Thread list:
Useless civs
what ever happened to updating the official site
Hey!!! they updated the screenshots on the official site
For whatever it's worth....
Release date (Select Page 1 2 )
feat of wonder: the discovery of gunpowder
CtP2 Civilizations (Select Page 1 2 3 )
How Many Civs?
Maybe some new pictures.
Gamespot's new preview!!!!
Is it me or is tech tree seriously flawed????? (Select Page 1 2 )
Poll: Whats your System Spec? (Select Page 1 2 )
Abbreviations, abrreviations (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 )
Increase in locked threads ? Why?
Please consider starting up Civ 3 MP forum (Select Page 1 2 )
Archive History of the World part 2
Mac Civers get 4 forums and you can't make a Civ3-MP?!?
HOTW2 - Its Coming
German SE release November 16th
Pop-up terrorism
Pop-up terrorism
German SE release November 16th
Got It!! (Select Page 1 2 )
MOD: Ancients Civ3 Gov/Balance Mod (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 )
Civ3 released in Norway!
EU considers plans to outlaw racism (Select Page 1 2 3 4 )
An Old Thread Doesn't Work
Washington is nuked, what is the new U.S. capital? (Select Page 1 2 3 )
A Missing Thread
"Natural rights"? (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 )
Chinese moon landings (Select Page 1 2 3 4 )
What The World Knows About America (Select Page 1 2 )
More Xp News From Avault (Select Page 1 2 3 )
More Xp News From Avault (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Regicide? (Select Page 1 2 )
The USA is the only Democratic Country in the World. Discuss. (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 )
avatar wars (Select Page 1 2 )
What's the oldest thing you posess? (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Ignoring the issue of slavery, who would you have wanted to win the civil war? (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 )
COnquistadores: What exactly will they be?
How far will USA get in the soccer World Cup? (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Let's help Firaxis with "mega-bank" and other ideas (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Final Civ: Korea (Select Page 1 2 3 )
PTW Suggestion: Change Cultural Flip to Immigration Effect
Play the World Movie
City Lists
What is this?
Number of terms in a row allowed.
Changing Offices?
Political Parties
Barbarians (Select Page 1 2 )
City names (Select Page 1 2 )
When Should We Start
Foreign Advisor Campaign Thread (Select Page 1 2 )
Damn US Police State (Select Page 1 2 3 )
A problem with the polls.
Military Commanders (Select Page 1 2 )
Game Starts Tomorrow
And We're Off... (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Proposal: Next Step (Select Page 1 2 )
To All Ministers:
Minority report looks freakin' amazing! (Select Page 1 2 )
Can Someone Find Me a New Political Party to Join? (Select Page 1 2 3 4 )
United Front Coalition (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 )
Join the Hawk Party (Select Page 1 2 3 )
MIC - Military/Expansion Council
From a concerned citizen.
Forgive me in advance
Worst Fears
Breaking news: Are you eating your banana's the right way?
Commercial attribute for improvements
Study Poll: Ambassadors (Select Page 1 2 )
When should Apolytonia declare war?
Applications for ambassadors (Select Page 1 2 )
200+ members/ citizenship.. but where are they voting?
Hawk Party: Motto (Select Page 1 2 )
Hawk Party: Manifesto
To all Candidates: Open question and cooperation request.
Minister of Public Works (Campaign Thread)
Seeking editor for The Jungle Gazette
To all Candidates: Last Call
What's Happening With the Game?
War Academy: Should We Research Horseriding More Agressively?
Minister of Public Works Campaign Thread
So who wants to be a Justice? (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Election: Minister of Science
Independent Moderate Party (Select Page 1 2 )
from the Apolyton admin: NO MORE SPAM PM!!!
please help me
a quick and small question
Landmark Names
Amendmend II - Apolytonian Court Mk. III (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Jungle Gazette: Staff
The Jungle Gazette: Aplications
OFFICIAL ammendment poll: Ratification of the Apolytonian Court (Select Page 1 2 3 )
The State of The Empire
Debate: Penal Codes
Secured save gamed
The Senate: 2nd Session (Select Page 1 2 )
Our Impossible Challenge (War Academy)
We Need a Think Tank for Diplomacy
Amendment: Removal of E-Mail Distribution Clause
Amendment: Integration of Minister of Economy (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Discussion: Amedment - Impeachment (Select Page 1 2 3 4 )
Civil War (Select Page 1 2 )
Business proposal.
Impeachment questionair - voice your opinion part 2
Official: Should we structure the way amendments are added into the CoL?
Proposal for Censuses
City Worker: Worker? Entertainer? Sci?
DIA Request
Request from the new, privately owned, History department
Turnchats today and tommorow
Jungle Gazette: calling all reporters!!!
I would like to know:
New type of Banana! Buy yours today!
New idea to help out the SMC...
Grievance/Grudge Book: Post here
The Great Library
Tech acquiring plan : to the Medieval Era !
Discussion – proposal for regional administrators and city governors. (Select Page 1 2 )
The Jungle Gazette: Volume VII
Machiavelli Institute : The right use of ROP
What's up with disorangizers thread (Select Page 1 2 )
A Constitution and Justice System
Where's the court?
