Tiberias. Next turn that road will be open, and my soldiers will go to Tiberias. If general Azazel and I are able to coordinate an offensive, Tiberias could fall, and the Golan reinforced.
Although I like a lot the units built, I ask for more units, because ALL the syrian army is going to attack us in that cities. Metullah is the easiest to defend because it is build in a mountain (200% percent defense bonus + plus city bonus + plus fortified bonus).
Question open to debate with all citiziens: we should try to stop the lebanese in Nahariyyah or to take more offensive positions against them, ocupyin the nearby mountains and forts? (I vote for stading at Nahariyyah)
Is Safed a political objetive? I'd ask politicians for all me to delay its conquest until the Golan is secure. The Golan is our priority. Without Golan, the Sirian army will enter in Israel and all will be lost.
So I ask humbly to our Chief of Staff to ask politicians for more units in our three Golan cities - a lot more (maybe some AntiAir units, specially as you can see enemy fighter nearby)! Kafer Szold specially...
From my own part, I'd more than happy if we're able to resist in the Goland and liberate Tiberias and Safed. If we're able to resits, we can use our arty units to help the Home Front.
There is an arty just south of Akko. If needed, I can use it and the Haifa infantry to try to launch an attack against Nazareth, if the Home Front Commander agree or could give the units to the Home Front Commander. However, I'd like to conserve the unit if possible for future use rather than using it in the Home Front.
I've left Akko and the arty unit unprotected because no enemy activity have been detected. If the Chief of Staff is unhappy with this, there is a Haghana unit free of movements in Naharryyah who could be use to provide protection to the arty and the city.
I'm willing to hear yours opinions!
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Last edited by yaroslav; November 15, 2003 at 20:48.
November 15, 2003, 22:13
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I would like to make stands at those hills north of Nahariyyah and Safed (Safed I would also like secured after Tiberias, if only to make sure our roads are unhindered to the Golan). Of course, there are some British units there in the way.
November 16, 2003, 01:29
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Good job, on both taking the city and attatching a picture so everyone in the peanut gallery can clearly see what is going on.
I agree, the Golan should be the number one priority. Part of me also wants to take Safed. However, if Safed remains Palestinian, but is isolated from the rest of cities, it may hold up possible Lebanese offensive's in the area, since they won't be able to use the road.
November 16, 2003, 09:56
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Nahariyyah has been a great victory, my compliments. It would seem that you are short on artillery, I shall be putting all my pressure to have some artillery built in Akko, Yehi'am and Nahariyyah so that the offensive on Tiberias may be undertaken.
November 17, 2003, 13:22
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Originally posted by yaroslav
that cities. Metullah is the easiest to defend because it is build in a mountain (200% percent defense bonus + plus city bonus + plus fortified bonus).
There's no such thing as a city defense bonus (exept if the city has walls / defenses)
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November 17, 2003, 13:42
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Originally posted by N35t0r
There's no such thing as a city defense bonus (exept if the city has walls / defenses)
I believe you may be in error. My experience in numerous PBEM's and scenarios have shown that geography always affects defense. It is much harder to capture cities on rivers, hills, and especially mountains.
I know terrain is also a factor in city defense in Civ1 and Civ3. Why else do people build cities on hills and mountains but for defense?
November 17, 2003, 14:09
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I meant extra defense because of the city.
A standard (unwalled) city atop a hill has no extra bonus apart from the one the hill gives...
just clarifying, so that people are aware that a troop on a hill has better chances than one on a grassland city with no walls.
Indifference is Bliss
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November 17, 2003, 14:24
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Ah, I get it, sorry about the mixup.
Still, and I think we all agree, Metullah is a good choice to defend, because units will die only one at a time, and we can build city defenses. We just need watch out for spies of we haven't found a way to edit them out yet.
November 17, 2003, 17:13
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Yep, Chief of Staff, you're probably rigth
But the point is.... I need more defenses and a political order about wheter I should lend my arty to the Home Front Commander in order to capture Nazareth
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November 17, 2003, 21:25
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November 19, 2003, 17:14
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BTW, dear Chief of Staff when you speak about victory at Nahariyyah I think you really want to say victory at Akko
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November 26, 2003, 18:16
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Operation Tiberias Launched!
A whole bunch of units has been launched against the city of Tiberias. As you can see in the graphic, with Tiberias in our hands, both the route to Golan and to the cities in the border with Jordany will be open, so I'm puting all my units in this capture.
I need a Zionist Worker to build a fortress near Tiberias! And I need it to do this NOW! I've put a Kibutznick to work in this fortress, so with a Zionist worker the fortress will be build this same turn and my arty will secure to conquer Tiberias next turn without any effort.
In the following turns,
a) I'll need more units in the Golan. Much more
b) I'll take one arty to the Golan and the other against Safed, if the Chief of Staff and the PM agree with that.
c) I sugest Tiberias to be given to the general Sahed.
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November 26, 2003, 18:21
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I already placed the Zion worker in Yehi'am under your command.
November 26, 2003, 18:21
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I forget to add the picture
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November 26, 2003, 18:24
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Ok, then I'm going to replace the file. Fortress have been built! Tiberias will fall next turn.
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December 11, 2003, 07:39
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Tiberias taken with no casualities!! This is a great victory, as the Golan has been conected with the rest of Israel. Also, the Jordanian menace towards Akko (two arty units) has been stoped with no casualities.
Now it's time to take a desition, and not a easy one: how to use the arty units near Tiberias. I'm for delaying the capture of Safed and take them to Mishmar Yarden in order to defend the city and buy new arties to take Safed, in the future if politics agree to. The arty nears Akko can be used against Nazareth or Safed.
Safed has sent soldiers to menace Yehi'am. Their postion is very interesting, because they can attack the city or destroy the roads, isolating the Golan one more time. A machinegun has been sent to the city, and other to the roads, because to mantain the roads open is our main concern...
A Hagana unit is defending Tiberias. The city should be adjudicated by the Chief of Staff either to the Northen or the Home Front.
The arabs are coming!! Prepare to defend Israel!!
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December 11, 2003, 11:23
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Excellent news, General!
December 11, 2003, 14:49
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I suppose we could send the arty by akko too Safed or Nazareth, eventually.
To be honest, I think we can take our time before attacking Safed. Until Safed falls, the Lebanese have to go through their allies before getting to us.
December 11, 2003, 16:53
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Damm politicians making my troops getting back... again  !
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December 12, 2003, 15:21
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I am merely stating preferences, I haven't ordered troops anywhere... yet.
January 15, 2004, 10:15
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Northen Front Report... First part
Northen Front - The report: Intelligence's info
In this, our current map, we can see the foes of Israel: lebanese, Syrians and Jordans, who're going to crash against us in the Northen front. I'm specially worried about the syrians
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January 15, 2004, 10:19
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Northen Front: Our defenses
Our defenses
Here is listed the complete guide of our defenses in the northen front:
-Akko: 1 machinegun.
-Nahariyyah: 1 hagana
-Yehi'am: 1 machinegun, 1 hagana
-Tiberias: 1 hagana
-Mishmar Yarden: 2 machinegun, 1 WWI arty, 1 Kibutznick and 1 anti-aircraft.
-Kafer Szold: 1 Irgun, 1 machinegun, 1 WWI arty, 1 anti-aircraft and 1 kibutznick
-Metullah: 1 anti-aircraft, 1 machinegun, 1 kibutznick
Other unit:
1 Kibutznick near Tiberias (protecting one of our forts)
1 Zionist worker (building a Haiffa-Yehi'ram railroad)
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