Yes, I have thought about having a forums, but decided not to. I'll explain why.
There are already 2 forums for discussing scenarios and creation stuff. Adding a third would make it too big a mess, and even now with 2 forums about scenarios it tends to be a strange situation.
As for requests of adding scenarios etc., that would be nice to have a forum for, but as that is only a case between submitter and webmaster (that would be me at the moment), that too is best to keep outside a forum.
Last reason to have a forum would then be: because it looks cool and all other Hosted Sites have one. Yes, that's true, but I think it's better to have no forum than a forum where nobody ever posts. And as for looking cool, I think it's already cool enough to have my special own title.

When A&A was still alive and hosted by Apolyton, yes a very long time ago (guess half of the posters here now won't remember), we did have a forum, but it was always so very empty, that it had no sense.