March 25, 2004, 19:14
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WW2 arty, let it be. The more the merrier
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April 16, 2004, 16:34
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East Jerusalem has been softnened, the new arties has got veteran and other arties are slowly recovering. In one or max two turns we could enter in the city... After that, we'll go for Hebron or Ramallah, as the Prime Minister would prefer.
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April 17, 2004, 08:49
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Originally posted by yaroslav
East Jerusalem has been softnened, the new arties has got veteran and other arties are slowly recovering. In one or max two turns we could enter in the city... After that, we'll go for Hebron or Ramallah, as the Prime Minister would prefer.
hi ,
just be carefull , .....
the counterattack can be heavy , try to get the max amount of squares around the city , and try to get the most units inside as possible , ....
have a nice day
May 8, 2004, 09:55
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East Jerusalem has been liberated!!! The Old city is in our hands.
The Arab Legion sent an entire army of arty too free the city, but it was destroyed, and, thus, the city was forced to surender. After East Jerusalem was conquered, the sieging army divided into two defensive groups, one in each side of Jerusalem, in order to try to stop the aerial Egypt menace.
This, however, is not the end of war in this sector. Kibuttizm units have built a fortress near Hebron and the city can be easily captured. This way, Nevatim could be reinforced and, maybe, saved from the egyptian army. However, this is a risk we need to ponder, because a Palestinian Hebron is also an obstacule for the Egyptian.
Three units of arty are reposing near East Jerusalem. We'll escort them with a kibutzim to (55,65) in order to siege Ramallah... We'll meet with Home front in Nablus
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May 8, 2004, 12:19
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Congratulations, mein general. This is indeed a glorious victory and I would suggest a big push to conquer Ramallah and Hebron asap to unify the Tel Aviv - Jerusalem core and allow us to have that as the non front core of the country.
Excellent. This is an excellent day.
May 8, 2004, 15:01
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EDIT: Please delete. Stupid post. I didn't read that the COS agrees with going after Hebron, so I asked about it.
On the other hand, this will open a second front with Egypt, so I sugest Hebron being in Rasputin's hands after conquest.
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May 8, 2004, 15:09
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I'm actually thinking of giving Hebron and the rest of the Sinai to yaros while Rasputin plows down the Mediterranean road. Rasputing would be in charge of pushing ahead, while yaros takes part in the 'flank cleanup operations'.
I don't know which way you want to go though, I'd like to see Judean supporting Home and Sinai, and I'd like to drink a toast in Amman sometime down the road.
May 8, 2004, 15:32
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Originally posted by El Awrence
I'm actually thinking of giving Hebron and the rest of the Sinai to yaros while Rasputin plows down the Mediterranean road. Rasputing would be in charge of pushing ahead, while yaros takes part in the 'flank cleanup operations'.
I favor this plan as well instead of giving Hebron to the Sinai command.
I don't know which way you want to go though, I'd like to see Judean supporting Home and Sinai, and I'd like to drink a toast in Amman sometime down the road.
As would I
May 8, 2004, 15:36
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Because we all know that Amman is the door to Damascus!
May 8, 2004, 16:08
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If you are going to give me this I strongly suggest that after conquering Ramallah I'll give the city and the attack group to the Home Commander, H Tower, so he can break havoc also from Ramallah
I, rather, am plaining to drink a coup in El Cario.
Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates!!!
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May 8, 2004, 20:48
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hi ,
congrats lads , looks like its getting done , .....
hmmmm , if we could only reset time a bit , .....
now lets get the rest
have a nice day
May 10, 2004, 09:56
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im fine with whatever course of actio nis given to me... if you want to give my citys to the core to be looked after tha tis fine... Just gibve me the tansk i need to crush the egyptians and we will be drinking a beer on the banks of the nile soon...
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
May 10, 2004, 11:45
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This comes a little late, but I congradulate you for reuniting Jerusalem and the spirirtual home of our people. No doubt it was a hard fought campaign, but your men fought bravely, and were ably led.
In September, there shall be a national holiday to commemorate the re-unification of Jerusalem.
