Phony SevensThe most frequent sevens are listed first. None of these words has a valid playable anagram in TWL06 or CSW12.
This list represents only a very small fraction of Elise's 'phonies' vocabulary -- the phonies lexicon included with Elise 0.1.8
IOWAITE (mineralogy) A trigonal-hexagonal scalenohedral mineral containing chlorine, hydrogen, iron, magnesium, and oxygen OUARINE (zoology) A Brazilian monkey of the genus ''Mycetes'' ROUAITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic-sphenoidal dark emerald green mineral containing copper, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen EUNOIAS EUNOIA: Goodwill towards an audience, either perceived or real; the perception that the speaker has the audience's interest at heart ONERATE (obsolete) To load; to burden ISOUREA (organic chemistry) The imidic acid tautomer of urea HNC(=NH)OH and any of its hydrocarbyl derivatives DIONAEA (botany) Venus flytrap IRAQITE (mineralogy) A greenish-yellow radioactive mineral AUTOION (rare/physics) An ion which has been formed by autoionization ASATONE (organic compound) A polycyclic neolignane derivative ''(3'R,6'S)-(1β,2β)-2,3,5',6'-tetrahydro-3,3,3',5,5',5'-hexamethoxy-2,6'-cyclo-1,3'-neoligna-8,8'-diene--4,4'(3'H)-dione'' AEDEAGI AEDEAGUS: A copulatory organ of some male insects LAAITIE (South Africa/slang) A youth; a young person, especially male EUTOCIA A normal birth process AGNOITE of an ancient sect of Christianity that believed that the Christ was ignorant of some things ARGOILE (obsolete) potter's clay AEROGEN Any noble gas ENOATES ENOATE: any salt or ester of an enoic acid RATIOED modified or multiplied by a ratio OMEIITE (mineralogy) An orthorhombic-dipyramidal steel gray mineral containing arsenic, osmium, and ruthenium EUTOPIA (medicine) The condition of being properly placed, as opposed to ectopia AERIOUS (obsolete) Pertaining to air, airy SAUTRIE (obsolete form of/psaltery) ORVIETO A white wine from Umbria EUPIONE (organic compound) A clear oily liquid obtained by the destructive distillation of various vegetable and animal substances; specifically, an oil consisting largely of the higher hydrocarbons of the paraffin series ANURIES ANURY: (medicine) anuria, a condition in which the kidneys do not produce urine ROSEINE The dyestuff magenta OLITIAU A gigantic cryptid of Central Africa, said to resemble a bat or flying reptile LAUEITE (mineralogy) A triclinic-pinacoidal mineral containing hydrogen, iron, manganese, oxygen, and phosphorus ASARONE (organic compound) An aromatic ether, ''2,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl-2-propene'', found in the essential oils of plants of the genus ''Asarum'' ADORATE To worship, to adore ANILITE (mineral) An orthorhombic-dipyramidal bluish gray mineral containing copper and sulfur ENSUITE A bathroom connected to a bedroom; a private bathroom (as opposed to a shared, public bathroom) DONATEE Someone who has received a donation or Someone who needs a donation ENOLATE (chemistry) any metal salt of the enol form of a tautomeric aldehyde or ketone JAGOITE (mineralogy) A hexagonal-ditrigonal dipyramidal yellow green mineral containing calcium, chlorine, hydrogen, iron, lead, magnesium, oxygen, silicon, and sodium DIOECIA (u) a Linnaean class of plants having the stamens and pistils on different plants TRANQED TRANQ (verb): to tranquilize, to use a tranquilizer IRIDATE (inorganic chemistry) The oxyanion of iridium IrO; any salt containing this anion ARENEID (zoology) Any member of the Areneidae AREOLET (zoology) A small enclosed area, especially one of the small spaces on the wings of insects, circumscribed by the veins UROSTEA UROSTEON: a median ossification at the back of the lophosteon in the sternum of some birds YAGIITE (mineralogy) A hexagonal-dihexagonal dipyramidal colorless mineral containing aluminum, magnesium, oxygen, potassium, silicon, and sodium EIRUVIN EIRUV: a ritual aggregation of properties that allows Jews observing traditional Shabbat rules to carry burdens across property lines OVERITE (mineralogy) A form of segelerite in which the iron is replaced by aluminium INYOITE (mineralogy) A colourless monoclinic mineral with the chemical formula Ca(HBO)(OH)·4HO AVERTIN (organic compound) The brominated alcohol ''2,2,2-tribromoethanol'' that is used as an anaesthetic for small animals IVORINE (obsolete) Made of ivory VOIDAGE (rare) The relative amount of space left between objects that are packed together; gap ALFIONE An edible marine fish of California (''Rhacochilus toxotes'') EQUIDAE a family of perissodactyl ungulate mammals including the horses, asses, zebras, and various extinct related mammals EROGATE (obsolete) To lay out (money etc.); to deal out; to expend AUBAINE (historical/legal) succession to the goods of a stranger not naturalized ONETIES (nonce) The second decade of a century: the 1910s, the 2010s, etc. The tens ORALISE to render oral; to make spoken EUROIZE To adopt the euro as official currency, or to link one's currency to the euro TAENITE (mineralogy) A mineral, found in certain meteorites, that is a magnetic alloy of iron and nickel AIRLANE (alternative spelling of/air lane) APNOEAE APNOEA: The cessation of breathing YOUTIAO A type of deep-fried dough stick DIOLATE (chemistry) Any salt of a diol; the resulting anion EGOITIS (humorous) A notional disease characterised by an overblown ego AZORITE A white mineral crystallizing in minute octahedrons, occurring in albitic rock; according to Hayes, a columbate of lime. ATELIAS ATELIA: imperfect or incomplete development OUTENER (chiefly dialectal) A foreigner EUXINIA (biology/geology) A euxinic environment, especially at critical times in the geologic past EMAILEE someone who received an email ROWEITE (mineralogy) An orthorhombic-dipyramidal light brown mineral containing boron, calcium, hydrogen, manganese, and oxygen AIRSOME airy OTARIID (zoology) Any member of the Otariidae DIGENEA (u) a division of Trematoda in which alternate generations occur, the immediate young not resembling their parents DANAITE (mineral) A cobaltiferous variety of arsenopyrite OTAVITE (mineralogy) A rare trigonal cadmium carbonate mineral OUTLANE (pinball) One of the outer lanes toward the bottom of a pinball table that cause the ball to drain if not propelled back upwards SOUNDIE A short musical film of the 1940s, a precursor to the music video VENARIE (archaic) Game, especially for British royalty to hunt AVIGATO the avocado OLENITE (mineralogy) A trigonal-ditrigonal pyramidal light pink mineral containing aluminum, boron, hydrogen, oxygen, silicon, and sodium GUAIANE (organic compound) A particular bicyclic sesquiterpene; any of many derivatives of this compound, some of which have medical applications BEAUTIE (obsolete spelling of/beauty) ANATINE (zoology) Being of the family ''Anatidae'', comprising the swans, geese, and ducks AJOITES AJOITE: (mineral) A turquoise mineral with triclinic crystals, (K,Na)CuAlSiO(OH)'''·'''3HO DENOTEE Something denoted ETOOLIN (noun) a yellowish coloring matter found in plants grown in darkness, which is supposed to be an antecedent condition of chlorophyll ARATION (obsolete) ploughing, tillage OXIRENE (organic compound) The unsaturated three-membered heterocycle having two carbon atoms, one oxygen atom and one double bond LAANIES LAANIE: (South Africa/slang) A smart, well-to-do person ENTRADA (historical) An armed incursion of Spanish conquistadors into American territories EEDIOTS EEDIOT: (nonstandard/dialect) idiot ROHAITE (mineralogy) An orthorhombic-dipyramidal steel gray mineral containing antimony, copper, sulfur, and thallium AETITES eaglestone OENITES OENITE: (mineralogy) An orthorhombic silver white mineral containing antimony, arsenic, and cobalt ARGUIDO A person kept for questioning who is not a formal suspect GAITITE (mineralogy) A triclinic-pinacoidal mineral containing arsenic, calcium, hydrogen, oxygen, and zinc VOGLITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic-sphenoidal mineral containing calcium, carbon, copper, hydrogen, oxygen, and uranium UZONITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic-prismatic yellow mineral containing arsenic and sulfur RAUVITE (mineralogy) An amorphous mineral containing calcium, hydrogen, oxygen, uranium, and vanadium FIORITE (mineralogy) A variety of opal occurring in the cavities of volcanic tufa, in smooth and shining globular and botryoidal masses OLATION (inorganic chemistry) The process by which metal ions form polymeric oxides in aqueous solution WATERIE (obsolete form of/watery) RIGOLET (Southern US) a small stream ARABINE (alternative form of/arabin) UNERASE (computing) To restore something that has been erased AEROSIL A very fine, pyrogenic form of silica FEATIER comparative of FEATY REIDITE (mineralogy) A tetragonal-dipyramidal white mineral containing oxygen, silicon, and zirconium NONUREA Not of or pertaining to urea HEAVENO (neologism/rare) hello ONEHEAD Oneness; unity LITARGE Lead monoxide (PbO) a toxic solid formed from the oxidisation of lead in air, and used as a pigment EENIEST EENY: miniscule NEURODE (computing) An artificial neuron, a simple processing element of a neural network having several input signals and one output signal OXIRANE (organic compound) A three-membered heterocycle having two carbon atoms and one oxygen atom; ethylene oxide HAEDINE (rare/humorous) Resembling in form or exhibiting the behaviour typical of a kid (''i.e.'', a juvenile goat); compare (term/caprine), (term/hircine) NONIDEA That which is not an idea DIALANE (inorganic compound) The aluminium hydride AlH that is a dimer of alane found only at low temperatures ARIONID (zoology) Any member of the Arionidae ARUPITE (mineral) A monoclinic-prismatic mineral containing hydrogen, iron, magnesium, manganese, nickel, oxygen, and phosphorus DELETIA (computing) In an email reply, material omitted from the quote of the original ESURINE (adj) causing hunger; eating; corroding Esurine (noun) a medicine which provokes appetites, or causes hunger ANOILED ANOIL: (obsolete) To anoint with oil LINDERA (botany) Any plant of the genus ''Lindera'', flowering shrubs and trees ABIETOL (organic compound) A particular abietane diterpenoid GINIITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic-prismatic mineral containing hydrogen, iron, oxygen, and phosphorus NAENIAS NAENIA: A funeral song; an elegy OSTEONE (anatomy) Any of the central canals, and surrounding bony layers, found in compact bone SARIGUE A small South American opossum (''Didelphys opossum'') with four white spots on the face JARLITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic-prismatic mineral containing aluminum, barium, calcium, fluorine, hydrogen, lithium, magnesium, oxygen, sodium, and strontium INVITRO (demoscene) An intro that provides details of a forthcoming demoparty to which viewers are invited DOESNAE (dialectical) doesn't IJOLITE (mineralogy) A rare igneous rock consisting essentially of nepheline and augite ADENOSE Like a gland; full of glands; glandulous; adenous AUTOBIO (informal) autobiography OWENIID (zoology) Any member of the Oweniidae DEITATE (obsolete) deified ERGASIA integrated activity or behavior of the whole organism including both mental and physiological components VIRETON An arrow or