ACE-Apolyton Coaliton for Expansion (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Election Nominations thread (non-party specific) (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 )
Prepoll discussion: governmental reforms
Pre Poll Discussion: Provincial Governors
Revival of the FLAGS! (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Thinkers Guild : Which victory ? (Select Page 1 2 )
OFFICIAL amendment poll: Impeachment Process (Select Page 1 2 )
Alphabetical Register of EU 2 to the Provinces
Discussion: Restructuring of our Government
Campaign Thread: Minister of the Economy
Machiavelli Institute: Foriegn RoP Agreements may spell trouble for Apolytonia
The Jungle Gazette Archives
Notice to the Court
The SMC's Revised Plans For the French Front (Select Page 1 2 3 )
The Court of Apolytonia is in Session: Case 2
Please help with diplomatic movie...
PTW preview on Gamespy
Campain Thread: Foreign Affairs Minister
Unofficial: How do you want it organized? Potential minsters, please read.
Election: Vice President
Election: Minister of Foreign Affairs
A whole new level to the game $: your input (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Unofficial : Can you upgrade to version 1.29 ?
Looking for Deputy Ministers
Official : name our currency (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Why William is Bill and Richard is **** ? (Select Page 1 2 3 4 )
Amendment idea regarding single-candidate elections
Term 3 Government and Forum Directory
Multiple Polls per Poll?
Minister's plans for the next 5 turns: circa 450 BC (Select Page 1 2 )
OFFICIAL: Trade Currency to Iroquois?
Adam Smith Foundation: Profitable Mapwhoring Project
Why can't I capture cities anymore?
Bunch of ideas
where to download .savs?
Foreign Ministry Office -- Term III (Select Page 1 2 )
Officially Leaving for College.
Machiavelli Institute: Foreign Policy Debate
Minister of the Economy Official Post: Economic Forum
City Site Possibility near Napoleton (Select Page 1 2 3 )
The Thinkers Guild: How to discuss in a Civ 3 Demo game?
News Update week of 8/19
Official Minister Thread: 5 Turn Plan
VP announcement (Select Page 1 2 )
The Jungle Gazette: Volume XI
Urgent questions for Economy, Science and FAM ministers
$Mini-Game BETA: Trade Thread (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 )
Would you rather have a chat?
Turnthread orders starting 350BC (Select Page 1 2 )
Proposal of yet another Party
I'm back!
COL Question - re Paris and other new cities.
Discussion - Joan has 159 lytons!!! (Select Page 1 2 )
VP address to the nation
I need some help
Ammendment discussion: Changing Administrations
The French Galley : on her way to Uber Isle ? (Select Page 1 2 )
Question: Spiffor, Ninot, you guys probably know...
Oh, I get to name a city...Suggestions here (Select Page 1 2 )
Historical Poll: National Approval Rating During President Ninot’s Leadership
$MINI-GAME Main Thread and Directory. (Select Page 1 2 3 4 )
$mini-game debate : how to balance supply and demand (Select Page 1 2 )
Help on Gazette II.
War Academy/ Machiavelli Institute: Response to the Military alliances
Current Situation (Select Page 1 2 3 )
An alliance with England. (Select Page 1 2 )
NewZupdate : Sunday 25 Aug 02
VP announcement II
OK, name my city: currently Orleans
Constitutial Committee: turnchat/thread
Government! =please= provide us with accurate info! (Select Page 1 2 )
Paris: domestic issues (Select Page 1 2 )
Next Turnthread/chat Times and Current Reports: term III part two (MrWIA back) (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 )
Open question to the public.
URGENT: Contradiction in Ministers' orders
The Jungle Gazete: Special Announcement!!!
Machiavelly Institute: France's surrender (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Does anyone have saves before 2950BC?
NewsUpdate: Week of 8/26
SMC's orders
Apolytonian Racial Elitists (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Gazette Submissions for Sat
Open plea for someone to tutor me...
I need a volunteer.
$Mini-Game Trading Session 4 (Select Page 1 2 3 4 )
Up'n coming turn chat
Another mapwhoring project?
Turn Chat was a Joke. (Select Page 1 2 3 )
The Free and Easy Flow of Information
Ammendment: Changing Administrations
TurnThread/Chat orders for 130 BC
Persia: Peace, Quick War, or Total Conquest? (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Pre-turnchat time...?
Director of Base Production: Build Queue 2
Crap!!! I need some help quick.
VP and Gazette announcements
Hawk Resurrection (Select Page 1 2 )
Gazette Announcement
Campaign Thread: Vice President
If you don't care about multiplayer...
Formal Gazette question to all candidates.
Official Ministers' Orders: 70AD onwards
The Jungle Gazette: Volume XVI
Connect the dyes
News Update: need help what did I miss?
Gazette job opportunity
Help Wanted: Regional Administrators (Select Page 1 2 )
Orders for the next five turns - starting 260 AD
Input on the Format of the Directory?
Foreign Ministry Office -- Term 4
ATTN: Hawks AND DIA...Proposal.
Our money problems and ideas for solutions
Official: Budget
Greetings from the Community
Inter-Party Discussion thread: suggestions (Select Page 1 2 )
SMC deputy needed
Discussion Thread 260ad
Name the Province: suggestions
Expiring trade deals
Term 4 City Planner Office
Persia, Science, Economy, and the art of Starvation
City Planner: Help request.
