Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
As for signing a Ceasefire, I worry that this might not work and that we will end up sitting across from the Americans refusing to break their treaty.
I also worry that this
might not work, but if we don't even try, I guess we will never know for sure. That's all I am asking, that we poll on this and see if we should try it at least.
As for us
sitting across from the Americans refusing to break their treaty Why would we do that? If they don't break it, and we have our armies is place, we are a fundamentalist governement as we should break it.
Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
Secondly, we have an abysmal reputation, so I doubt that the AI would even meet with us to discuss terms of peace.
It seems an awful tricky suggestion just to remove the American Democracy.
Agreed that with our reputation, and the fact that we are supreme and it is late in the game, the chances of a treaty are slim, but we could try it out at least.
While it is a
tricky suggestion just to remoe the American Democracy I fail to see a downside, and let me summarize the outcomes (and by the way, I am suggesting this for both the American and Greek democracies):
a) The we don't poll and we attack all of our opponents with our armies - I do not doubt that we will win eventually
b) We poll and the citizen vote not to attempt this and we attack all of our opponents with our armies - I do not doubt that we will win eventually
c) We poll and the citizens vote to attempt it and we do, but the Americans/Greek either refuse to talk or refuse the cease fire and we attack all of our opponents with our armies - I do not doubt that we will win this eventually
d) We poll and the citizens vote to attempt it and we do, and the Americans/Greek accept the cease fire. Unfortunately they do not sneak attack, the cease fire holds even once we have our armies in place. In this case I propose we attack them (Americans/Greeks or whomever else) with our armies - I do not doubt that we will win this
e) We poll and the citizens vote to attempt it and we do, and the Americans/Greek accept the cease fire. Subsequently they sneak attack, but the democracy does not fall. In this case I propose we attack them (Americans/Greeks or whomever else) with our armies - I do not doubt that we will win this
f) We poll and the citizens vote to attempt it and we do, and the Americans/Greek accept the cease fire. They do sneak attack, and the government falls. In this case I propose we bribe any cities we can, and attack those we can't (Americans/Greeks or whomever else) with our armies - I do not doubt that we will win this
In summary, any outcome results in us attacking, and with minimal effort on our part we have a chance at an alternative. I don't see a downside, and while this informal poll seems to be at 2 against and 1 in favour, I welcome reasons why we would not try it.