bolt for a crossbow having feathers or brass placed at an angle with the shaft to make it spin in flight TAFONES TAFONE: (geology) A small cave-like feature found in granular rock such as sandstone TERATON A measure of the strength of an explosion or a bomb based on how many trillion tons of TNT would be needed to produce the same energy AZOTINE An explosive consisting of sodium nitrate, charcoal, sulphur, and petroleum AZIRINO (organic chemistry/in combination) The univalent radical derived from azirine ADIATES ADIATE: (law) to accept an inheritance as heir under a will GEERITE (mineralogy) A trigonal bluish white mineral containing copper and sulfur INTROED INTRO: to introduce AGATINE Resembling or pertaining to agate NEOTAME An artificial sweetener similar to aspartame ULONATA (u) a division of insects nearly equivalent to the true Orthoptera OTOLITE (zoology) A small particle, comprised mainly of calcium carbonate, found in the inner ear of vertebrates, being part of the balance sense WEEABOO (slang/derogatory) A white person who behaves or seeks to appear stereotypically Japanese TAILOUR (obsolete form of/tailor) INEDIAS INEDIA: The ability to live without food MOURITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic violet mineral containing hydrogen, molybdenum, oxygen, and uranium ILVAITE (mineralogy) A black, crystalline sorosilicate of iron and calcium AUDIONS AUDION: (obs.) a three-electrode thermionic valve, used as an amplifier in old radios OATLAGE Silage made from oats ORAISON a prayer HIATION (obsolete) The act of gaping; a gap OYELITE (mineralogy) An orthorhombic white mineral containing boron, calcium, hydrogen, oxygen, and silicon LERNAEA (noun) a Linnaean genus of parasitic Entomostraca, -- the same as the family Lernaeidae VIGONIA (mostly/attributive) (alternative form of/vicuña) RECEIUE (obsolete spelling of/receive) REAUDIT A second or subsequent audit BEANIER more beany TOESIDE (board sports) the side of the board nearest the toe TORNIDS TORNID: (zoology) Any member of the Tornidae ARICINE (organic compound) An alkaloid found in white cinchona bark EMORATA A Masai ceremony of manhood, involving circumcision AEGIDES AEGIS: a mythological shield associated with Zeus and Athena; an emblem of protection and power TELOGEN (biology) a resting phase of the follicle in the cycle of hair growth OURETIC (chemistry/obsolete) uric OUTENED OUTEN: Out; out of; out from PAINITE (mineralogy) A very rare orange-red borate mineral consisting mostly of calcium, zirconium, boron, aluminium, and oxygen AGPAITE (mineral) Any of various peralkaline igneous rocks, typically nepheline syenite or phonolite SOLANIA (organic compound/archaic) solanine WARDITE (mineralogy) A hydrous sodium aluminium phosphate hydroxide mineral, of interest for its rare tetragonal trapezohedral crystallography EYEROOT a plant, Hydrastis canadensis, of North America; goldenseal EDENITE (mineral) A monoclinic-prismatic mineral containing aluminum, calcium, hydrogen, magnesium, oxygen, silicon, and sodium NAEVOSE Having naevi DENTIAL (anatomy) Of or pertaining to dentine EUPNAEA (noun) normal breathing where arterialization of the blood is normal, in distinction from dyspnaea, in which the blood is insufficiently arterialized GEDRITE (mineralogy) A form of anthophyllite VENIOLE The smaller veins in the heart, especially those connecting with capillaries GUANIDE (organic chemistry) Any univalent radical or anion derived from guanidine MIAOWER A cat that miaows INNATED past of INNATE ILESITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic-prismatic mineral containing hydrogen, iron, manganese, oxygen, sulfur, and zinc AVENORS AVENOR: An officer of the king's stables whose duty it was to provide oats for the horses ARETAIC of or pertaining to virtue or excellence WADEITE (mineralogy) A hexagonal-dipyramidal mineral containing oxygen, potassium, silicon, and zirconium WAITEES WAITEE: (rare) One who is waiting for service VESANIA Madness, insanity, mental derangement CAVOITE (mineral) An orthorhombic-dipyramidal colorless mineral containing calcium, manganese, oxygen, potassium, silicon, and vanadium DIENONE (organic chemistry) Any ketone derived from a diene ARRIVEN (form of/past participle/arrive) BOITJIE (South Africa/slang) A sporty young man; a jock ADAGIER comparative of ADAGY GEODATA Geographical data GAFIATE (slang/science fiction) To drop out of community activities, with the implication of "getting a life" ISOVITE (mineralogy) An isometric-hexoctahedral iron gray mineral containing carbon, chromium, and iron VAESITE (mineralogy) A nickel-sulfur mineral found with cattierite IONENES IONENE: (chemistry) Any polymer having ionic groups as part of the main chain URANIID (zoology) Any of the Uraniidae INCAITE (mineralogy) A triclinic-pinacoidal lead gray mineral containing antimony, iron, lead, sulfur, and tin ALIASED ALIAS (v.) FOALIER comparative of FOALY OLIVITE olivin OROTATE (chemistry) any salt or ester of orotic acid WARINES WARINE: (zoology) A South American monkey, one of the sapajous EOTAXIN chemokine EUROSID (biology) Any plant in a clade that includes many taxonomic orders related to the roses BOARDIE (slang) surfer GUOTIES GUOTIE: potsticker, panfried dumpling JOINPEE (rare) having the feet joined, or close together. TAILAGE An impost INJURIA (legal) injury; invasion of another's rights TETRONE (organic chemistry/especially in combination) Any compound having four ketonic carbonyl groups HAUTEIN (obsolete) haughty; proud ALATERN (botany) An ornamental evergreen shrub (''Rhamnus alaternus'') belonging to the buckthorns OVALENE (organic compound) A polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon containing eight fused benzene rings ACETISE to turn into vinegar WAIVURE (alternative form of/waiver) ADONEAN (adj) pertaining to Adonis or an adonis ANORNED ANORN: (obsolete) To adorn ENROLEE A person who is enrolled EVANIID (zoology) Any member of the Evaniidae JUNOITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic-prismatic gray mineral containing bismuth, copper, lead, selenium, and sulfur RINDLES RINDLE: A small water course or gutter INDULTO (Catholicism) A permission or privilege granted by the church authority that excepts an individual from what is otherwise a norm of church law, such as a release from monastic vows ALTAITE (mineral) Lead telluride, an isometric yellowish-white mineral of the galena group ICEANES ICEANE: (chemistry) A saturated hydrocarbon variant of adamantane, its structure resembling a cage formed by three fused boat cyclohexanes AZOTITE (chemistry), (obsolete) A salt formed by the combination of azotous, or nitrous, acid with a base AVOLATE (obsolete) To fly away; to escape AUTOHID AUTOHIDE: (computing) To hide (a visual element) automatically PAVIINE (organic compound/obsolete) A glucoside found in species of the genus ''Pavia'' of the horse-chestnut family OXETANE (chemistry) a class of heterocyclic compounds having a four-membered ring containing 3 carbon atoms and 1 oxygen atom; the parent compound CHO HAINITE (mineralogy) A triclinic-pinacoidal mineral containing calcium, fluorine, iron, la,ce,pr,nd,sm,, manganese, oxygen, silicon, sodium, titanium, and zirconium ANNOTES ANNOTE: to note against; to lay a charge STATOID Any major administrative division of a state ANEURAL Not neural APAREON The point in an orbit around Mars that is most distant from that planet GAGEITE (mineralogy) A triclinic-pinacoidal mineral containing hydrogen, magnesium, manganese, oxygen, silicon, and zinc ROMEITE (mineralogy) A yellow calcium antimonate mineral occurring in square octahedrons RETIARI RETIARIUS: A type of gladiator, who uses a casting net (a rete or iaculum) as a weapon FODIENT (zoology) One of the Fodientia ZAIRITE (mineralogy) A trigonal-hexagonal scalenohedral mineral containing aluminum, bismuth, hydrogen, iron, oxygen, and phosphorus ATTINGE (obsolete) To touch lightly TWEAGUE (obsolete) Trouble; distress; perplexity HOELITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic-prismatic mineral containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen EURITTE (noun) a compact feldspathic rock; felsite. See Felsite EXORATE (verb) to persuade, or to gain, by entreaty ELEIDIN (biology) A clear intracellular protein present in the stratum lucidum of the skin, a transformation product of keratohyalin INJURIE (u) of Injuria THIOATE (organic chemistry/especially in combination) Any salt or ester of a thioic acid DIOLEIN (organic chemistry) Any diglyceride of oleic acid NOEMATA (plural of/noema) AURITED (zoology) Having lobes like the ear; auriculate ENWROTE ENWRITE: To write upon something; inscribe; imprint ADVOWEE One who has an advowson APIVORE an organism that eats or consumes bees FUROATE (organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of furoic acid MUIRITE (mineralogy) A tetragonal-ditetragonal dipyramidal mineral containing barium, calcium, chlorine, fluorine, hydrogen, manganese, oxygen, silicon, and titanium FOITITE (mineralogy) A trigonal-ditrigonal pyramidal bluish black mineral containing aluminum, boron, hydrogen, iron, oxygen, silicon, and sodium TRIONAL (medicine) The anesthetic drug ''2,2-bis(ethylsulfonyl)butane'' NOSELED NOSEL: (obsolete) To nurse; to rear; to bring up ONIGIRI A rice ball WEILITE (mineralogy) A rare white triclinic arsenate mineral with waxy lustre EXITIAL (obsolete) destructive; fatal LUTRINE (not comparable) Of or pertaining to an otter EGOICAL Pertaining to egoism WILUITE (mineralogy) A dark green, brownish, or black blocky silicate mineral EARHOLE The outer aperture of the ear; the entrance to the ear canal IODITES IODITE: (chemistry) Any hypothetical salt or ester of iodous acid AMINISE to form amino compounds TORELON (physics) A particle-like flux loop in certain gauge theories NEGINOT (alternative spelling of/Neginoth) OLEAMEN (medicine/obsolete) A soft ointment prepared from oil FORTEAN One who investigates anomalous phenomena OUTYEAR : the year beyond a current fiscal year usually used in plural except when attributive EUDICOT (botany) A member of the eudicots EUGETIC pertaining to or derived from eugenol ABIGEAT (archaic) Theft of cattle by driving it away with the intention of feloniously appropriating it INULOID (organic compound) A substance resembling inulin, found in the unripe bulbs of the dahlia RENOVEL (obsolete) To renew; to renovate RAVIOLO (mainly/in the plural) A single, large parcel of pasta with a filling, served with a sauce AMARINE (chemistry) A characteristic crystalline substance, obtained from oil of bitter almonds ADELITE (mineral) A rare mineral, a calcium-magnesium arsenate, forming blue, green, yellow or grey orthorhombic crystals OPTIQUE (obsolete form of/optic) ORENDAS ORENDA: A mystical power thought to pervade all things BRINEST second-person familiar of BRINE EPOETIN a type of erythropoietin used to treat patients suffering from anemia caused by chronic kidney disease EUSIRID (zoology) Any member of the Eusiridae SIALOME (biochemistry) All the proteins expressed in the salivary glands of blood-sucking insects LOEWITE (mineralogy) a saline evaporite, consisting of a mixed sodium and magnesium sulphate SETIGER (zoology) An annelid having setae; a chaetopod BIONEER (neologism) A