El Nino Province
GA Government
Embassy of the Community (Select Page 1 2 )
Minister orders for 310 AD.
Directory Official Opening! Thread submittion back-requests.
Joining BigCommunity U.N.
Need parch 1.21
Gazette Subscriber Announcement
$Mini-Game Discussion for Trading Session Nine
Ministers: We need better Communication.
Orders thread for 430 ad
Embassy of Demogyptica
OFFICIAL: Science Minister: Plan Erudition
City Renaming suggestion.
Another cloaking thread...
Help: Disappearing threads
Our workers have Cloaking Technology
Forum Moderator / Chat Room Operator needed (Select Page 1 2 )
Need Help. Can someone do th NewsUpdate?
$Mini-Game TRADING SESSION TEN (10) (Select Page 1 2 )
Orders thread for 440 ad
The Junge Gazette: Volume XXII
We =need= ships! (Select Page 1 2 )
Game Report 440-490 AD and save
World Factbook Entry for Apolytonia (490 A.D.)
Bananas Uni... er... DIA MEMBERS UNITE! (Select Page 1 2 )
Area 25: After Printing Press
Presidential Campaign thread. (Select Page 1 2 )
Thud's Mysterious Absense
VP campaign thread (Select Page 1 2 )
Foreign Ministy Campaign
Minister of Information
Public Works Campaign Thread
War Acadamy : Civ Military Calculator
DIA members please volunteer
Minister of Imperial Expansion - Campaign Thread
Report for 490 - 530 AD
Ministers orders for 530 ad
DIA only vote
Join The Hawk Party
Budget Decree of 580 A.D.
Use of PM's for Offical Goverment Business (Select Page 1 2 )
New Literary Reviews
The New Constitution
$Mini-Game TRADING SESSION TWELVE (12) (Select Page 1 2 )
Gazette Help Request for Saturday.
Foreign Ministry Office -- Term V
Brain teaser thread (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 )
Ministry of Imperial Expansion (Term V) - Ideas and Comments Thread (Select Page 1 2 )
Guns and freedom (Select Page 1 2 3 4 )
Next Turnchat Orders - 700AD, 2200GMT Tuesday night (Thud/ET????)
Term 5 Judges?
700 AD turnchat - get your saves heeeeere!
Apolytonian Despotism Front (joke)
Poll(Official)Golden Age in war with France
Republican Revolutionary Guard of Apolytonia (RRGA)
Next Turnchat Orders - 720AD, 2200GMT Friday
Poll (Unofficial) War with France Goal.
Gone Gold! (Select Page 1 2 )
Where is the "what demo gamers look like" thread?
Turnchat is NOW! Saves are here.
Have Patches changed the value of selling Science?
The Value of Selling Technology
Term 5 Forum Directory
Turnchat Orders for 2000GMT Tuesday
The New Constitution, Final Draft
The Golden Age of our Civilization
Game Report 770-820 AD
PTW Patch 1.04f!! (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 )
excerpts from the PTW ReadMe.txt
Ptw Now Available In Toronto, Canada!
Game Up!!!!
Game Up!!!!
Join the First PTW Demo Game Team!
Happy Alls Hallow Eve, everyone.
Using the New Civs:
Poll(Unoff.)What should the Science slider be set at?
Turnchat Orders for 2000GMT Monday
Change of turnchat time and other things
The Disbandment/Mergers of a Civs
U.S. Election Predictions/Results (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 )
Unpopular or Unorthodox views you hold. (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 )
Floyd, you asked me why I was against the lottery. Here's why: (Select Page 1 2 3 4 )
Orders thread tor next turnchat - 870AD onwards...
MINISTERS: Next chat time proposal
My final turnchat (before Arnelos takes over) is on NOW.
Orders for Sunday's Turnchat (until FP completion)
Pre-poll discussion on Democracy: Whether and When
PBEM slow ! (Select Page 1 2 3 4 )
Advice on doing a Dual Install of PTW and Civ3 1.21
Turnchat saves will be posted HERE
My PM inbox now clear
Orders for 940 A.D. Turnchat
TIME for 940 A.D. Turnchat
Domestic Minister Campaign Thread
FAM Campaign Thread
Unofficial: What wars would you support?
Unofficial: What wars would you support? (second try)
Need a way to quickly tell what PBEM games are still open
War Academy:German objectives
War Academy:Greek objectives
What happened during term V?!?! Where is the NewZupdate!?!
Senate Foreign Relations Committee - Need Active People
Senate Budgetary Authority - How Much to Use and How to Use It?
Senate organization
The Cuthroats (Select Page 1 2 )
Turn orders starting 1020
newZupdate NEEDED! Post what has happened please.
Gazette announcement
Game Report (need some help here)
Who wants to talk to the Godz
To Post, or not to Post
1020AB gameplay DM budget Requests
The Jungle Gazette: Volume XXVIII (I think)
Jungle Gazette Archive?
Pre-Poll: Directory and the Clerk
Plans for Next Turnchat (Nov. 27)
German campaign::: goal
Faq Compilation.
