Af hominem! Strawman!

The Great LarzMachineMachine (behold its gears turning)

Hello, would-be infidels! If you've abandoned the unnecessary shackles of religion, theism, and personal hygeine, and have a perverse penchant for capitalizing all of your personal pronouns, you must now worship at the altar of your guru - the great LarzMachine! Or, at least, this automated simulation, the LarzMachineMachine.

The rational clear-headed logic of LarzMachine is so mighty and unassailable, that it doesn't even matter what order his statements are presented in - even in random order, they all make as much sense!

Voltaire and Hume were pussies. Behold now the TRUE ATHEIST LOGICKS:

(Refresh this page to create a new LarzMachine Masterpiece of Logic.)

A LarzMachine post for "You". Remember, as always, the BURDEN OF PROOF IS ON YOU to refute this:

The LarzMachineMachine says:

You guys have proved your lack of intelligence by confusing truly pathetic flames with intellect. Nice dodge, one that's been beaten to death already. If you think you're so smart, enlighten Me. Stop dodging and flaming, and PROVE ME WRONG. Simple. I'm having fun. You guys provide Me with free entertainment.

This is revision 1 of the LarzMachineMachine, last updated 28th January 2005 by Codehappy.That was the 2605th generated LarzMachine message since 28 January 2005, 1600 PST.