biological pioneer, an inventer of environmental solutions and biotechnology; a crafter of creative solutions to environmental and socio-cultural problems ISOETID (botany) A rosette plant that completes its entire life cycle submerged REGIOUS (obsolete) regal; royal DOLOIRE A medieval war and utility axe with a long wooden haft of 1.5 metres in length set with a blade shaped as a tear drop RAJITES RAJITE: (mineralogy) A monoclinic-prismatic green mineral containing copper, oxygen, and tellurium TIBIALE (noun) the bone or cartilage of the tarsus which articulates with the tibia and corresponds to a part of the astragalus in man and most mammals NATICAE (u) of Natica DIRLEST second-person familiar of DIRL UNVOTED (of a ballot paper) not having been used to cast a vote HEARIES HEARIE: (slang) A person who can hear ATRENNE (verb) to outrun UNGRAVE (obsolete) To raise or remove from the grave UNIVIED Not ivied; without ivy growing on it ANTIDOT (physics) A small, circular region of opposite charge or magnetization, especially one that is part of a semiconductor device SOAKIER comp SOAKY LENTOUR slowness, sluggishness LIPOATE (organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of lipoic acid ADAGIES ADAGY (n.): an adage TEEONGS TEEONG: (noun) the mino bird RENOMEE (noun) renown DIVINOR (obsolete form of/diviner) RADIOLI RADIOLUS: The barbule of a feather FIORINO The monetary unit of Tuscany from 1826 to 1859, subdivided into 100 quatrini; a florin NOVATOR (obsolete) An innovator OASITIC of or relating to an oasis FOURGIE An act of group sex between four people; a foursome UNEARNT Not having been earned AGONOUS (rare) Possessing or filled with agony OXONATE (chemistry) A salt of oxonic acid EQUISON (archaic) groom, ostler, equerry, jockey LEONITE (mineralogy) A saline evaporite, consisting of a mixed potassium and magnesium sulphate, with the chemical formula (KSO)(MgSO) EUGONIC (of bacterial growth) rapid and luxuriant ENOLIZE to convert into an enol or an enolic hydroxyl group ANNOTED ANNOTE: to note against; to lay a charge SAYRITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic-prismatic mineral containing hydrogen, lead, oxygen, and uranium ADVOYER (obsolete) A chief magistrate of a free imperial city or canton of Switzerland EJURATE to renounce EDETATE (chemistry) Any salt or ester of edetic acid EARBONE (anatomy) Any bone in the ear ISATIDE (organic compound) A white crystalline substance obtained by the partial reduction of isatin TENUATE (archaic) To make thin; to attenuate GIRDITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic mineral containing hydrogen, lead, oxygen, and tellurium BAOTITE (mineral) A rare tetragonal mineral with a unique fourfold silicate ring TODRIVE (obsolete) To drive away; drive apart NEATIFY (obsolete) To make neat YVONITE (mineralogy) A blue mineral containing copper, arsenic, hydrogen, and oxygen AIRABLE Suitable for broadcast OSTERIX A transcription factor, containing a zinc finger, that functions in osteoblast differentiation and bone formation OXINATE (chemistry) The complex formed between oxine and a metal ion OVERJET displacement of the mandibular teeth sideways when the jaws are held in the position they occupy in occlusion OVERLOE A shaped block of wood used in conjunction with sandpaper for sanding moulded shapes OVERSAT OVERSIT: to preside over, govern, rule; to control STEAVEN Alternative form of (term/steven//voice, opinion, complaint). See steven STIFADO A Greek stew, typically made from meat, tomatoes, onions and herbs ANTIZOO Opposing the keeping of animals in captivity in zoos ELEATIC (adj.) noting or pertaining to a school of philosophy, founded by Parmenides, that investigated the phenomenal world, esp. with reference to the phenomena of change, or, [n.] a philosopher of that school JAVITRI In Indian cooking, mace BELUINE Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of beasts; bestial; brutal; animal DRAATSI (dialect/Shetland) otter DOGTIES DOGTIE: (noun) a cramp READEES READEE: One who receives a tarot reading DIULOSE (carbohydrates/in combination) diketose MOLERAT (alternative form of/mole rat) AZETINE (organic compound) An unsaturated four-membered heterocycle having three carbon atoms, one nitrogen atom and one double bond HOUSANE (organic compound) a polycyclic alkane with the chemical formula CH ADIPATE (organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of adipic acid PAVIAGE (legal) A contribution or a tax for paving streets or highways LAURATE (chemistry) Any salt or ester of lauric acid EUNICID (zoology) Any member of the Eunicidae HAINOUS (obsolete spelling of/heinous) KINOITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic-prismatic azure blue mineral containing calcium, copper, hydrogen, oxygen, and silicon ENECATE (obsolete/rare) To kill off; to destroy SEVEARE (obsolete spelling of/severe) EXOLETE (obsolete) obsolete; out of use; stale; insipid KANOITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic-prismatic mineral containing magnesium, manganese, oxygen, and silicon KAIRINE (chemistry)A derivative of tetrahydro-quinoline (C10H13NO). It was used as an antipyretic SEABOAT A boat designed for use at sea GUILTIE (archaic spelling of/guilty) JAVAITE (mineralogy) A tektite found on and around the island of Java IVOROID (dated) A synthetic celluloid plastic resembling ivory ABRONIA A plant of the genus ''Abronia'' DIONINE ethylmorphine AVENOUS without veins AVENERS AVENER: An officer of the king's stables whose duty it was to provide oats for the horses TRIIODO (organic chemistry) (''in combination'') Three iodine atoms in a molecule ADINOLE a variety of albite ATAUNTO (nautical) Fully rigged, as a vessel; with all sails set; set on end or set right PENAEID any prawn of the family ''Penaeidae'' many of which have economic importance ORALIZE to render oral; to make spoken ARTIZED ARTIZE: to exercise an art; to artificialize DEERITE (mineral) A monoclinic-prismatic black mineral containing aluminum, hydrogen, iron, manganese, oxygen, and silicon VITEXIN (organic compound) A particular apigenin flavone glucoside EVESTRA EVESTRUM: According to (Paracelsus), an astral body that originates at birth and is responsible for visions of the future SENIORY (obsolete) seniority ELIMATE (obsolete) To render smooth; to polish INRAILS INRAIL: To enclose or surround with rails INLAWED (past of/inlaw) RARITIE (obsolete spelling of/rarity) APRIORI (alternative form of/a priori) INCUBAE INCUBA: A female incubus BALONIE (Polari/and/British/slang) Nonsense AZAROLE The Neapolitan medlar, ''Crataegus azarolus'', a shrub of southern Europe ONYALAI (pathology) A form of thrombocytopenia present in Central Africa PEAGRIT (mineralogy) A coarse pisolitic limestone DEQUITY (finance) Securities characterized by attributes of both fixed-income and equity securities ARYLENE (organic chemistry) Any bivalent radical produced by removal of two hydrogen atoms from the benzene ring of an aromatic compound OUTSAVE To save more money than ERYONID (zoology) Any member of the Eryonidae LATRIDS LATRID: (zoology) Any member of the Latridae LAUTITE (mineralogy) A mixed arsenide and sulfide of copper from Lauta near Marienberg, Saxony LIGATOR A surgical instrument for ligating, or for placing and fastening a ligature VICOUNT a viscount; a member of the peerage above a baron but below a count or earl WEISURE (neologism) The merging of work and leisure activities ANTITEA Opposing tea (the drink) ECOTEUR A person who commits ecotage ADUREST ADURE: (obsolete) To burn up RADEAUS RADEAU: A float; a raft TIEDOWN A rope or line used to secure a load to a vehicle AVISION (obsolete) A vision TRENDLE (obsolete) A wheel, spindle, or the like; a trundle NONAUTO (economics) Not automotive, or not directly linked to the automotive industry ZONARIA (u) a division of Mammalia in which the placenta is zonelike AGOUARA (archaic) ''Procyon cancrivorus'', the crab-eating raccoon OVERWIN (UK/ dialectal) To overcome; gain one's point; exceed SONIFER (noun) a kind of ear trumpet for the deaf, or the partially deaf BRAGITE A variety of fergusonite found in Norway and Sweden. ENWRITE To write upon something; inscribe; imprint EURITIC Of or relating to eurite VILANIE (obsolete form of/villainy) LIOTIID (zoology) Any member of the Liotiidae VIDONIA (noun) a dry white wine, of a tart flavor, produced in Teneriffe; -- called also Teneriffe ANEURIC the absence of urine formation ELODIAN (zoology) Any of a tribe of tortoises, including the terrapins, in which the head and neck can be withdrawn JOINETH (archaic third-person singular of/join) MARRITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic-prismatic mineral containing arsenic, lead, silver, and sulfur TAQUITO A fried corn or flour tortilla, filled usually with beef or chicken and cheese, rolled up, and dipped in a form of salsa, or guacamole QUIRITE (Noun) A citizen of early Rome. AGARITA ''Mahonia trifoliolata'', a rounded evergreen shrub with high heat tolerance, native to the United States and Mexico NANORIS NANORI: (linguistics) A Japanese reading of a kanji character that is used for names of people or places NEIBOUR (obsolete form of/neighbour) AGENDAE (rare/proscribed) (plural of/agenda) GLOARED GLOAR: (obsolete) To squint; to stare AUTORAN AUTORUN: (computing) Any feature that runs a program, etc. automatically TRIVANT (noun) a truant ALANATE (inorganic chemistry) aluminohydride (or any similar, more complex anion) ALALITE a variety of malacolite OLIFANT (obsolete) An elephant ASTEIID (zoology) Any member of the Asteiidae PEATING Kilning over burning peat, a process used in whisky production to impart an earthy, smoky flavour UNGIVES UNGIVE: To yield; relax; slacken; give way OVARIUM An ovary OVERWIT (obsolete) To outwit ERGATED ERGAT: (verb) to deduce logically, as conclusions LAOJIAO A system of administrative detentions in the People's Republic of China in which penal labour is done for a small salary, generally used to detain people who have committed minor crimes EPIKEIA (philosophy/theology) The principle in ethics that a law can be broken to achieve a greater good VIRILIA (obsolete) The male sexual organs LIVETIN a protein obtained from egg yolk LORRIED LORRY (v.): to transport by lorry; to drive a lorry EXESION (obsolete) The act of eating out or through WEROOLE (noun) an Australian lorikeet (Ptilosclera versicolor) noted for the variety of its colors; -- called also varied lorikeet STORVEN (obsolete) past participle of (l/starve) MAGIQUE (obsolete form of/magic) APAIRED APAIR: (obsolete) To impair or become impaired; to injure EGROTES EGROTE: to feign an illness VEENITE (mineralogy) An orthorhombic-pyramidal steel gray mineral containing antimony, arsenic, lead, and sulfur MAOTAIS MAOTAI: a kind of Chinese liquor produced in the town of Maotai, in the city of Renhuai, Guizhou province, Southwest China VARUNID (zoology) Any member of the Varunidae WINTLER who wintles ROKEAGE (noun) parched Indian corn, pounded up and mixed with sugar; -- called also yokeage MEOWIER (comparative of/meowy) TEAGUES plural of TEAGUE DOGSTAR (alternative form of/Dog Star) AGAONID (zoology) Any member of the Agaonidae YARNDIE (Australian Aboriginal) Marijuana IMIDATE (organic chemistry) Any ether of an