11/27 Chat Starting Shortly
SENATE BILL: Directory Officialization
The wrong war
Official Run-off poll for the Renaming of Contaginon
Senate Foreign Affairs Cmte.: Diplomatic Responses to the Zulu Conflict
Machiavelly Institute: Bluffing Shaka
Next chat
Term 6 Directory
New to Pbem
Term 6 Directory: Submitions & Comments.
Saturday Morning PBEM
Who Has the Game Save? (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 )
Our Government, failing us?
DIA: Elections
FAM Report 1130-1170
Who to send the Game to:
Which Space genre most deserves a MOD?
Um... it won't let me vote in polls...
How can I "Fix" the French
How are we handling interteam contact in
Senate Meeting on Poly, at this moment
Pre-Ammendments Discussion
Prepoll: Universal Bill Proposal
Roleplay Team Foreign Affairs Office
Term 7 Directory Submitions & Comments
Term 7 Directory
SENATE BILL: Renaming of Avignon and Heliopolis
Prepoll: Military Alliance Bill
Unoffical Science Plan Advisory
Unofficial poll of political view of game (Select Page 1 2 )
GL Discussion
Discussion: What type of victory do we want?
Planets & Moons
What is a Democracy game??
Banana Army HQ (Select Page 1 2 )
Post Most Current Save Here
Neutral Party Thread (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Not an Easter Egg
Any way to silence the noise in EU1?
Annexing France
Patch confusion!
Can I...
Operation Yuletide
1270 A.d. Turnchat - Get Your Saves Right Here (Select Page 1 2 )
Prepoll: Use of Mentuhotep
Newer better what policy do you support
Poll: Newer better what policy do you support (this one better work)
Stupid question time. Where can I get good info on PtW?
Razing: Opinion Poll & Discussion (Select Page 1 2 )
Demogame FAQ?
The Constitution
Emancipationbill support by A.S.E.
obsolete units that don't upgrade
The Barracks: Operation Rubber Stamp (Select Page 1 2 )
Court Case: Executive Veto On Slave Bill Is Illegal
Labor Party, Ubergorsk
Pre-bill discussion: worker assimilation
What's the difference with US & UK versions?
1305 A.D. Turnchat - GET SAVES HERE
Inter Site Demo Game Invitation (Select Page 1 2 )
Seeking update
Inland Seas
HoI: Error on installing the patch!
Slowing the mad land grab
In-House Preview Online: Part 1 (Select Page 1 2 )
Prepoll discussion for an amendment to the Constitution
Seeking Helpers/Successors for Term 8 Directory
Fanatika (CFC) Relations
Aren't the Elections supposed to start today
Can we have the game this week? (Select Page 1 2 3 4 )
Adding a new city type and unique starting units
A Tip on Clearing PM Boxes
A Tip on Clearing PMs
Case #10 -- Senate Chats
Exploration and Expansion...
A guide to the Apolytonian Judiciary
Euręka Euręka!!!
Civ games complexity (Select Page 1 2 )
Term 8 Directory
How did you start with Civ? (Select Page 1 2 3 )
The High Powered Microwave
Party Neutral Thread Mk. II (Select Page 1 2 )
Which is the best? (Select Page 1 2 )
What is your greatest wish for Civ 4? (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 )
Mass multiplayer Civ/MOO? (Select Page 1 2 )
New Site!!!
Opera 7. Worth it? (Select Page 1 2 3 4 )
Release ~14th? (Select Page 1 2 )
The Symbiotic Nation: a Civ 'goal' (Select Page 1 2 )
When Someone gets the Game tell us HERE.
Getting pop-ups when I shouldn't be launch (Select Page 1 2 )
Is this the place for dreaming?
Is this the place for dreaming?
Simcity 4: Strategy Thread... "How to make money" (Select Page 1 2 )
Europa Universalis 2 patch 1.06 out today! (Select Page 1 2 )
FAM's Office: 1360 AD
Church Of Morality- Preisthood
Something to whet the Moo3 appetite
Searching for Term 9 Directory Help
History of the Nation
HoI, EU, or what?
Starting as a rebel
Senate Bill: Na'rmer builds UN
Lucasarts Space Flight Sims
HOI military strategy question
Recommend me some HOI strategy and mod sites!
Term 9 Directory
Ron clan (Select Page 1 2 )
Should I buy Hearts of Iron
Automatic linking
How do I build a ship?
How do you erradicate an enemy population?
Gazette info
Term 9 Directory Submitions and Comments
Gazette Help Request and Suggestions Needed
Complete Data Table (Govs/Races/Techs/Spys)
Quest For Glory Five-Who do I save, Katrina or Erana?
EU2 v1.06b public beta patch now available
Strangely Addicted to MOO3
Little help with directory....
Best moments in demo game
SMC Campaign Thread
Best moments in demo game (2nd try)
Important announcement from UnOrthOdOx
so slowwww today!
Can someone help?
Jobhunting in the beltway
Term X Government
Question: Finance
Bribes, RoPs, MPPs, etc and authorization
FAM: Notes and Preparation for Diplomatic Victory
hey can i play with this?
Aidun your mailbox is full.
Do you have the patch for Morpheus?
Can i get a history record of the game
Surprisingly my book of links is incomplete...
