Just cut 'n' paste this text in response to any message on a UseNet newsgroup or PoE, Lego, or Adult Baby message board and YUO HAVE WON TEH ARGUMENT!
Your Mad Hatter post:
You're a 13 year old puke imagining me as a grown man wearing a diaper. I mean, if you're dating someone, for the most part you can consider them to be family. So the only way you can not eat with your family is if you're living on your own and you're single...woo hoo! *rolls eyes* You know what this place should REALLY be called? "Portal of Angst" `, \ Translation, he was a troll, the inhabitants of the group got so severly fucked up the ass that switching stances midstream seemed like a logical enough course of action to try and get rid of him since labeling him as a troll didn't quite work out. He, he, he...you put in a good amount of effort on all that. Still, it's pretty sloppy, but I guess I shouldn't really expect any better out of any of you. Same thing with the adult baby community, I like to hang out in their community, I like to harass them, I like to attack their stupidity, I like use my knowledge in the area of computers to even help them out sometimes (often times for the simple purpose of creating a lil fun ambiguity), but I am not an adult baby...at least not any more than I am a PoEser like all of you.
And Here is the Translation of Your Post:
I love to piss in diapers. Hey, what's your favorite flavor of ice cream? Drooling on my chin makes me feel good. I'm not potty-trained yet. Sometimes I wish I were a girl. At least I'd be less lonely.
About the Hatter
Onideus_Mad_Hatter brings to the Portal of Evil a long glorious history of Usenet flamewar defeats and shitting in diapers. He flatly denies the overwhelming evidence that he is a complete fuckwad. His forum at PoE has grown very quickly, mainly due to OMH's obsessive posting - six times as much as anybody else, in fact. According to my database, OMH's signature keywords include "cl00", "diapers", and "Lego", and he is also very, very stupid.