imine, having general formula R-N=C(OR)R NANTLED NANTLE: (obsolete) to fondle or caress IDAITES IDAITE: (mineralogy) A hexagonal-dihexagonal dipyramidal mineral containing copper, iron, and sulfur PODURAE (u) of Podura AVOWETH (obsolete) avows NONLEAD Not of or pertaining to lead (the chemical element) AUTORUN (computing) Any feature that runs a program, etc. automatically NONREAL Not real; unreal, imaginary FORATID (zoology) Any member of the Foratidae AGEWISE In terms of age TURREAE (noun) any of numerous trees and shrubs grown for their beautiful glossy foliage and sweetly fragrant starry flowers OROIDIN (organic chemistry) Any of a family of alkaloids derived from marine sponges DECITOG one-tenth of a tog OXOLANE (organic compound) tetrahydrofuran EQUILIN An estrogenic steroid produced by HORSES. It has a total of four double bonds in the A- and B-ring. High concentration of euilin is found in the URINE of pregnant mares. VITREAL Of or pertaining to the vitreous humor EVALOSE (carbohydrates) The deoxy sugar ''6-deoxy-3-C-methyl-D-mannose'' that is a constituent of the antibiotic evaminomycin LINENER (obsolete) A dealer in linen; a linen draper ANEUGEN (genetics) Any aneugenic agent SASAITE (mineralogy) An orthorhombic white mineral containing aluminum, hydrogen, iron, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur WIDEGAP (noun) the angler; -- called also widegab, and widegut DRIEFAT (obsolete) A dry vat or basket USEWEAR wear (on a tool etc) caused by normal use TEMORID (zoology) Any member of the Temoridae ABELITE (chemistry) An explosive consisting of ammonium nitrate with hydrocarbons added TOATING TOAT: to tote IDEOLOG A person advocating some ideology, especially as an official or the most eminent advocate TORRILS TORRIL: (UK/dialect) A worthless woman DIRTMEN DIRTMAN: (obsolete) A garbage man AZIRINE (organic compound) An unsaturated heterocycle containing two carbon atoms and one nitrogen atom NITRIAN (mineralogy) Describing minerals containing nitrogen (especially when this replaces another element) NONEURO Not of or pertaining to the euro currency NONLATE Not late NONVOTE A deliberate act of not voting; an abstention TRITOVA (u) of Tritovum CUINAGE (obsolete/UK) The stamping of pigs of tin, by the proper officer, with the arms of the duchy of Cornwall TUPAIID (zoology) Any of the family Tupaiidae of tree shrews UNRILED Not riled OLIBENE An essential oil, principally a mixture of diterpenes, obtained by the distillation of olibanum ARHINIA (medicine) Absence of the nose ORIOLID (zoology) Any member of the Oriolidae OXALINE (chemistry) glyoxaline SORRAGE (obsolete) The blades of green or barley STADION A Greek unit of measurement, equivalent to six plethra or six hundred podes, which, though varying in precise length, is generally accepted to be equivalent to approximately 185·4 metres BOATAGE The total capacity of boats, as of lifeboats on a ship ENCENIA (u) a festival commemorative of the founding of a city or the consecration of a church; also, the ceremonies (as at Oxford and Cambridge, England) commemorative of founders or benefactors SETFOIL (architecture) a symmetrical shape which forms the overall outline of seven partially-overlapping circles of the same diameter BIVANES BIVANE: A vane that is doubly jointed so as to indicate both horizontal and vertical components of a fluid's flow EXOSITE (biochemistry) A secondary binding site, remote from the active site, on a protein ANGITIS a medical condition SEALIFE organisms (especially fish) that live in the sea SUEVITE (geology) A yellow-grey rock found in impact craters caused by meteorites MANATIQ MINTAQAH: (Arabic term/political/ administration) A first-level country subdivision used in Saudi Arabia and several other Arab countries GEODIID (zoology) Any member of the Geodiidae ROANOKE (US/historical) White beads of low value made from shells, formerly used for ornaments and currency by Native Americans of colonial Virginia ISOCOLA ISOCOLON: (rhetoric) A figure of speech in which parallelism is reinforced by members that are of the same length INSUREE The person or entity protected by or receiving insurance provided by the insurer REHONED REHONE: To hone again or anew DOTFILE (computing/Unix) A file or directory whose name begins with a dot (period or full stop), typically hidden from view URICITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic-prismatic mineral containing carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen XIANGQI Chinese chess; a variant of chess created and mainly played in China FLATIVE (obsolete) Producing wind; flatulent COUNITE To bring together; to unite UNVOTES UNVOTE: (archaic) To reverse or annul by vote AYOCOTE The runner bean ALITAME A dipeptide of alanine and aspartic acid that is used as an artificial sweetener ALCOATE (obsolete/chemistry) A crystalline salt containing alcohol in place of water of crystallization HEAVIED (past of/heavy) GONAKIE (botany) An African timber tree, ''Acacia adansonii'' ODELETS ODELET: A little or short ode ARGUEST 2nd person familiar of ARGUE UNLEAVE To remove the leaves from SOUIRED SOUIR: (verb) to throw with a jerk; to throw edge foremost EUMENID (zoology) Any member of the subfamily ''Eumeninae'', the potter wasps BOOLEAN (alternative capitalization of/Boolean) ABIOCEN The non-living components of an environment, such as water, soil, air, etc CALAITE (mineral) A turquoise mineral LINARIA Any plant of the genus (taxlink/Linaria/genus) (as the toadflax) SEAROOM room for maneuver at sea STROWEN (form of/Fifteenth-century spelling/strawen) SCIAENA Any of several nocturnal fish, of the genus (taxlink/Sciaena/genus), from the Eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea; a croaker JERVINE (organic compound) A steroidal alkaloid, obtained from plants of the genus ''Veratrum'', that is teratogenic EELBOAT A boat used for eeling catching eels) ROTULAR (anatomy) Of or relating to the rotula, or kneepan JAILEES JAILEE: One who is jailed; a prisoner MENAION The annual fixed liturgical cycle of services used in the Eastern Orthodox and Greek-Catholic Churches, containing a list of the services and large collection of liturgical texts for an entire month. Twelve volumes are usually offered for the year, as a set known as the ''menaia'' ISOGRAD (geology) a line, either on a map or the surface of the Earth, joining points at which metamorphism reached similar pressures and temperatures; actually the intersection of a surface and that of the Earth BEDOVEN (obsolete) drenched UPVOTED UPVOTE: To vote for, increasing a cumulative tally of popularity ACONTIA (zoology) Threadlike defensive organs, composed largely of nettling cells (cnidae), thrown out of the mouth or special pores of certain Actiniae when irritated QUAILER One who hunts quail DIRTMAN (obsolete) A garbage man AZYGOTE an individual organism produced by haploid parthenogenesis DIAZENE (inorganic compound) The compound HN=NH ATTAGEN A sand grouse (''Syrrghaptes pallasii'') found in Asia and rarely in southern Europe OMEGALA (irregular plural of/omega) ONFIELD That takes place on a sports field UNBRAVE Not brave ORANDAS ORANDA: Goldfish characterized by a prominent raspberry-like hood encasing its head ASISITE (mineral) A yellow tetragonal mineral LAGENAE (u) of Lagena BROMITE (inorganic chemistry) The univalent anion BrO ESTUATE To boil up; to swell and rage; to be agitated LAWSONE (organic compound) 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone, the colouring principle of henna KORNITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic-prismatic mineral containing aluminum, calcium, hydrogen, iron, oxygen, silicon, and sodium LEFTARD (slang/derogatory) A person of left-wing political views EUCHITE (noun) one who resolves religion into prayer CANTILE (verb) same as Cantle, v. t BLODITE bloedite; a hydrated sodium magnesium sulfate mineral with formula: Na2Mg(SO4)24H2O SEETING (obsolete) sitting, or sating BIOHEAT (US) biodiesel when used for heating ACRISIA (noun) inability to judge VAUXITE (mineralogy) A phosphate mineral of the laueite–paravauxite group JELQING The use of the jelq technique for penis enlargement GEOTOPE A geologic feature in the landscape, especially one of more interest to tourists that to geologists RUINETH old third person singular form of RUIN JANOLID (zoology) Any member of the Janolidae GADIDAE a large family of bony fishes (order Anacanthini) including many important food fishes (as the cod, haddock, and pollacks) and several whose livers yield an oil rich in vitamins A and D JADIEST superlative of JADY ROBIOLA An Italian soft-ripened cheese, similar to stracchino RIOTOUR (obsolete form of/rioter) FATNERS FATNER: one that fattens BEHOITE (mineral) An orthorhombic-disphenoidal mineral containing beryllium, hydrogen, and oxygen TELLINA (noun) a genus of marine bivalve mollusks having thin, delicate, and often handsomely colored shells GIGERIA GIGERIUM: (anatomy) The muscular stomach, or gizzard, of birds ADULTER (obsolete) To commit adultery DISROUT (verb) to put to rout ICTUATE to put metrical stress on ICETRAY (alternative spelling of/ice tray) AZULITE a mineral consisting of translucent pale blue smithsonite often found in Arizona and Greece in masses weighing over 20 pounds AZOFIED having been nitrogenized by bacteria AVENAGE (obsolete/legal) A quantity of oats paid by a tenant to a landlord in lieu of rent AVALENT (rare/of a verb or predicate) Non-valent, having valency zero: taking no arguments NOOGIED NOOGIE: (slang) An act of putting a person in a headlock and rubbing one's knuckles on the other person's head, often a playful gesture of affection when done lightly TUAMINE tuaminoheptane GONIMIA GONIMIUM: (botany) One of the bluish-green granules that replace the more usual gonidia in certain lichens PIATION (obsolete) The act of making atonement; expiation AGEUSIC Lacking a sense of taste DETRITE (obsolete) worn out AILURID (zoology) Any member of the Ailuridae ASETATE Not setate; that is, not having setae UNIONID (zoology) Any member of the Unionidae OWNAGES OWNAGE: (archaic/rare) ownership ERRAUNT (obsolete form of/errant) BOURGIE (usually pejorative) used to describe middle-class values in their attempt to give the semblance of discerning taste EULIMID (zoology) Any member of the Eulimidae LIENEES LIENEE: (legal) One who has right of possession of goods but not right of property; the registered owner LUTEOMA A rare tumour derived from a previous folliculoma or thecoma after luteinization, acquiring the ability to produce and to accumulate the hormone GEOCOIN A coin minted for use as a prize in geocaching, sometimes trackable on the Internet by its serial number JETLOAD As much as as can be transported on a jet VECTION (obsolete) vectitation MARINOL a preparation of dronabinol GERLOND (noun) a garland EARLOOP A loop that fits around the ear to hold an earphone or similar device in place CLEARIE A clear marble, usually colored, but without decoration or design VAIMURE (obsolete) An exterior wall AERICAL aerial RESALER A reseller BEANPOT A pot for cooking or serving beans FIGAROS FIGARO: (noun) an adroit and unscrupulous intriguer QUEUINE (biochemistry) A hypermodified derivative of guanine present in the anticodon of some tRNAs ACONINE (biochemistry) An amorphous, bitter, non-poisonous alkaloid, derived from the decomposition of aconitine YANGQIN A Chinese musical instrument, a hammered dulcimer traditionally fitted with bronze strings NANONET A net, the fibers of which have sizes within the range of nanometers TOPONIA TOPONIUM: (physics) Any hypothetical meson formed from a top quark and its antiquark; would be very unstable because of the large mass of the top quark AZULINE a shade of blue AGENTIC Social cognition theory perspective in which people are producers as well as products of social systems AVENINS AVENIN: (biochemistry) A prolamine that is the minor protein of oats FOGGITE (mineralogy) An orthorhombic-disphenoidal mineral containing aluminum, calcium, hydrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus PLATEIA A town square in Greece or Cyprus NOODLER (fishing) A practitioner of noodling DIALEFE A short metrical pause between two identical vowel sounds, one at the end of a word, the other at the beginning of the next word HEAUENS old spelling of HEAVENS ATWITED p ATWITE (v.) OAKTREE An oak (gloss/tree) ARGULID (zoology) Any member of the Argulidae PEARLIE (informal) A pearly king or pearly queen OPIFICE (obsolete) workmanship DECATOG ten togs ENWRAPT (archaic spelling of/enwrapped) VITRITE A kind of glass which is very hard and difficult to fuse, used as an insulator in electrical lamps and other apparatus LIBERIN Any of several peptide hormones produced by the hypothalamus LUVARID (zoology) Any of the fish family Luvaridae STURNID (zoology) Any member of the Sturnidae ELBAITE (mineral) A sodium-lithium-aluminium borosilicate mineral of the tourmaline group, prized as a gemstone ANATRON (obsolete) native carbonate of soda; natron APEREAS APEREA: ''Cavia aperea'', the Brazilian guinea pig ADORETH (archaic third-person singular of/adore) ROEPIAH The monetary unit issued in Japanese occupied Netherlands Indies in 1944 and 1945 TANOOKI the raccoon dog, ''Nyctereutes procyonoides'' APOTOME (math) The difference between two quantities commensurable only in power, as between 1 and the square root of 2, or between the diagonal and side of a square INWORLD (gaming) Inside the world of an MMORPG MIDGATE A panel, forming the rear of the cab of a truck, that can be folded away to make more space FERNANE (organic compound) A specific triterpene hydrocarbon; any of many naturally-occurring derivatives of this compound INSNARL (obsolete) To make into a snarl or knot; to entangle INFOWAR information warfare RANSEUR Any of several types of spear with a long sharp end and two projections on each side ALWAIES (obsolete spelling of/always) UPGIVEN UPGIVE: (obsolete/poetic/Scottish law) To give up or yield up AZOLINE (organic compound) pyrroline AZOCANE (organic compound) A saturated eight-membered heterocycle having seven carbon atoms and one nitrogen atom AZETANE (organic compound) azetidine AVOWANT (legal) The defendant in replevin, who avows the distress of the goods, and justifies the taking NOIEING NOIE: (obsolete) to annoy NONSALE Not of or pertaining to selling TRIOVAL A shape that is a hybrid of triangle and oval, sometimes used for motor racetracks ZAOUIAS ZAOUIA: In North and West Africa, a Muslim religious school or community, or its mosque DIANION (chemistry) Any anion carrying two negative charges NOTHURA Any member of the genus ''Nothura'' of birds in the tinamou family AURIGAL Of or pertaining to a chariot AULETIC Of or relating to a musical pipe or piper OBELIAC (anatomy) Relating to, pertaining to, or situated near, the obelion OCTOATE (organic chemistry) octanoate AKERITE a quartz rock containing oligoclase and augite OMEGOID Having the form of the Greek capital letter omega, Ω DEAFING pp of DEAF v. (to become deaf) OSAZONE (chemistry) any glycoside of an aldose or 2-ketose formed by reaction with excess of an aryl-hydrazine OUTFILE to surpass in filing OUTSEAM The seam of a trouser up the outside of the leg OVERWON OVERWIN: To overcome; gain one's point; exceed LAGTIME The elapsed time between two events WAIMENT (obsolete) To lament HAFNATE (inorganic chemistry) Any oxyanion of hafnium; any salt containing such an anion ADONIST One who maintains that the vowel points of the Tetragrammaton translated "Jehovah" are the vowel points that belong to the word ''Adonai.'' ANILIDE (organic chemistry) Any organic compound derived from an oxoacid by replacement of a hydroxyl group by an aniline residue; an amide of aniline SETOIDS SETOID: (set theory) A set together with an equivalence relation SEGNITY (obsolete) Sluggishness; dullness; inactivity KAINATE (biochemistry) Any salt or ester of kainic acid ANATION (chemistry) The replacement of a ligand (especially of water) by an anion in a coordination compound MARIGOT A side-stream or tributary rivulet in West Africa SVABITE (mineralogy) A hexagonal-dipyramidal mineral containing arsenic, calcium, fluorine, and oxygen GAIATSU Foreign pressure; pressure applied by one country onto another SAFENER A chemical used in a herbicide to minimize injury to the crop as a result of the herbicide application VARIORA VARIORUM: An edition of a written work (especially the complete works of a classical writer) showing the notes and readings of a variety of different editors or commentators ROINTED ROINT: (u) to dispel TALONID The crushing heel part of a tribosphenic molar TARIQAS TARIQA: (Islam) a Sufi method of discipline, meditation and mystical insight, or a religious order based on this WOOKIEE a fictional species of tall, hairy humanoids, as seen in the 'Star Wars' films; also WOOKIE FENGITE (mineral) A transparent form of marble or alabaster, formerly sometimes used for windows BEFAVOR to render favor unto INSOBER lacking sobriety; drunk BEDRIFT To drift about; drift around TERMINE (obsolete) To terminate URANOAN (mineralogy) Describing minerals containing tetravalent uranium AGARASE (enzyme) An enzyme found in agarolytic bacteria, allowing them to use agar as their primary source of carbon MOILEES MOILEE: An Indian curry, originally from Goa, containing fish or seafood and coconut milk QUERENT (legal/historical) A complainant; a plaintiff QUATERN (Scots) a quire of paper MORINDA (botany) Any of the genus of (taxlink/Morinda/genus) of rubiaceous trees and shrubs PUNAISE (obsolete) a bed-bug FLAVEDO (biology) The exocarp in citruses TOTORVE (obsolete) To throw about; dash to pieces AZULENE (organic compound) A bicyclic aromatic hydrocarbon containing a five- and a seven-membered fused ring; it is a blue, oily liquid first obtained from the essential oil of wormwood AZELATE a salt or ester of azelaic acid DILATON (physics) A theoretical scalar field (analogous to the photon) AVICIDE A substance used to kill birds AVAROUS (obsolete) Avaricious NONIDLE Not idle; active or in use HOPEITE (mineralogy) An orthorhombic-dipyramidal mineral containing hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and zinc ALATAES ALATAE: (entomology) In entomology, an insect that possesses wings PETATON A measure of the strength of an explosion or a bomb based on how many quadrillion tons of TNT would be needed to produce the same energy PELETON (obsolete/rare) A small pellet or ball UNPIVOT (computing/databases) To convert columns into rows, so as to undo a pivot operation OUTNICE (rare) To surpass in apparently nice behaviour; to make oneself seem nicer than ADIATED ADIATE: (law) to accept an inheritance as heir under a will OUTROVE (simple past of/outrive) UNITUDE (archaic) unity; oneness PACEITE (mineralogy) A tetragonal-dipyramidal dark blue mineral containing calcium, carbon, copper, hydrogen, and oxygen OVERPUT To overthrow; subdue ERMILIN ermine ENTONES ENTONE: to sing or arrange music (esp. church or sacred music) EULOGIC Bestowing praise or eulogy; commendatory; eulogistic EUXINIC Having restricted hydrologic circulation, leading to stagnant or anaerobic conditions BOILIES BOILY: gruel ENJAILS ENJAIL: To put in jail ENHABIT (obsolete form of/inhabit) HALESIA (botany) Any of the genus (taxlink/Halesia/genus) of American shrubs with white flowers STILTON (alternative form of/Stilton) (cheese) EMILITE (mineral) An orthorhombic-pyramidal tin white mineral containing bismuth, copper, lead, and sulfur SEACOAL (archaic) mineral coal (as opposed to charcoal) JONGLER (noun) in the Middle Ages, a court attendant or other person who, for hire, recited or sang verses, usually of his own composition. See Troubadour Jongler (noun) a juggler; a conjuror. See Juggler MARENAS MARENA: (noun) a European whitefish of the genus Coregonus SVARITA Falling accent, which usually follows the acute udātta, in Vedic Sanskrit WINTARD (Internet/ slang/pejorative) A user or advocate of Microsoft Windows APOGAIC (adj) apogean RIGHTEO (alternative form of/righto) BELIVEN BELIVE: (now chiefly dialectal) To remain, stay TEALEAF (alternative spelling of/tea leaf) FENOWED (rare) mouldy TELOKIN (biochemistry) An abundant protein found in smooth muscle, identical to the C-terminus of myosin light-chain kinase FETUINS FETUIN: (protein) Any of a family of plasma glycoproteins, secreted from the liver into the bloodstream INITION (obsolete) initiation; beginning QUEERDO (vulgar/pejorative) Someone who is strange or awkward; stronger and more vulgar form of (term/weirdo) TIEBEAM (architecture) A beam acting as a tie, as at the bottom of a pair of principal rafters, to prevent them from thrusting out the wall ALLOTEE one who is allotted for IDIOTRY (obsolete) idiocy TORSALO A parasitic fly, ''Dermatobia hominis'', which lives as a larva in the skin of mammals, including humans, and uses mosquitoes as a vector AZIRANE (organic compound) aziridine UNTWIRL To untwist; to undo POLURIA (medicine) A persistent excessive flow of watery urine POIVOIT (eye dialect of/pervert) AVAUNCE (obsolete) To advance; to profit DIACOPE (grammar) tmesis DANAIDE (engineering) A water wheel having a vertical axis and an inner and outer tapering shell, between which are vanes or floats attached usually to both shells, but sometimes only to one OLEONES OLEONE: (organic compound) An oily liquid obtained by distillation of calcium oleate, and probably consisting of the ketone of oleic acid ONERARY Fitted for, or carrying, a burden ONGUENT (archaic form of/unguent) HIROLAS HIROLA: A type of antelope found in an area between Kenya and Somalia, scientific name ''Beatragus hunteri'' or sometimes ''Damaliscus hunteri'' ORBITAR (obsolete/anatomy) orbital DENASAL (linguistics) Having, or relating to, a quality of the voice caused by blocked nasal passages FREGOLA A type of pasta originating in Sardinia, resembling couscous and typically made with semolina flour OXIROSE (carbohydrates) Any monosaccharide having a configuration with a three-membered ring ANTIBOT A series of small plates fitted to crampons to prevent the buildup of snow EPIOTIC (anatomy) The upper and outer element of periotic bone, in humans forming a part of the temporal bone ENVIETH (archaic third-person singular of/envy) SPIGNET (botany) An aromatic plant of America; the spikenard VIROLED (heraldry) Furnished with viroles; said of a horn or bugle whose rings are of different tincture HAINTED ''Variation of'' haunted BONETTA A bonito (fish) WEALDEN (Adjective) Of, from or relating to the weald