Term X Directory Submitions and Comments
News from afar! SPDG Victory chat (gOdZ please don't move this)
Promotion Campaign.
System Taxes on the Finance Tab
The Final Newzupdate!!!
Annexation bug?
Changing Government
Demo Game F.A.Q.
The Economic Race Trait
HoI tips for a newbie
Triving Ecosystem
So why is MOBIUS banned?
Government Structure Poll
Do we want to try to have a $Mini-Game with the new Democracy game. (Select Page 1 2 )
Should we play a Scenario/custom map?
The Next Gazette: Suggestions and Staff sign up
hey is there 2 demo games starting?
German Swastika Flag for HOI
Normal Economic Activities
Was Apolyton "Down" this afternoon/evening?
Pre-poll discussion: Design the New Constitution. (Select Page 1 2 )
Victory Conditions
Part Deux Central information thread.
Tech sliders won't budge
Why was Zylka's thread deleted?
GalCiv not listed under News Centre
Inviting MapMakers
Run-off poll: What version will we play with?
how stardock figths warez (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Another stupid question
How to hold Ithkul contamination?
Try the first Demo-game at home.
Economy race pick removed.
Frequency of Leaders!!
Another Diplomacy Question...
EU II patch 1.07 out!
Getting techs from Goodie Huts.
CFC Civ3 Demogame Victory Chat!!
Useful patch items
Gambling Popup
Finding nice worlds for harvesters
1.14 and 1.21
The Tory Party
What is the most bizzare/stupidest thing you've ever done while sleeping/walking?
Name the Newspaper!!!
City Council: Most effective use of workers, esp non-industrial
Unbreakable or "What would be your comic book character?"
NFL Draft
Call for a Directory
Writing a New Constitution
The Trappings of War: Volume I
Attention Map makers: Can I get a screen of the start location?
The Trappings of War: Volume II
Thank God, Apolyton Is Back !!!.
Requesting info from Lego.
SETTLER 2: who is he?
Civ Color Runoff Poll
The Trappings of War: Volume V
New Race Picks?
SimCity4--bottom line, yea or nea?
The Trappings of War: Volume VI
Pathfinding and colonization
Term I Directory submissions/omissions
Why'd we settle THERE?
DM City Placement Poll
Why was ADG's harmless thread closed?
Do you create custom races?
The Trappings of War: Volume X
Turnchat 4 - Time and orders
Apolyton Political Party Icons (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Rewriting the NewCon, Part One: Executive Power
Apolyton Wireless News
Gonna kill kill kill kill Kill the poor tonight (Select Page 1 2 )
Neal Boortz, You're a Vicious "Bleep"
Por que debemos nosotros solo habla ingles? (Select Page 1 2 )
'Stovepipe' icon?
Learning curve from hell
Valhalla Herald: Letterhead Contest
Turnchat #5 Save and Report
Thank you MarkG and Dan
EU2 question
European release
@#@$%!!! I messed up the E-mail list.
DM Building Timeline
Screenshots: 1700bc
Ministry of Peace Job Postings
What's the Plan?
Turnchat #6 Orders and Info
Music in Other Languages (Select Page 1 2 )
Bob Ross
Why don't pro-life groups do this? (Select Page 1 2 )
Will the Ottomans want to renegotiate peace?
Is multiplayer viable with dial-up?
Turnchat #6 on!
Turnchat #6 Save and Report
patch poem
RoN's Single Player Experience: Promising! (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Dead links
HoI question regarding the effectiveness on advanced units
Turnchat #7 (You don't say!)
HoI load game bug in 1.04
when is the next turnchat?
Naming Copenhagen
Antaran X
Election: Term II Foreign Affairs Minister
Techwhore Deal
Name Copenhagen
Will There Be Anyone Who Cares
FAM Report: 1350 BC
Top the thread entitled 'The New Counter'?
Code patch ETA
FAM Report: 1225 BC
Let's Start an "ACS" (Apolyton Civ Site) Clan (Select Page 1 2 )
Skeptic no longer
If It Looks Like Molasses, Smells Like Molasses, and Tastes Like Molasses ... (Select Page 1 2 )
OFFICIAL - Base Prefect Elections
Chat 9 starting in 30 minutes or so.
What is your favorite civilization?
Kremlin: Not Powerful Enough
What do we want from the Ottomans?
Video fix
Problem Starting RON
Is it possible to build future age?
CiverDan, please check your PMs!
NewZ UpdatE
I am New Guy! And some 'HELP' may be required!
Upgrade to 1.21f?
Some Bugs and Issues v1.2
Game Version?
About new patch 1.02
Governor General Poll
Some questions before I buy this game
FAM Report: 975 BC
Donegeal Lives!
Monarchy or not?
Senators, Constitutions and $Mini-Games
Got War? (Select Page 1 2 )
Chat 11 - 900BC save/chatlog
Patch Comments
Back to try again
Chat 12 schedule (and space for orders)
Is HoI a nice game?
Anybody can say to me if ...
is patch 1.02 cumulative?
was 1999 the best year for strategy games? (Select Page 1 2 )
March of the Celts
Little help needed.
Sorry, where can I find the swastika flag for HoI?