As for tactics:
I like the idea of the dual drive. Yaro, do you think you have enough forces (since the T-34's are going to Gaza) to mop up the Egyptians here? They have some strong forces.
May 10, 2004, 15:01
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Pm, I'll send many of my defensive units there, and I hope I'll resist. After all, the Brigade unit is still around.... But rush-building of defensive and offensive units will help us a lot.
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May 26, 2004, 16:42
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The october turn:
Palmach and Arty reachest the fortress near Hebron and will colaborate in its conquest.
Kibutznick near Jerusalem is cumulating turns to build a fortress near Ramallah in december.
One enemy arty destroyed.
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May 26, 2004, 17:19
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With the capture of Ramallah, Jenin and Hebron, Palestinian forces will routed, their war will be over except for the continual string of victories that Israeli troops will perform against their shattered and poorly led troops.  Excellent work commander!
May 26, 2004, 17:21
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This work was only possible because the other fronts allow me to keep such a huge number of arties and face no foe. Thank you all
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May 26, 2004, 17:38
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You're too modest
May 26, 2004, 22:41
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Indeed you are, your efforts in the South East against the Palestinians has been extradorinary in building the defense in depth that our ultimate security shall rely on, not to mention the seizure of the holy lands and shrines so important to our people and our new nation. I believe the new government should state that our ultimate goal is to force the enemy to the east side of the Jordan.
One question, are not the artillery and irgun north of Jerusalem under your command? They have not moved, and could probably due to be healed.
Also, is one artillery enough to conquer Hebron, or are you going to send reinforcements?
May 27, 2004, 15:29
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Yes, the Irgun and arties outside Jerusalem are under my command - but they're healing until we'll build a fortress near Palestianian south border.
About Hebron, I hope that the Palmach and the arty will be enough
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May 27, 2004, 16:34
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K, I was just asking because in my save they still had received no orders.
May 27, 2004, 17:11
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Umm, well, let them rest (that's give them no order)
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June 8, 2004, 16:02
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Report for the new COS
Basically, the fronts troops has been divided into two armies... The Northen one will be composed of two Irguns, one Kibutznick (both defender and fort builder) and four arty units. Yes, four. There are a lot of cities in Palestine to caputre.
The sourthen one is composed of Har El Brigade, one Kibutznick (that will be moved northwards after conquering Hebron), one arty and one palmach (another can be called from Kfar Etzion if the need arose). I've assigned Har El Brigade to this front because if destroyed by enemy counterattacks it will be created again in Tel-Aviv and will be able to get again in Hebron in the very same turn!
The kibutznick at the north is cumulating building time and I hope it will be able to build a fortress near Ramallah in Januray 1949, and thus the city will fall in Feb. 1949 (I hope)
About Hebron I don't know the defenders, but I think that Januray-Feb 1949 is also a good date. After conquering Hebron, I'm going to go North exclusively. Probably some of my south units should be assigned to the Sinai front commader.
I'll like to get a Zion worker as I've though that he can be cumulating building time to build a fortress near Ben Shemen after we conquer Ramallah, and, thus, pushing our advance northwards quicker. I'll also appreciate a good defending units for both armies (north and south)
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July 28, 2004, 04:48
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General, I have asked more from you than any other you have made the approach march to Hebron and are simultaneously preparing troops for an assualt in the completely opposite direction! In this you appear to have been successful. Now is the time to execute your plans and seize what is rightfully ours!
August 11, 2004, 19:39
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With the capture of Hebron, The South East has a one dimensional axis of attack of attack again. The forces that captured Hebron have turned around and headed back north to support the attack on Ramallah. The Sinai Front will be soley responsible for taking the fight to the egyptians while The SE front leaves garrison forces only in the south.
With the prefabricated fortress moved to the southern gate of Ramallah and then finished, it became safe for our troops to approach the city. A massive army of artillery, even greater than the one attacking Jenin is now poised for a barrage against Ramallah, which unlike the hilled fortress town of Jenin, lies upon a plain looked down from the hills sourrounding it. Victory at Ramallah is expected no later than March 28th.
August 17, 2004, 15:46
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an acept my apologies for not being present. I'll accept any punishment for my faults towards Israel.
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January 11, 2005, 23:08
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