EVITETH (obsolete verb conjugation) ANTIRAP Opposing rap music VERTINE cryogenine GALILEO The CGS unit of acceleration, equal to 1 centimetre per second per second. Symbol: '''Gal''' BIGUINE (music) A style of music that originated in Martinique in the nineteenth century, combining the traditional bélé music with the polka WIFELET (colloquial) Diminutive of wife MATROID (combinatorics) A structure that captures the essence of a notion of "independence" that generalizes linear independence in vector spaces BETREND To wind or draw around; surround; encompass WINABLE Describing that which may be won BETEELA (obsolete) An East India muslin, formerly used for cravats, veils, etc BEQUOTE To quote frequently or much ADDITUR (legal) The augmentation by a judge of damages awarded by a jury DUPIONI A silk fabric, similar to shantung, but thicker and more irregular ABSOLUE To finish IQYAXES IQYAX: A bidarka, a kayak constructed by covering a light wooden frame (lashed together with sinew) in sea lion hides BEETIER BEETY: like or resembling a beet, particularly in color COIDEAL (mathematics) A particular linear subspace in a coalgebra INERTED (chiefly of a fuel tank) Filled with an inert gas to reduce the risk of explosion RADEONS RADEON: (obsolete) radon GRANADO (obsolete form of/grenade) BARLINE A vertical line in musical notation indicating the start of a new bar HAVENER (obsolete) A harbormaster TORIVED TORIVE: (obsolete) To rive in pieces; rend NERVOSE (botany) nerved AZURIER more azure-colored GLIDANT a substance that is added to a powder to improve its flowability TRABEAE TRABEA: (historical/Ancient Rome) A toga of purple, or ornamented with purple horizontal stripes, worn by kings, consuls, and augurs AZALIDE Any of a class of macrolide antibiotics which contain a nitrogen in the macrolide ring DIECIAN (botany) Having the male and female reproductive organs on separate plants (of the same species) rather than different parts of the same plant AUTOPOD autopodium HOUSAGE A fee for keeping goods in a house NOTERID (zoology) Any member of the Noteridae TRUAGES TRUAGE: (obsolete) Tribute, as paid to a ruler or superior PIEFACE In professional wrestling, to push an opponent's face with the hand held flat ALAMIRE (noun) the lowest note but one in Guido Aretino's scale of music AKEPIRO A small tree of New Zealand (''Olearia furfuracea'') FORLIVE To live pervertedly ATHELIA The congenital absence of one or both nipples UMAGITE (mineralogy) A mineral selenide of copper CuSe PAVONNE (music) A musical style characteristic of the 16th and 17th centuries DECORIN (protein) Any of a family of proteoglycans that "decorate" collagen fibres ARTIZES ARTIZE: to exercise an art; to artificialize DEFACTO (Australia/New Zealand) A partner in a spousal relationship not officially declared as a marriage, comparable to a common law husband or wife OXONIAN (mineralogy) Describing minerals containing oxygen ARRAUNT (obsolete form of/arrant) HABOTAI A lightweight fabric resembling silk LATOUNS latten VOGGITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic-prismatic colorless mineral containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sodium, and zirconium KOTOITE (mineralogy) A mineral form of magnesium borate that is isostructural with jimboite LERNEAN (noun) one of a family (Lernaeidae) of parasitic Crustacea found attached to fishes and other marine animals. Some species penetrate the skin and flesh with the elongated head, and feed on the viscera. See Illust. in Appendix ACUATES ACUATE: to sharpen ENRIPEN (archaic) Develop from incipiency to maturity SIDECUT The inner curvature of a ski or snowboard that allows smoother turning LIUEING LIUE: to live SHINDLE A shingle LOVETAP (humorous) A light punch or other rough tap, performed in an almost-friendly manner CEBINAE the capuchin monkey CENTRIN (protein) caltractin EGROTED EGROTE: to feign an illness JEERIER JEERY: Full of jeers ANALVOS Part of the habit of a senior monk in the Eastern Orthodox Church, similar to a scapular BEUSITE (mineral) A monoclinic-prismatic reddish brown mineral containing calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, oxygen, and phosphorus APINOID free from dirt BETINES BETINE: (now chiefly dialectal) To hedge about; inclose; shut up IULIDAN (noun) one of the Iulidae, a family of myriapods, of which the genus Iulus is the type. See Iulus RIVINAS RIVINA: an American plant belonging to the same family as Phytolacca TALONAS The monetary unit of Lithuania from 1991 to 1993 RIGHTIO (colloquial/chiefly British) okay TAQLIDS TAQLID: (Islam) Conformity to traditional legal decisions in Shari'a jurisprudence WORDNET (Artificial intelligence/linguistics) A semantically structured lexical database GRAVIED Of food cooked, dressed or served in gravy DOOBAGE (slang) marijuana TESTONE An ancient subunit of a Portuguese cruzado RAZINES RAZINE: (obs.) a raisin FIREPIT A pit dug in the ground, or constructed from stones, in which a fire is made, principally for cooking TINCLAD Clad in tin or tin-coated metal TIPULAE TIPULA: Any of many species of long-legged dipterous insects belonging to (taxlink/Tipula/genus) and allied genera; a crane fly TOXOTAI TOXOTES: Any fish of genus (taxlink/Toxotes/genus), the archerfishes AZIMENE (astrology, archaic) weak and lame degrees, thought to influence those born under them to be lame, sickly, or blind HEADIES (slang) High-grade marijuana POEBIRD The tui or parson bird ZAFTIER ZAFTY: [adj.] very easily imposed upon TRIOZID (zoology) Any member of the Triozidae PITOHUI A bird of the family Pachycephalidae, endemic to New Guinea, some of which have powerful batrachotoxins in skin and feathers NONWAVE (physics) Not involving, or not having the properties of, a wave DEVOTOS DEVOTO: A devotee ATTODOL 10 to the -18th power dols PETAERG 1 quadrillion ergs PETABIT (computing) A unit of information or storage equal to 10 bits ACERATA sharpened DABOIAS DABOIA: A large, venomous Asiatic viper of the genus (taxlink/Daboia/genus) FORLAIN FORLIE: To lie with AJITTER jittery DARTOID (anatomy) Like the dartos; dartoic DEAFIES DEAFIE: (slang) A deaf person OOECIUM an ovicell of a bryozoan GODSENT unexpectedly beneficial OUTBORE OUTBEAR: To bear out; support OUTERLY (obsolete) utterly; entirely OUTHALE (nonstandard/rare) To exhale OUTROAD a riding out; especially a warlike excursion OVERDIM too dim OVERHIP (obsolete) To leap over; skip over; omit ABUGIDA (linguistics) A writing system, similar to a syllabary, in which each symbol represents a consonant with a particular vowel. Some languages that use abugidas are Amharic, Hindi, Burmese, Cree and Ojibwe (Canadian Aboriginal syllabics). An abugida is a kind of syllabary in which the vowel is changed by modifying the base consonant symbol, so that all the forms that represent a given consonant plus each vowel resemble one another WALTRON (obsolete) A walrus BRAINOS BRAINO: a thinko, a mental error VOLADOR A flying fish of California (''Exocoetus californicus'') ANTEWAR before the war; antebellum LEHENGA A long Indian skirt usually worn with a choli (short blouse) ENSUANT Ensuing; following as a consequence VICEMAN A smith who works at the vice instead of at the anvil LOADOUT (originally/military) The set of objects to be carried into battle; all that one needs for a specific purpose WERECAT (fiction) A shapeshifter who can change between cat and human form SENITIS SENITI: A unit of currency equivalent to a hundredth of a Tongan pa'anga VERDINE (chemistry/dated) A green aniline dye EMOTAGS EMOTAG: A mock HTML tag incorporated into writing to express a state of mind VENTUSE VENTOUSE: (obsolete) A cupping glass SEAFOAM A foam created by the agitation of seawater GUILTER One who motivates another with guilt ELAIDIN (chemistry) A solid isomeric modification of olein GUAPOTE ''Parachromis managuensis'', a cichlid fish native to Nicaragua EKATITE (mineral) A hexagonal-dihexagonal pyramidal brownish black mineral containing arsenic, hydrogen, iron, oxygen, silicon, and zinc ANATIDS ANATID: (zoology) Any member of the Anatidae BEVINED covered with vines VARIETH (archaic third-person singular of/vary) RODENTY (informal) Resembling or characteristic of rodents IXODIAN (noun) a tick of the genus Ixodes, or the family Ixodidae DWARVEN belonging to, or relating to, dwarfs or dwarves DUODENE (music) A schematic group of twelve notes FAVELET (Internet) A bookmarklet RIBITOL (carbohydrates) The sugar alcohol ''(2R,3s,4S)-pentane-1,2,3,4,5-pentol'' formed by the reduction of ribose RESIEGE (verb) to seat again; to reinstate TELECON (informal) teleconference USHERIN (biochemistry) A protein encoded in humans by the gene (USH2A), mutations in which are associated with Usher syndrome AGAMIES AGAMY: Absence or non-recognition of the marriage relation. TENAUNT (obsolete form of/tenant) DOTTARD (obsolete) An old, decayed tree AMAINED AMAIN: In a forceful manner AQUEITY (obsolete) The quality of being watery HAUTAIN proud, arrogant PROOVEN (past participle of/proove) COTGARE (noun) refuse wool COUAGED COUAGE: (verb) to inspire with courage POUFIER POUFY: (hair styles) Bouffant NETLIST (electronics) A technical description of the connectivity of an electronic design NIBLETS NIBLET: A small piece of something, especially of snack food CRINELS CRINEL: (obsolete/falconry) Each of the small hairs growing around a hawk's cere TREEPIE Four closely related genera (''Dendrocitta'', ''Crypsirina'', ''Temnurus'' and as of recently also ''Platysmurus'') of arboreal long-tailed passerine birds in the family Corvidae NONLIVE Not live (in various senses) TRIGOLD (inorganic chemistry/especially in combination) Three gold atoms in a compound TROPONE (chemistry) any derivative of cycloheptatrienone ACHOOER one who sneezes ACHOOED sneezed NOUNIZE To change (an adjective, verb, etc.) into a noun TRUNION (alternative form of/trunnion) UNSHARE (computing) To stop sharing (a network resource etc.) ZERANOL A mycotoxin derived from ''Fusarium'' fungi used as a nonsteroidal oestrogen agonist ATTORAD 10 to the -18th power rads DARNETH old third person singular form of DARN UNPOWER (obsolete) Lack of power; weakness OPTIVAR (medicine) azelastine AASVOEL (South Africa/archaic) (alternative form of/aasvogel) ZORITES ZORITE: (mineralogy) A pink silicate mineral AGREETH (archaic) (third-person singular of/agree) HEREOUT (obsolete) Out of this OXETOSE (carbohydrates) Any monosaccharide having a configuration with a four-membered ring OXAMATE (chemistry) A salt of oxamic acid OXALITE (mineralogy) A yellow mineral, one of the oxalates of iron EPIGEUM perigee WASTOID (slang/derogatory) A person with a drug or alcohol addiction EUTOMER The more pharmacologically active of the enantiomers of a drug BOLEITE (mineral) An isometric-hexoctahedral mineral containing chlorine, copper, hydrogen, lead, oxygen, potassium, and silver BOGOTIC (humorous/rare) Exhibiting bogosity; bogus, bad, incorrect VIDIOTS VIDIOT: (derogatory/informal) A passive, undiscriminating consumer of video media VETOIST One who uses, or sustains the use of, the veto KAURENE (organic compound) A particular bridged tetracyclic diterpene that is isomeric with trachylobane, beyerene, and atiserene SEMOULE (noun) same as Semolina EXOREIC (of a river/watershed etc) running