Election: Term III Domestic Minister (Select Page 1 2 )
Election: Term III Supreme Military Commander
Orders for Term 3 first chat - Chat 13
An end-game tech suggestion
Chat 13 times
FAM Report: 775 BC
S.P.I.N. Volume I (lets see if we get any participation)
Hello from Russian league of "Europe"!!!
To people from Russia!!!
Domestic Advisor, Mil Advisor, Map, F11 Current @ 590 BC
Chat 14 Schedule (Select Page 1 2 )
Presidential Address
Chat 13 report and save 775BC - 710BC
Presidential Diary: Chat I, Term III
C3DG Intro Page
Chat 14 orders
Chat 14 in five minutes!
Chat 14 report and save 710BC - 650BC
Chat 15 Orders
Presidential Diary: Chat II, Term III
Chat 15: saves and reports
It's hhhhhhheeeeeerrrrrrrreeeeeeeee! (almost)
Presidential Diary: Chat III, Term III
S.P.I.N. Rules enforcement
Chat 16 starting now
Chat 16 Save & Report - 490 BC
DM Nominations for rest of term 3
Presidential announcements.
How can I make a scenario with cities and units already on it?
Creation queues for cities ?
Governmental Directory offrun
The Trappings of War: Volume XXII
Chat 19 Schedule
Chat 17 report, savs and pics.
Can't build spaceship parts
running out of Resources
Chat 18 - Posts, saves and reports
Our spies report from inside the evil Iroquois Empire!
Chat 18 Report & save
$MiniGame Land Auction
Chat 20 Schedule
Restart our Democracy game? (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Chat 19 saves, pics and Report
What do people think of War with the Drones?
Election: Domestic Minister
Election: FAM
Election FAM (real)
Election President
President by committee
Just Got EU2
Will EU II work on Windows XP?
My holy grail of modding...
Official - Nominations for jobs.
Chat 20 Starting in 20 minutes!
Chat 20 Report
Picking Countries In EU2
Chat 21 Schedule
Presidential Announcement
history themed games not about power politics
Feudal $MiniGame DemoGame Start Thread (Select Page 1 2 )
Feudal $MiniGame Demogame: A New Government
UPGRADE TO 1.27 or not ?
is 256k enough RAM for current games? (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Tabejin Times: Steak Dinner 8/1
Just got HoI
Chat 21 STARTING Report Saves and Pics
BFM, Togas, WTF!?
Confirmation of GhengisFarb as Foreign Affairs Minister
Turning over a new leaf: New game parameters
Pop. growth rate
Gameplay questions?
Weekend Chat: Chat 22 schedule
Ignore list antics
EU2: Annexation
I may be gone longer than expected.
Most unrealistic "realism" game
Demo Game Restart: Number of opposing civilisations
New constitution for new game?
Crown of the North
where do you buy games? (Select Page 1 2 )
Department of Social Engineering
Foot of Goverment
Emancipation (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Change one thing about your parent's parenting. (Select Page 1 2 )
Magic: the Gathering goes hybrid fantasy! End of the world as we knew it? (Select Page 1 2 )
Balderdash PBEM (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 )
Democracy's FAQ?
SP choices
Power Block PBEM (Select Page 1 2 )
UTILITY: Civ 3 Replay Viewer.
WOW, you guys are still here? (Select Page 1 2 )
Balderdash PBEM (Select Page 1 2 )
Need Base Placement Plan By Next Turn!
Full custom races??
A New Constitution
Power Block: UnOrthOdOx vs CerberusIV
Political Party Thread (Select Page 1 2 )
The Paradox Forum
Starlanes Help
Battle Observation
Gift to Legoland.
Gift to Legoland.
Beat Generation
RAH rules VI: No Spamming! (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 )
Beat Generation
Daily Blueprint Special Edition!
games with "king" in the name. (Select Page 1 2 3 )
So, when is the official start?
What ships R better suited 4 what mission?
Build Queue Strategy (Select Page 1 2 )
|What are those civ groups?
help, plzzz reply
Goody Hut Settler
Ugh-Ook-Ack political party sign-up thread (Select Page 1 2 3 4 )
Presidential disability
Antaran techs
Semi-regular chat schedule discussion
Wartime rioting?
Swiss Cheese (a Schwyz AAR using the Independent Europe Scenario)
Hurricane Isabel's now a category 5! (eek.) (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 )
Stone Age Settlements Found Underwater in Britain
biblical question
What's happening to this game...
Your thoughts on the ACLU (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Should I get a new G5 Mac? (Select Page 1 2 )
Depression Planets
Liberals ! Want To Feel Better About Bush ? (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Searching for threads by same poster...
A sleeping monster that could destroy all life on earth awakens
The Trappings of War: Volume XXIX (2 parts, map included, 2nd part up later)
New Paper?
Chat 3 Progress & Report
The Australian civ group: Part 58 and a half (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 )
My Trebizondian game
Palace Ugrade Strategy
Name the game - part 2 (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 )
The Trapping of War: Volume XXX the Battle of Meridia
The Trappings of Polls: Now with multiple choice!
My problem
My other problem
Chat 4 Progress & Report
Trade away the farm for Writing?
Are You Ready for Some Football - Week 8 (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 )
ELECTION : Vice-President, Term 2
Venitian War
ACSPDG Elections: Term 1 Secretary of Economic Policies
yet more historical empire builders
What is the "Installation Check" patch ???
