You are brave, indeed...

Oh, never mind. I suppose I shouldn't make too big of a fuss. When Krakatoa blew, I barely rolled over in my sleep, so why bother over this? Here, you'll find some entertaining, amusing, and downright puzzling riddles, in the classical style. If you can't answer them, practice until you can. You never know when this kind of reasoning will come in handy.

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The Riddles

Close to the words of life stay I,
But I wither, wane, and grow dry.

The answer.

I do not breathe, but I run and jump.
I do not eat, but I swim and stretch.
I do not drink, but I sleep and stand.
I do not think, but I grow and play.
I do not see, but you see me every day.

The answer.

Always wax, yet always wane: I melt, succumbéd to the flame.
Lighting darkness, with fate unblest, I soon devolve to shapeless mess.

The answer.

With potent, flowery words speak I,
Of something common, vulgar, dry;
I weave webs of pedantic prose,
In effort to befuddle those,
Who think I wile time away,
In lofty things, above all day
The common kind that linger where
Monadic beings live and fare;
Practical I may not be,
But life, it seems, is full of me!

The answer.

To you, rude would I never be,
Though I flag my tongue for all to see.

The answer.

I welcome the day with a show of light,
I steathily came here in the night.
I bathe the earthy stuff at dawn,
But by the noon, alas! I'm gone.

The answer.

Here there is no north, west, nor east,
And weather fit for not man nor beast.

The answer.

Large as a mountain, small as a pea,
Endlessly swimming in a waterless sea.

The answer.