However, from July onwards, things quickly spun out of control and since then only about 20% off all discussions in the Mac forum was actually Civ-related. I think the Mac people too should be able to acknowledge that something went wrong in the last few months (for whatever reason(s))
I'll acknowledge it. The percentage of posts dealing with Civ in the Mac forum
has declined in the past few months. I think there are two reasons for this.
One is that there has been a dearth of Macintosh Civ-related news for a long while. We never got Play the World and Conquests is in doubt as well, so there really hasn't been much to talk about on the Civ front for a while. With this in mind, it only makes sense that the percentage of non-Civ related topics would increase.
Two is that there have been a few posters who have recently been making an effort to post topics of interest to the Mac community in the Mac forum, Agathon being the prime example. Before you go accusing Ag of spamming, however, you should know that his contributions merely raised the posting in the Mac forum from non-existant to a tiny amount. I personally appreciated the threads Ag posted; they were generally of interest to Macintosh users and never went beyond a handful posts in length, unless you know who showed up.
I guess we were technically breaking the rules, but in the end it seems really silly and petty to destroy what little action was left in the Mac forum by restricting the small amount of posting engaged in by 5 or 6 individuals. I guess it's a victory for Asher, but it certainly hasn't endeared Apolyton to me.