Chat 8 Orders
Chat 8 planning - c 2300GMT/1900EDT Friday
Nobel Prizes (Select Page 1 2 )
Long-Term Planning: Victory Goal
IRC Chat
Is my proffesor a mistaken or do I know nothing about Judaism? (Select Page 1 2 )
Haven't been here for a while
Call...For..Da-vid Fl-oyy-dd!
Chat 8 orders and thoughts
Replacement SMC Nominations
HOI Paratroopers
ACSPDG Elections: Term 1 Secretary of Economic Policies
Official Command Nexus Build Date Poll #2
Power to the People!
Turnthread in place of Turnchat 8
I'm back (sorry)
Announcing a new Newspaper!
Next Chat
country cahnging in eu2
country changing in eu2
Why Are South Koreans Trimming Their Tongues?: Shortcut to Better English (Select Page 1 2 )
Chat 8 save
dc poly meet this semester (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Pax Romana !! (Select Page 1 2 )
Think you're good with all the worlds known religions/beliefs?
Chat 9 scheduling
Does 50 cent suck? (Select Page 1 2 )
HOTW4 Out of Character Thread (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 )
Chat/Turnthread 9 underway
Term III Nominations
Next City Placement
Sobriety (Select Page 1 2 )
Question about US Election history (Select Page 1 2 )
Metallica, Linkin Park, RHCP vs. iTunes
Two Thrones?
Just saw "Chicago" (Select Page 1 2 )
Who is on your money? (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Paradox Forums?
C3C Intersite Game of Democracy
Inflation hell
Faction Creation
South Carolina Drug Sweep: Police State? (Select Page 1 2 3 )
centers of trade
Elections: Domestic Minister
Elections: President
Victoria review! (Select Page 1 2 )
CDF Orders-Discussion
Questions on turnless/simultaneous turn
Plans for C3C version of Patch Suggestion MOD (also known as Player1 MOD)
God Warning: Play the turn lest I play it for you!
Sengoku Shugun upgrade??
1.12 Released
Diplogame Faq And Reference Manual (Select Page 1 2 )
C3C ISDG - Signup thread (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 )
Turn Report 2113-2120
What are your pet peeves? Part XXIII
Separate but equal (Select Page 1 2 )
sig wars
sig wars
the Comission of Foreign Relations needs YOU!
Next Turn and Turnchats
New info revealed about CK!
Hive governmental structure
Site running slow?
The Prime Debate: Is 1 prime? (Select Page 1 2 )
no music
Trojan removal (Select Page 1 2 )
Saddam and al Qa'ida - why is Bush suppressing the evidence? (Select Page 1 2 )
i can't use air units on the carrier !!!
`apolyton` On A Plate
Activity Census
Organization of this Team
CONCATENATION (a word game) (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 )
I want to join any team.
Orders Thread 2120-2127 - Time to be determined
The PTW (C3C?) ISDG's Constitution
POLL! How should the UN reach a decision?
If we do an EPIC should we hve a Premade or Random Map?
Do we have ANYONE that actually wants to play?
Authorizing members for the Apoly Team (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Please Take The Pledge: (Select Page 1 2 3 4 )
Tabejin Times: Tis the Season Day 1
Ozzy Seriously Injured In Accident
Tabejin Times: Tis the Season day 2
the cato institute explains why young people should be pissed off (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 )
Who should or wants to be a mod(s)
The Future Of computer horrifing or not? (Select Page 1 2 )
Should banana-less polls be allowed? (Select Page 1 2 )
Same settings for both games?
{The List -} Government & Social Engineering (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 )
Map Settings Poll: World Size
Map Settings Poll: Map "type"
Map Settings Poll: Ocean Coverage
Map settings poll: Barbarian Activity Level
Map Settings Poll: World Age
How do we establish a time limit for turns?
Team Commitment, are we commited to TWO games?
Apolyton HOF Voting begins (Select Page 1 2 )
Adding cities to a sceanario map
Sweet! (dream thread) (Select Page 1 2 )
Well, maybe Iraq had Al-Qaeda ties after all. (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Landmark report
Old List availability
{The List-} Religion (Select Page 1 2 )
Tabejin Times: Day 5
Tabejin Times: Day 6
Country with best cinematography? (Select Page 1 2 3 )
New York state has a new tax! The good semeritan tax! (Select Page 1 2 )
Idea on city allegiance
Anyone see Jeopardy! the other night?
Mel Gibson's The Passion: "It Is As It Was." (Select Page 1 2 )
If a man...
Who should be held responsible? (Nukes)
Terrain Types
History of the World 4.0 - The Saga Continues (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 )
Questions that need answering. (Select Page 1 2 )
Where should we build the Fusion Reactor? (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Extreme Procrastination
Chess Boxing
Team Tabemono Christmas Breakfast.
Judge: I saw police commit felonies (Miami protests) (Select Page 1 2 )
C3C ISDG: Info Center
The Apolytonian Constitution
Forming the First Government
PRC: lots of people dead, but who cares? (Select Page 1 2 )
Strange AI tactics
Minister Positions: Post Here if Interested
Euro Sunday Evening Diplo (Select Page 1 2 )
Ozzy's Classical Eurodip: storythread (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 )
What exactly happens in survival mode?
