This is how I do it with JASC Paint Shop Pro (PSP). I'd expect it to be similar in Corel Photopaint and other graphics-editing programs that support palettes and the pcx format.
To create the .pal:- Start PSP
- Open {palette.pcx} in the main SMAC program folder
- Click {Colors}, {Save Palette...}
- In the "File name" box, type: "SMAC256C.pal"
- In the "Folders" list, select the SMAC program folder
- Under "List files of type:", select "PAL - JASC Palette" (The other option is "PAL - Microsoft Palette". I don't know what the difference is.)
- Click OK
To apply the .pal:- Open and edit the image file in PSP
- Before saving it, Click {Colors}, {Load Palette...}
- Navigate to the SMAC program folder and select "SMAC256C.pal"
- Under "Apply Palette to Image using:", select {Nearest Color}
- Save the edited image as "filename.pcx" (I don't change any of the options: File Sub-Format is Version 5; DPI is 150)
One thing I have changed is the RGB values for color 255. I can't work on that glaring pink background. I changed it to Red=100 Green=16 Blue=156 (which is identical to number 252 but causes no problems). I didn't come up with that change on my own, but I don't recall where I first read about it. I do remember mention of the SMAX pcx files having that color at 255, and the change being made to make the SMAC files compatible. Whatever the source, it causes no problems in the game. The images are properly transparent where they need to be. The game reads any pixel with color 255 as transparent, regardless of its RGB value in the stored file. I vaguely recall
Cybergod's approach being slightly different from mine, but with the same end-result of avoiding screwy in-game display of various graphics.
I didn't have to change every pcx file for this to work. The only files in which I made the change are the faction base/logo/portrait images. In that case, the new palette must be applied
before any other editing, by choosing
{Load Palette...}, and under
"Apply Palette to Image using:", select
{Maintain Indexes}. When any other editng is finished, apply the palette again as above, and save the file.
After a few times, you don't even think about how to do it any more, it just happens.