or draining to the sea ELEMENO (childish) A nonexistent letter of the alphabet which some children think comes between (term/k) and (term/p) BINANES BINANE: (organic chemistry) Any organic compound having an extended molecular structure of fused norbornanes and cyclobutanes; many of them are molracs EGOLIKE Resembling or characteristic of the ego VEDUTAS VEDUTA: A highly detailed, usually large-scale painting of a cityscape or some other vista JETTEAU (alternative form of/jet d'eau) JENEVER A Dutch alcoholic spirit, flavoured with juniper, rather like gin ECOTOWN (UK) Any of a number of government-sponsored new towns which are intended to achieve exemplary standards of sustainability RUPTIVE (obsolete) disruptive APISTIA faithlessness BETINED (dialectal) Hedged about SWIRLIE A prank in which the victim's head is held down a toilet bowl which is then flushed BETANIN (organic compound) A glycoside obtained from beetroot ROTAVAP (chemistry/biochemistry) A piece of laboratory equipment used to gently evaporate solvents from a chemical solution in a temperature controlled environment TABOULE A Middle Eastern salad or "meze" generally consisting of bulgar wheat, chopped tomatoes, parsley, olive oil and lemon juice FARTIER FARTY: full of farts, flatulent ROAVING ROAVE: to rove TAGLIAS TAGLIA: (engineering/obsolete) A particular system of fixed and movable pulleys ITHONID (zoology) Any member of the Ithonidae ISOKITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic-prismatic mineral containing calcium, fluorine, magnesium, oxygen, and phosphorus TANATES TANATE: (noun) an Asiatic wild dog (Canis procyonoides), native of Japan and adjacent countries. It has a short, bushy tail. Called also raccoon dog FECEATE To discharge feces from the digestive tract INTAILS INTAIL: to entail AMENUSE (obsolete) To lessen TENTPEG a peg used to hold a tent fast INHIVED INHIVE: To place in a hive; to hive RADIXIN (genetics) A human gene, a cytoskeletal protein resembling ezrin and moesin that may be important in linking actin to the plasma membrane APTERAN (zoology) Any of the Aptera, an obsolete taxonomic category of wingless arthropods INAUGUR (obsolete) To inaugurate FUNGITE (paleontology) A fossil coral resembling Fungia MOQUECA A Brazilian stew based on fish, onions, garlic, tomatoes, and cilantro AQUATED (chemistry) That is associated with water, especially in the form of a complex ALOSING ALOSE: (verb) to praise PROVENT provender IDOTEID (zoology) Any member of the Idoteidae GOURNET Any of various marine fish of the family ''Triglidae'', that have a large armored head and fingerlike pectoral fins used for crawling along the sea bottom HAXORED HAXOR (v.): to hack (a computer system or network) NEEDLET (physics/astronomy) A wavelet having the form of a needle NEOPINE A chemical compound, CHNO AZOFIER an agent that azofies NICAGUA (noun) the laughing falcon. See under laughing AVOWEST 2nd person familiar of AVOW AVOCATE (obsolete) To call off or away; to withdraw; to transfer to another tribunal TRIGLID (zoology) Any member of the Triglidae DIBENZO (chemistry) Two benzo groups in a single molecule ALDGATE A draught on the pump at Aldgate; a bad bill of exchange, drawn on persons who have no effects of the drawer. (1811 ''Dictionary of Vulgar Tongue'') NOWHILE no time; not for any length of time GONNABE (informal) One who intends to become famous or important NUTATOR A mechanical or electronic device for gyrating a feedhorn, dipole, or radar about the axis of the reflector without changing its polarization OATHING (present participle of/oath) TWIFOIL (heraldry) A head of two leaves growing out of a stem AKINETE in certain algae, a thick-walled non-motile resting cell or spore TYROSIN (amino acid) A nonessential amino acid CHNO found in most animal proteins, especially casein PENDEJO (slang/pejorative) A stupid person; a dumbass; creep HELENIN A stearoptene from Inula helenium; it is used as an internal and external antiseptic ORCULID (zoology) Any member of the Orculidae HELIJET (scifi) A flying vehicle resembling a helicopter and/or a jet UNFATED Not fated PANIOLO A Hawaiian cowboy PALESIE (obsolete form of/palsy) OUTJIES OUTJIE: (South Africa) A boy; a guy OUTNOME (obsolete) Taken out; excepted; excepting DEKATOG Ten Togs VOOTERY deceit LATRATE (obsolete) To bark like a dog WAPATOO (US/Canada/plant) The arrowhead, ''Sagittaria variabilis'', or its edible bulbous root SLUDIER SLUDY: (adj) miry; slushy ANTILAW being opposed to or against the law GWEILOS GWEILO: (ethnic slur) A Caucasian person, in China (generally a man); a ‘foreign devil’ ENSTALL (alternative form of/install) ENLIVES ENLIVE: (archaic) To enliven EVETIME (poetic) evening; eventide EXALING (u) of Exhale VICEMEN VICEMAN: A smith who works at the vice instead of at the anvil ANILIID (zoology) Any member of the Aniliidae WETBIRD (UK/dialect) The chaffinch LYGAEID (zoology) Any member of the Lygaeidae ANTROBA A crushed eggplant dish eaten, often with salt fish, in the Caribbean island nation of Antigua BIOTAGS BIOTAG: A small radio or optical telemetry transmitter used in wildlife ecology. The digital information is usually coded with a sequence of binary data that is correctable HANJAEO transliterated Korean hanja EKANITE (mineral) An uncommon mineral, one of very few gemstones that are naturally radioactive BICAUSE (archaic spelling of/because) APHRITE (mineral) A foliated or chalk-like variety of calcite VARROID (zoology) Any member of the Varroidae BETULIN (biochemistry) A naturally abundant triterpene, commonly isolated from the bark of birch trees, that can be converted to betulinic acid JARGLED JARGLE: (obsolete) To emit a harsh or discordant sound GROOMEE An animal that is groomed by another (the groomer) IUSTICE (obsolete spelling of/justice) MELETIN (organic compound/archaic) quercetin obtained from melin RIDICLE (obsolete form of/ridicule) COEVENT (mathematics/physics) A particular form of truth function associated with quantum mechanics GRAYITE (mineralogy) A hexagonal-trapezohedral mineral containing calcium, hydrogen, lead, oxygen, phosphorus, and thorium TENIBLE (obsolete/rare) Capable of being held; holdable TERAGAL One trillion gals TERARAD One trillion rads AMBRITE A form of resinite found in New Zealand coal seams UREDEPA An antiosteoporotic drug RAFTAGE (nautical) The beams used in the rigging of a ship INDAZOL (alternative form of/indazole) BASIATE to kiss MOULINE (fencing) (''especially sabre'') A circular cut, often composed of a parry, usually prime or seconde, moving thence into a circular cut GOUJERE (obsolete) venereal disease TORVING TORVE: (obsolete) To throw, cast UNUSAGE (obsolete) Want or lack of usage NONDEAF Not deaf NONOVAL Not oval in shape NONRAPE Not of or pertaining to rape (the sex crime) NONSAFE Not safe ZEROISE (alternative spelling of/zeroize) ATWINDS ATWIND: (obsolete) To escape DEVATAS DEVATA: (Hinduism) A kind of good spirit, similar to a guardian angel FOREWIT Timely knowledge; precaution; foresight PEROXIN (protein) Any of a family of proteins, found in peroxisomes, that are associated with several peroxisomal disorders PERLIDS PERLID: (zoology) Any insect of the genus ''Perla'' or family ''(taxlink/Perlidae/family)'' OCTOGEN The explosive HMX TWOTINO (informal/astronomy) Any astronomical object, on the edge of the Kuiper Belt, whose orbit has a 1:2 resonance with the planet Neptune OILRIGS OILRIG: A rig, consisting of platform and machinery, used to drill for oil and other petroleum products like natural gas UNGIVEN Not given OUTBASE A minor storage depot used to back up the transport and delivery operations from the main depot OUTDENT A hanging paragraph ARTLANG A conlang created for artistic purposes or aesthetic ideals HERETOG (historical) The leader or commander of an army PAEANED PAEAN (v.): to sing a paean; to compose a paean on OUTTOIL to weary out with toiling DEGEIKO (sumo) a practice session between rikishi of competing heya HEMINAE HEMINA: (historical/Roman antiquity) A measure of half a sextary HELVINE (mineralogy) helvite BRIGOSE (obsolete) contentious; quarrelsome VULTERN (noun) the brush turkey (Talegallus Lathami) of Australia. See Brush turkey BRENGTH (Ulster) size SNITHED SNITHE: (now chiefly dialectal/Northern England) To cut VOLVENT a baked patty shell filled with meat, fowl, game, or seafood in sauce BOWTIED Wearing a bowtie GAUGINO (physics) Any of a series of hypothetical particles that are the superpartners of gauge bosons ENVOLUP (verb) to wrap up; to envelop CAFENET An inn or resthouse selling coffee in Turkey VINETTE (archaic) A sprig or branch ENQUERE (obsolete form of/enquire) ENMURES ENMURE: To cloister, confine, imprison: to lock up behind walls ENLUTED (past of/enlute) ENLEVEN (noun) eleven ABLATIO (medical) Ablation; detachment CANDITE (mineral) A dark variety of spinel LITUITE (paleontology) Any ammonite of the genus ''Lituites'', found in the Cretaceous formation ANNALER one who writes annals GUNWISE By or in terms of guns SEXTING The act of sending sexually explicit text messages and/or photographs between cell phones EXIFONE An antiplatelet drug EMPRINT (obsolete form of/imprint) EXODIES EXODY: exodus; a departure EXOGIUM (obsolete) departure; exodus, especially the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt EXOLVED EXOLVE: (obsolete) To loose SEAMICE SEAMOUSE: Polychaete worm (''Aphrodita aculeata''), found in the North Atlantic and in European seas ELWANDS ELWAND: An old measuring rod, one ell in length JUABITE (mineralogy) A triclinic-pinacoidal mineral containing arsenic, calcium, copper, hydrogen, iron, oxygen, and tellurium GUATITA An Ecuadorian tripe stew SCANGER (Ireland/pejorative) A person who is associated with petty criminality and who is seen as strongly identified with brand names in music, clothing, sport, vehicles, and so forth GUAILOS GUAILO: (ethnic slur) A Caucasian person, in China (generally a man); a ‘foreign devil’ EYECARE The care and treatment of the eyes JETTAGE (UK/nautical) Certain charges levied upon incoming vessels at a port EZTLITE (mineral) A monoclinic blood red mineral containing hydrogen, iron, lead, oxygen, and tellurium GAINAGE (UK/legal/obsolete) The horses, oxen, ploughs, wains or wagons and implements for carrying on tillage MARTITE (geology), (mineralogy) A variety of hematite that is pseudomorphic after magnetite crystals SAGEHEN The sage grouse, especially the female RUIZITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic-prismatic mineral containing calcium, hydrogen, manganese, oxygen, and silicon EARYWIG (regional) earwig AMYELIA congenital absence of the spinal cord MEGSTIE (Scotland/obsolete) An expression of surprise RIVULID (zoology) Any member of the Rivulidae MELAENA A passage of dark, tarry stools containing blood, as the result of upper gastrointestinal bleeding DUKEITE (mineral) A trigonal-ditrigonal pyramidal mineral containing bismuth, chromium, hydrogen, and oxygen RHODIAN (mineralogy) Describing minerals containing rhodium DUFTITE (mineral) A particular kind of vitreous or dull, olive-green to grey-green orthorhombic mineral DRAWNET (dated/or/obsolete) A net for catching the larger sorts of birds REOOZED REOOZE: to ooze again UTAHITE (mineralogy) A triclinic mineral containing