Alright, which one of you is this: (Select Page 1 2 )
2004 is going to be a great year. (Select Page 1 2 )
Can I get an update?
What time frame do we expect to be able to play in?
Official Poll: Pre-made or Random?
Proposal: Ministry of Internal Information
Turn 2151 maps and discussion.
Unabridged MP Strategy Guide (Select Page 1 2 )
Foreign Affairs Subcommittee-State Information Bureau (FAS-SIB)
Your favorite threads of all time... (Select Page 1 2 )
Definitive Cycon/PEACE Poll
What the heck is Asher doing back?!
Baby suspected for terrorism (Select Page 1 2 )
Paradox site down all day?
i'm not leaving
Help with XP
Dorks Unite! - Best Comic Book Character Ever? (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Turn 2152
Minister Campaigns
CC trade possibility
Calling Diplogame Moders
Cycon, Peace and the Hive - the endless decision on what to wear
A question of political correctness
downloading music
Chemical Weapons found in Iraq (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 )
CC trade possibility
Discussion: Minister Terms
C3C Team Chat Channel
Iranian Conservatives Disquallify Reformist Candidates & Reformists Boycott Gov't
The first day of school :)
{The List} Resources (Select Page 1 2 3 )
You don't have to be a Republican to like this... (Select Page 1 2 )
New attributes for old tribes?
Can't wait to hear the screams about the ACLU on this one... (Select Page 1 2 3 4 )
Announcements from the Consuls
Game stops at 2050 AD. How to make it unlimited?
Let the Turn begin
"What Civ" Run-off Poll
Turn is done
Turn file
Another endorser for Foot-in-Mouth Dean (Select Page 1 2 3 )
How many -isms do we know? (Select Page 1 2 )
Later people.
Notice of Absence
"Component transfer error" when installing!
Buddy Is Paroled (Select Page 1 2 )
Medieval Toatal War files
time-waster computer games
2004 Special Diplo Event: "The Lord of the Rings"
Elections: hairperson of the Central Continuing Committee of the Human Hive
Disaster contingency plan
4th Harry Potter Movie to be most expensive film...ever (Select Page 1 2 )
New EU2 Beta
Intra-Hive PBEM (sign-up)
What did Nietzsche mean with "God is dead"? (Select Page 1 2 )
Theben! (Select Page 1 2 )
Age of Discovery PBEM Sign Up Take 3. (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 )
2154 in a nutshell
philosophy about god (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 )
Do Turnchats Twice A Week!
TurnChat 14 or 2004 - #2 (Select Page 1 2 )
Age of Discovery Democracy Game (Select Page 1 2 3 )
What are those golden stars in Capital cities?
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Can you set up a scenario so everyone researches at the SAME rate?
Lookin for a game today
Another deity game (Select Page 1 2 )
Sub Need for HOTW4 Game this weekend
Consul Elections
TurnChat / Senate Session 15 (Select Page 1 2 )
What is "Crown of the North"?
Save/load build que?
Copying existing scenario rules crash
Counterarguments to Leviticus 20:13 (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 )
Infanticide (Select Page 1 2 3 4 )
civ2 Diplo Group formed
HOTW4.0 Out of Charcter Thread part III (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 )
the consuls time starts with the start of the game
What makes a MP game fun?
automatic monotheist
Apolyton Team Avatar
A new photo thread (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 )
Beta site - City Name
Turn 2158
You know it's going to be a long night when.............
Rules: Objections to Proposed Amendments
Animal Rights and Abortion (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 )
C3C PBEM Tournament: Replacement Player Request #1
NFL: Off Season Action (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 )
The First Turn!!!!!!!!!! (Select Page 1 2 )
Eurodip 2004 - Classical; and through the ages! (Select Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 )
CMC: Foreign Relations, Diplomatic Military Advisor Needed
Official Poll: New Amendement Procedure
diplogamers CivGroup news
retirement announced
What Tech Do We Research?
Turn 1, 4000bc
UnO's Office. (Select Page 1 2 )
Paper Naming Suggestions.
Life is Good...Btw, I'm Back
Turns 2 - 5, 3900bc - 3750bc (Select Page 1 2 )
The Oracle of Apolloton (Select Page 1 2 3 )
~Anarchy~ Sign up
Crusader Kings goes gold
Turn2, 3950 BC
Ministry of Intelligence (Post all Intell and analysis here) (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Senate Session 30 (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Exploration North
The land of Azteca (Select Page 1 2 )
National maps!!! (Select Page 1 2 )
Name the Paper Poll
Apolyton HOF Time Again (Select Page 1 2 3 )
Turn 7, 3700bc
Name of our Second Armed Unit
Apolyton Build Queue
Turn 8, 3700bc
The Messenger: Volume I
The Kings New Version of Civing
Turn 9, 3600bc
The Messenger Mailing List.
3v3 or 2v2
Turn 10, 3550bc
Term V Goal - To raise our Demographic Profile
Turn 11, 3500bc
MoI Nominations
Announcing epic PBEM - players wanted!
Turn 12, 3450bc
Turn 13, 3400bc