copper, hydrogen, oxygen, tellurium, and zinc COENOSE A collection of life forms that are found together, interacting as a community within an ecosystem RELODGE To lodge again AMIDATE to convert into an amide REGATTE REGATTA: A series of boat races, although sometimes used for a single race MIRTRON (genetics) A short, hairpin intron REDIENT returning WRITEUP (alternative spelling of/write-up) INGENIE (obsolete) natural gift or talent; ability; wit; ingenuity DOGMEAT Meat from a dog eaten as food by certain cultures FIDAYEE A soldier or freedom fighter who is willing to die for their cause HASTIVE (obsolete/of fruits) forward; early BAXTONE bakestone CONEINE A poisonous alkaloid found in poison hemlock and the yellow pitcher plant; it is a neurotoxin which disrupts the peripheral nervous system INDANOL (organic compound) Either of two isomeric secondary alcohols derived from indane QUEEFED QUEEF: (slang) An emission of air from the vagina, especially when noisy YANDIES YANDY: (Australia) To separate (grain or pieces of mineral) by shaking in a special shallow dish TIFURAC A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug BARDANE the burdock GRADIAN A unit of angle equal to 0.9 degrees, so that there are 100 gradians in a right angle TIQUEUR A person who experiences tics ACIURGY Operative surgery BAILAGE a duty, upon delivery of goods NARANOL An antidepressant, anxiolytic, and antipsychotic drug NARASIN A coccidiostat and antibacterial drug derived from salinomycin NATALID (zoology) Any member of the Natalidae UPALITE (mineralogy) A monoclinic mineral containing aluminium, uranium, oxygen, phosphorus, and hydrogen TORILTO (noun) a species of Turnix (Turnix sylvatica) native of Spain and Northen Africa NIAHITE (mineralogy) An orthorhombic-pyramidal mineral containing calcium, hydrogen, hydrogen, magnesium, manganese, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus HYAENID (zoology) Any member of the Hyaenidae POINTEE (computing) The data or object referenced by a pointer AVISOES AVISO: information; advice; intelligence TRENDER (UK/dialect/obsolete) One who cleans the filth from wool DIFURAN (organic compound) A bicyclic heterocycle consisting of two fused furan rings FOINERY (obsolete) Thrusting with the foil; fencing with the point of the sword, as distinguished from broadsword play NONJADE Not made from jade (the semiprecious stone) TRINXAT A Catalan dish consisting of cabbage, potato and pork TRIPLON (physics) A quasiparticle associated with triplet states ZEITNOT (chess) time trouble, time pressure, a situation where a player has little time to complete the required moves PINEAUS PINEAU: An alcoholic drink made from unfermented grape juice and cognac NUSTLED NUSTLE: (obsolete) To fondle; to cherish NUTGRAF (journalism/colloquial) In journalism, this is the sentence or paragraph that summarizes a story FORENDS FOREND: Part of a rifle, underneath the barrel, where it is supported by the hand ARGASID (zoology) Any of various ticks of the family Argasidae ATIPTOE On tiptoe DESMATA DESMA: a bandage or ligament GOLDTIT A small yellow-headed bird (''Auriparus flaviceps'') of Lower California, allied to the titmice AESOPIC (adj) alt. of Esopic OPHIURE Any echinoderm of the class Ophiuroidea UNFEATY (obsolete) Not feat or dexterous; clumsy ZOONULE (zoology) A zoonite OTOITID (zoology) Any member of the Otoitidae OUTFEAT To surpass in feats OZAGREL (pharmaceutical drug) An antiplatelet agent that works as a thromboxane A2 synthesis inhibitor OXEPANE (organic compound) A saturated seven-membered heterocycle having six carbon atoms and one oxygen atom OXAMIDE (organic compound) A white crystalline solid, the double amide of oxalic acid, used as a stabilizer for nitrocellulose preparations and as a substitute for urea in fertilizers LAGARTO (noun) an alligator ABURTON With the length athwartship LAMAITE (noun) one who believes in Lamaism BRENTID (zoology) Any member of the Brentidae BUCETIN A pharmaceutical drug that acts as an analgesic and antipyretic, withdrawn in the 1980s due to renal toxicity WANRUFE (obsolete) Disquietude; unrest GYMNITE (mineralogy) An amorphous form of antigorite LETUARY (obsolete) electuary BOONDIE A stone thrown as a weapon; a heavy club EURIPES EURIPE: (obsolete) A strait or channel of the sea VIOLARS VIOLAR: (archaic) A viol player CALEFIE (obsolete) To become warm or hot SIRENIN (organic compound) A sexual attraction pheromone in some fungi of the genus (taxlink/Allomyces/genus) ENNEMIE (obsolete spelling of/enemy) WEALING welt VETTURE VETTURA: An Italian four-wheeled carriage, especially one let for hire; a hackney coach ANIMOUS animose ABIENCE (psychology) Withdrawal from, or avoidance of a stimulus LORELEI A siren; a temptress STERTED STERT: start EXETERA (eye dialect of/et cetera) CARVONE (organic compound) A terpenoid found naturally in many essential oils, most abundant in the oils from seeds of caraway and dill EMPODIA EMPODIUM: (zoology) A bristle-like or pad-like structure between the tarsal claws of Diptera VERDEJO A grape variety from the Rueda region of Spain EMERAUD (obsolete form of/emerald) LUTECIA lutetium oxide SECUNDO (music) The secondary part of a duet ELONGED ELONG: (obsolete) To lengthen out; to prolong MAILOUT An informational or promotional document sent by post ANDROUS (u) a terminal combining form: Having a stamen or stamens; staminate; as, monandrous, with one stamen; polyandrous, with many stamens BIMEDIA Involving two forms of media, such as radio and television GUAJIRA A style of rural Cuban music MANNIDE (organic compound) A white amorphous or crystalline substance obtained by dehydration of mannite, and distinct from, but convertible into, mannitan EDEINES EDEINE: Basic peptide antibiotic from Bacillus brevis. It exhibits broad-spectrum antibacterial activity and inhibits bacterial DNA synthesis. ECOUTES ECOUTE: One of the small galleries run out in front of the glacis. They serve to annoy the enemy's miners. AEDILIC pertaining to an aedile FAQUEER (Islam) A faqir; a religious mendicant who owns no personal property CILIATA in some classifications : a large class of chiefly free-living protozoans that feed on complex organic matter, have cilia or cirri throughout the vegetative stages of the life cycle, and usually have nuclei of two kinds RONQUIL A perciform marine fish of the family Bathymasteridae, related to the eelpouts and prowfish APOGENY (botany) sterility TACTOID an elongated particle (as in a sickle cell, myosin, or fibrin) that appears as a spindle-shaped body under a polarizing microscope VALUETH old third person singular form of VALUE WOADING WOAD (v.): to treat with woad (blue dye) TALWEGE TALWEG: (geology/geography) The line that connects the lowest points in a valley or river channel, and thus the line of fastest flow along a river’s course TANGUES TANGUE: the tenrec IOXILAN A diagnostic contrast agent that is injected intravenously before taking X-ray images to increase arterial contrast IOHEXOL A contrast agent DRONGOE (Australia/pejorative) (alternative spelling of/drongo) TEAHEAD (slang/dated) A habitual marijuana smoker MGRIITE (mineralogy) A copper-arsenic-selenium mineral INVENOM (archaic form of/envenom) USURIAL Pertaining to or constituting usury FURVERT A furry who is a pervert; somebody who takes a sexual interest in furry media FENOBAM An imidazole drug with anxiolytic effects FENOCHI (plural of/fenochio) ((an) (obsolete spelling of/finocchio)) RENDANG An Indonesian dish of beef (or sometimes other meat) slowly cooked in coconut milk DOWNARG (UK/ dialectal) To gainsay or contradict in an overbearing, domineering manner; browbeat; assert violently AMICITE (mineral) A monoclinic-sphenoidal zeolite mineral containing aluminum, hydrogen, oxygen, potassium, silicon, and sodium INMOVED INMOVE: To move inwardly, or in the mind; affect with emotion DOQUETS DOQUET: A warrant GRAVETH old third person singular form of GRAVE REDUVID (zoology) Any of the hemipterous insects of the genus (taxlink/Redivius/genus) or family ''(taxlink/Reduvidae/family)'' DONNERS DONNER: (South Africa/slang) To beat up, clobber, thrash REBUTIA (botany) Any plant of the cactus genus ''Rebutia'', the crown cactus BAURIID (zoology) Any member of the Bauriidae DOATETH old third person singular form of DOAT GIRDEST (archaic) (second-person singular of/gird) QUINZEE (Canada) A shelter made by hollowing out a pile of snow QUINAME (botany/of leaves) Composed of five leaflets growing from the end of a petiole THROATE (obsolete spelling of/throat) QUENDAS QUENDA: A short-nosed bandicoot found mostly in southern Australia, (taxlink/Isoodon obesulus/species) QUADBIT Four (4) bits, half a byte FIRELOG A log that is burned in the fireplace FUNGATE become like a fungus TILAWAS TILAWA: (Islam) the ritual recitation of the Qur'an PRENOTE To note or designate beforehand BAGREEF (noun) the lower reef of fore and aft sails; also, the upper reef of topsails NAILIST (rare) Someone whose occupation is to trim any type of nails, apply artificial nails (or "nail art") and care for nails. The well-known appellation of a manicurist (or a "nail technician") in Japan and some Southeast Asian countries ICEWARD Towards the ice TORVITY (obsolete) sourness or severity of countenance; sternness ACIDISE to make more acidic NEKOITE (mineralogy) A triclinic-pedial pearl white mineral containing calcium, hydrogen, oxygen, and silicon NERVONE a crystalline cerebroside C 48 H 91 NO 8 found together with a hydroxy derivative in the brain FLORENS FLOREN: (noun) a cerain gold coin; a Florence AZOTATE [n.] a salt or ester of nitric acid that contains the anion NO3 or the group NO3; [v.] to treat a substance with a concentrated mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids UNVICAR (rare) To deprive of the position or office of a vicar ALINETH (obsolete) alines AWAMORI An alcoholic beverage indigenous and unique to Okinawa, Japan. It is made from rice, and is not a direct product of brewing (like sake) but of distillation (like shochu) ALHENNA (archaic) henna UNSWEAT To relieve from perspiration; to ease or cool after exercise or toil FUCATED (obsolete) Artificially coloured; falsified, counterfeit AUTOIST (dated) one who drives an automobile NOTEFUL Useful; serviceable ADREAMT dreamt PINENUT (alternative spelling of/pine nut) FORBEAT (obsolete) To beat PICTURA (art) (rfdef) AUBRITE An achondrite composed mostly of enstatite ZIESITE (mineral) A copper vanadate mineral AGEYNST (obsolete form of/against) DESUETE (obsolete) disused; out of use TWITARD (derogatory) a Twitter user DALYITE (mineral) A triclinic-pinacoidal colorless mineral containing aluminum, iron, magnesium, oxygen, potassium, silicon, sodium, titanium, and zirconium ATAXITE (mineralogy) A type of iron meteorite DAPIFER the servant that brings the meat to the table at a meal ABOMINE (obsolete) To abominate PELIOMA (noun) a livid ecchymosis Pelioma (noun) see Peliom PEABIRD (noun) the wryneck; -- so called from its note HEXAENE (organic chemistry) Any alkene having six double bonds ARMLONG As long as a person's arm DENIETH (archaic third-person singular of/deny) DEMOTEE One who is demoted FREDNET (comp. sci.) used to refer to some unusual or uncommon protocol encountered on a network. FRETTEN (obsolete) Marked |